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应求: principles and practices of interconnection networks

发表于 2009-3-5 10:09:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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  Dally and Towles use their combined threedecades of experience to create a book that elucidates the theory andpractice of computer interconnection networks. On one hand, they derive
fundamentalsand enumerate design alternatives. On the other, they present numerouscase studies and are not afraid to give their experienced opinions oncurrent choices and future trends. This book is a "must buy" for thoseinterested in or designing interconnection networks.

-Mark Hill, University of Wisconsin, Madison

Thescholarship of this book is unparalleled in its area. This text is forinterconnection networks what Hennessy and Patterson's text is forcomputer architecture---an authoritative, one-stop source that clearlyand methodically explains the more significant concepts. Treatment ofthe material both in breadth and in depth is very well done...a mustread and a slam dunk!
-Timothy Mark Pinkston, University of Southern California

Thisbook will serve as excellent teaching material, an invaluable researchreference, and a very handy supplement for system designers. Inaddition to documenting and clearly presenting the key researchfindings, the book's incisive practical treatment is unique. Bypresenting how actual design constraints impact each facet ofinterconnection network design, the book deftly ties theoreticalfindings of the past decades to real systems design. This perspectiveis critically needed in engineering education.
-Li-Shiuan Peh, Princeton University

Thisbook will instantly become a canonical reference in the field ofinterconnection networks. Prof. Dally's pioneering researchdramatically and permanently changed this field by introducing rigorousevaluation techniques and creative solutions to the challenge ofhigh-performance computer system communication. This well-organizedtextbook will benefit both students and experienced practitioners. Thepresentation and exercises are a result of years of classroomexperience in creating this material. All in all, this is a must-havesource of information.
-Craig Stunkel, IBM

Principlesand Practices of Interconnection Networks is a triple threat:comprehensive, well written and authoritative. The need for this bookhas grown with the increasing impact of interconnects on computersystem performance and cost. It will be a great tool for students andteachers alike, and will clearly help practicing engineers build betternetworks.
-Steve Scott, Cray Inc.

The mostcomprehensive and coherent work on modern interconnection networks. Asleaders in the field, Dally and Towles capitalize on their vastexperience as researchers and engineers to present both the theorybehind such networks and the practice of building them. This book is anecessity for anyone studying, analyzing, or designing interconnectionnetworks.
-Stephen W. Keckler, The University of Texas at Austin -- Review

Dallyand Towles use their combined three decades of experience to create abook that elucidates the theory and practice of computerinterconnection networks. On one hand, they derive fundamentals andenumerate design alternatives. On the other, they present numerous casestudies and are not afraid to give their experienced opinions oncurrent choices and future trends. This book is a "must buy" for thoseinterested in or designing interconnection networks. -Mark Hill,University of Wisconsin, Madison The scholarship of this book isunparalleled in its area. This text is for interconnection networkswhat Hennessy and Patterson's text is for computer architecture---anauthoritative, one-stop source that clearly and methodically explainsthe more significant concepts. Treatment of the material both inbreadth and in depth is very well done...a must read and a slam dunk!-Timothy Mark Pinkston, University of Southern California This bookwill serve as excellent teaching material, an invaluable researchreference, and a very handy supplement for system designers. Inaddition to documenting and clearly presenting the key researchfindings, the book's incisive practical treatment is unique. Bypresenting how actual design constraints impact each facet ofinterconnection network design, the book deftly ties theoreticalfindings of the past decades to real systems design. This perspectiveis critically needed in engineering education. -Li-Shiuan Peh,Princeton University This book will instantly become a canonicalreference in the field of interconnection networks. Prof. Dally'spioneering research dramatically and permanently changed this field byintroducing rigorous evaluation techniques and creative solutions tothe challenge of high-performance computer system communication. Thiswell-organized textbook will benefit both students and experiencedpractitioners. The presentation and exercises are a result of years ofclassroom experience in creating this material. All in all, this is amust-have source of information. -Craig Stunkel, IBM Principles andPractices of Interconnection Networks is a triple threat:comprehensive, well written and authoritative. The need for this bookhas grown with the increasing impact of interconnects on computersystem performance and cost. It will be a great tool for students andteachers alike, and will clearly help practicing engineers build betternetworks. -Steve Scott, Cray Inc. The most comprehensive and coherentwork on modern interconnection networks. As leaders in the field, Dallyand Towles capitalize on their vast experience as researchers andengineers to present both the theory behind such networks and thepractice of building them. This book is a necessity for anyonestudying, analyzing, or designing interconnection networks. -Stephen W.Keckler, The University of Texas at Austin

  Dally and Towles use theircombined three decades of experience to create a book that elucidatesthe theory and practice of computer interconnection networks. On onehand, they derive
fundamentals and enumerate design alternatives. Onthe other, they present numerous case studies and are not afraid togive their experienced opinions on current choices and future trends.This book is a "must buy" for those interested in or designinginterconnection networks.

-Mark Hill, University of Wisconsin, Madison

Thescholarship of this book is unparalleled in its area. This text is forinterconnection networks what Hennessy and Patterson's text is forcomputer architecture---an authoritative, one-stop source that clearlyand methodically explains the more significant concepts. Treatment ofthe material both in breadth and in depth is very well done...a mustread and a slam dunk!
-Timothy Mark Pinkston, University of Southern California

Thisbook will serve as excellent teaching material, an invaluable researchreference, and a very handy supplement for system designers. Inaddition to documenting and clearly presenting the key researchfindings, the book's incisive practical treatment is unique. Bypresenting how actual design constraints impact each facet ofinterconnection network design, the book deftly ties theoreticalfindings of the past decades to real systems design. This perspectiveis critically needed in engineering education.
-Li-Shiuan Peh, Princeton University

Thisbook will instantly become a canonical reference in the field ofinterconnection networks. Prof. Dally's pioneering researchdramatically and permanently changed this field by introducing rigorousevaluation techniques and creative solutions to the challenge ofhigh-performance computer system communication. This well-organizedtextbook will benefit both students and experienced practitioners. Thepresentation and exercises are a result of years of classroomexperience in creating this material. All in all, this is a must-havesource of information.
-Craig Stunkel, IBM

Principlesand Practices of Interconnection Networks is a triple threat:comprehensive, well written and authoritative. The need for this bookhas grown with the increasing impact of interconnects on computersystem performance and cost. It will be a great tool for students andteachers alike, and will clearly help practicing engineers build betternetworks.
-Steve Scott, Cray Inc.

The mostcomprehensive and coherent work on modern interconnection networks. Asleaders in the field, Dally and Towles capitalize on their vastexperience as researchers and engineers to present both the theorybehind such networks and the practice of building them. This book is anecessity for anyone studying, analyzing, or designing interconnectionnetworks.
-Stephen W. Keckler, The University of Texas at Austin   

Principles and Practices of Interconnection Networks.part1.rar

4.67 MB, 下载次数: 842 , 下载积分: 资产 -3 信元, 下载支出 3 信元

Principles and Practices of Interconnection Networks.part2.rar

1.24 MB, 下载次数: 598 , 下载积分: 资产 -2 信元, 下载支出 2 信元

发表于 2009-3-16 23:20:41 | 显示全部楼层
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thanks LZ
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