
楼主 |
发表于 2009-3-10 20:29:50
原帖由 allenogz 于 2009-3-9 23:59 发表
1.验证工程师要懒惰,这样才会想到reuse,而不是这个项目拼命coding TB,下个项目又继续coding TB....永远地牧羊人。。。。
2在中国,拥有懒惰思维的不多。。。。而不仅要懒惰,而且,为了这种懒惰,必须更加勤奋地去 ...
In Perl, laziness is a virtue.
Laziness doesn't mean not to work, but work smartly and efficiently. To achieve this, we must automate allrepeatable and boring part of job to concentrate on the things which really matter and interest us.. |