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Signal Integrity and Radiated Emission of High-Speed Digital Systems 2008

发表于 2008-11-3 16:16:49 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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AuthorCaniggia, Spartaco
Publication Date08/2008
RolesCaniggia, Spartaco : Author
RolesMaradei, Francescaromana : Author
SubjectWaves & Wave Mechanics

Before putting digital systems for information technology or telecommunication applications on the market, an essential requirement is to perform tests in order to comply with the limits of radiated emission imposed by the standards. This book provides an investigation into signal integrity (SI) and electromagnetic interference (EMI) problems. Topics such as reflections, crosstalk, switching noise and radiated emission (RE) in high-speed digital systems are covered, which are essential for IT and telecoms applications. The highly important topic of modelling is covered which can reduce costs by enabling simulation data to demonstrate that a product meets design specifications and regulatory limits. According to the new European EMC directive, this can help to avoid the expensive use of large semi-anechoic chambers or open area test sites for radiated emission assessments. Following a short introduction to signalling and radiated interference in digital systems, the book provides a detailed characterization of logic families in terms of static and dynamic characteristic useful for modelling techniques.  Crosstalk in multi-coupled line structures are investigated by analytical, graphical and circuit-based methods, and techniques to mitigate these phenomena are provided. Grounding, filtering and shielding with multilayer PCBs are also examined and design rules given.
  • Written by authors with extensive experience in industry and academia.
  • Explains basic conceptual problems from a theoretical and practical point of view by using numerous measurements and simulations.
  • Presents models for mathematical and SPICE-like circuit simulators.
  • Provides examples of using  full-wave codes for SI and RE investigations.
  • Companion website containing lists of codes and sample material.
Signal Integrity and Radiated Emission of High-Speed Digital Systems is a valuable resource to industrial designers of information technology, telecommunication equipment and automation equipment as well as to development engineers. It will also be of interest to managers and designers of consumer electronics, and researchers in electronics.
 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-3 16:18:03 | 显示全部楼层
List of Examples xiii
Foreword xvii
Preface xix
1 Introduction to Signal Integrity and Radiated Emission in a Digital System 1
1.1 Power and Signal Integrity 2
1.1.1 Power Distribution Network 3
1.1.2 Signal Distribution Network 5
1.1.3 Noise Limitations and Design for Characteristic Impedance 7
1.2 Radiated Emission 9
1.2.1 Definition of Radiated Emission Sources 9
1.2.2 Radiated Emission Standards 11
1.2.3 Radiated Emission from a Real System 17
1.3 Signaling and Logic Devices 19
1.3.1 Overshoot, Undershoot and Plateau 20
1.3.2 Noise Immunity 24
1.3.3 Timing Parameters 25
1.3.4 Eye Diagram 27
1.4 Modeling Digital Systems 29
1.4.1 Mathematical Tools 29
1.4.2 Spice-Like Circuit Simulators 30
1.4.3 Full-Wave Numerical Tools 31
1.4.4 Professional Simulators 34
References 34
2 High-Speed Digital Devices 37
2.1 Input/Output Static Characteristic 37
2.1.1 Current and Voltage Specifications 37
2.1.2 Transistor–Transistor Logic (TTL) Devices 39
2.1.3 Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) Devices 42
2.1.4 Emitter-Coupled Logic (ECL) Devices 44
2.1.5 Low-Voltage Differential Signal (LVDS) Devices 45
2.1.6 Logic Devices Powered and the Logic Level 45
2.2 Dynamic Characteristics: Gate Delay and Rise and Fall Times 46
vi Contents
2.3 Driver and Receiver Modeling 48
2.3.1 Types of Driver Model 48
2.3.2 Driver Switching Currents Path 50
2.3.3 Driver Non-Linear Behavioral Model 51
2.3.4 Receiver Non-Linear Behavioral Modeling 53
2.4 I/O Buffer Information Specification (IBIS) Models 54
2.4.1 Structure of an IBIS Model 54
2.4.2 IBIS Models and Spice 56
References 58
3 Inductance 59
3.1 Loop Inductance 59
3.1.1 Inductances of Coupled Loops 60
3.1.2 Inductances of Thin Filamentary Circuits 62
3.1.3 Equivalent Circuit of Two Coupled Loops 62
3.1.4 L Matrix of Two Coupled Conductors Having a Reference
Return Conductor 63
3.1.5 L Calculation of a Three-Conductor Wire-Type Line 65
3.1.6 Frequency-Dependent Internal Inductance 66
