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what's the syntax

发表于 2009-2-9 14:11:56 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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I just started to read ovm and systemverilog.But got puzzled in the example of ovm:

        "class xbus_master_driver extends ovm_driver #(xbus_transfer);"

what's the meaning of "#(xbus_transfer)"?
what's the difference from "class xbus_master_driver #(xbus_transfer extends ovm_driver #(xbus_transfer);".

Thanks if you can explain or tell me where I can find explanation.
发表于 2009-2-9 15:49:30 | 显示全部楼层
what's the meaning of "#(xbus_transfer)"?

parameterized class, similar to parameterized module in verilog
 楼主| 发表于 2009-2-9 16:02:32 | 显示全部楼层
find in sv ref:

A parameterized class can extend another parameterized class. For example:
class C #(type T = bit); ... endclass // base class
class D1 #(type P = real) extends C; // T is bit (the default)
class D2 #(type P = real) extends C #(integer); // T is integer
class D3 #(type P = real) extends C #(P); // T is P
Class D1 extends the base class C using the base class’s default type (bit) parameter. Class D2 extends the base
class C using an integer parameter. Class D3 extends the base class C using the parameterized type (P) with
which the extended class is parameterized.
发表于 2009-2-9 16:36:21 | 显示全部楼层
please paste the source code of ovm_drvier.

Without sufficient information the question can't be answered.
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