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求助:modified desicion/codition coverage

发表于 2009-2-23 05:57:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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最近在做一个project 是关于condition coverage的 不知从何下手 希望大家给点建议
Condition Coverage in Processor Verification
The most difficult part of hardware design (RTL) verification is deciding when to stop. Various metrics, including structural and functional coverage, are used to make this decision. Structural coverage has several advantages over functional coverage, such as being objective and requiring no extra (error-prone) coding. Condition coverage is a structural coverage metric mandated to be used in the verification of safety-critical software. However, despite its availability in most RTL coverage tools, it is rarely used for RTL sign-off.
The project will look at the value of using condition coverage in hardware, and in particular processor, verification. For example it will look at whether condition coverage is good for finding common bugs. Both a theoretical and empirical approach will be used. The theoretical approach will be informed by publications on software verification and the empirical approach will use data from the verification of a leading embedded processor.
The project will require good hardware design and verification knowledge, and good research skills, such as the ability to review literature and produce original work. The project will be carried out in conjunction with the local office of a large semiconductor company(Infineon Technologies).
Thanks a lot!
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