3.2 Partial Inductance 67
3.2.1 Partial Inductances of Coupled Loops 67
3.2.2 Flux Area of Partial Inductance of Thin Filamentary Segments 68
3.2.3 Loop Inductance Decomposed into Partial Inductances 70
3.2.4 Self and Mutual Partial Inductance 72
3.2.5 Inductance Between Two Parallel Conductors 74
3.2.6 Loop Inductance Matrix Calculation by Partial Inductances 75
3.2.7 Partial Inductance Associated with a Finite Ground Plane 76
3.2.8 Solving Inductance Problems in PCBs 77
3.3 Differential Mode and Common Mode Inductance 79
3.3.1 Differential Mode Inductance 79
3.3.2 Common Mode Inductance 80
References 81
4 Capacitance 83
4.1 Capacitance Between Conductors 83
4.1.1 Definition of Capacitance 83
4.1.2 Partial Capacitance and Capacitance Matrix of Two Coupled
Conductors Having a Reference Return Conductor 85
4.1.3 Capacitance Matrix of n Coupled Conductors Having a Reference
Return Conductor 86
4.2 Differential Mode and Common Mode Capacitance 87
4.2.1 Differential Mode Capacitance 87
4.2.2 Common Mode Capacitance 88
References 89
Contents vii
5 Reflection on Signal Lines 91
5.1 Electrical Parameters of Interconnects 91
5.1.1 Typical Interconnects 91
5.1.2 Equivalent Circuit of a Short Interconnect 92
5.1.3 Lossless Transmission Lines 94
5.1.4 Transmission-Line Modeling by Using Partial Inductances 96
5.2 Incident and Reflected Waves in Lossless Transmission Lines 96
5.2.1 Resistive Discontinuity 97
5.2.2 Capacitive Discontinuity 97
5.2.3 Reflections in Interconnects Terminated with Resistive Loads 99
5.2.4 Critical Length of Interconnects 100
5.2.5 Lattice Diagram for Reflection Calculation 101
5.2.6 Exact Model of a Lossless Transmission Line 102
5.2.7 Graphical Solution for Line Voltages 105
5.3 Signal Distribution Architecture 109
5.3.1 Point-to-Point Structure 110
5.3.2 Star Structure 110
5.3.3 Chain Structure 111
5.3.4 Bus Structure 112
5.3.5 H-Tree Structure 112
5.3.6 Comb Structure 112
5.4 Line Terminations 114
5.4.1 Th´evenin Termination 114
5.4.2 Series, Parallel, and AC Terminations 117
5.4.3 Series Termination and Comparison with Other Terminations by
Circuit Simulations 117
5.4.4 Th´evenin Termination Applied to Chain Structures and
Circuit Simulations 118
5.4.5 Series Termination Applied to Chain Structures and Circuit
Simulations 120
5.4.6 Th´evenin Termination Applied to Bus Structures and Circuit Simulations 121
5.4.7 Termination and Interconnection Structures 123
5.4.8 Termination Performance 123
References 124
6 Crosstalk 125
6.1 Lumped-Circuit Model of Coupled Lines 126
6.1.1 Equivalent Circuit of Two Coupled Lines with a Reference Ground 126
6.1.2 Capacitive Coupling 127
6.1.3 Inductive Coupling 129
6.1.4 Total Coupling 130
6.1.5 Simulations of Two Coupled Lines 130
6.2 Common and Differential Modes 133
6.2.1 Definition of Even and Odd Modes 134
6.2.2 Equivalent Circuit Based on Even and Odd Modes 136
viii Contents
6.2.3 Equivalent Circuit for the Differential Transmission Mode 137
6.2.4 Simulations of Point-to-Point and Chain Structure by Even and Odd Modes 137
6.3 Models for Digital Devices: Simulation and Measurements 140
6.4 General Distributed Model for Lossless Multiconductor Transmission Lines 150
6.4.1 Equivalent Circuit of n Coupled Lossless Lines 151
6.4.2 Measurements and Simulations of Five Coupled Lines with TTL
and CMOS Devices 152
6.5 Techniques to Reduce Crosstalk 157
6.5.1 Fixes to Reduce Crosstalk 157
6.5.2 Simulations of Coupled Lines with Grounded Traces used as
a Shield 158
6.5.3 Full-Wave Numerical Simulations of Two Coupled Lines 158
References 161
7 Lossy Transmission Lines 163
7.1 Lossy Line Fundamental Parameters 164
7.1.1 Reflection Mechanism in a Lossy Line 164
7.1.2 Skin Effect 167
7.1.3 Proximity Effect 171
7.1.4 Lossy Dielectric Effect 173
7.1.5 Data Transmission with Lossy Lines 175
7.2 Modeling Lossy Lines in the Time Domain by the Segmentation Approach
and Vector Fitting Technique 183
7.2.1 Circuit Extraction of Coaxial Cables 184
7.2.2 Circuit Extraction of Twisted-Pair Cables 195
7.3 Modeling Lossy Lines in the Time Domain by the Scattering Parameters
Technique 207
7.4 Conclusions 215
References 216
8 Delta I-Noise 219
8.1 Switching Noise 220
8.1.1 Power Distribution Network 220
8.1.2 Switching Current Path 225
8.1.3 Design Rules 236
8.2 Filtering Power Distribution 237
8.2.1 Filtering Multilayer PCBs 237
8.2.2 Measurement of Power Distribution Network Impedance 244
8.2.3 PCB Circuit Model Based on Radial Transmission Line Theory 245
8.3 Ground Bounce 254
8.3.1 Ground Bounce Mechanism 255
8.3.2 Circuit Simulations to Understand the Ground Bounce Mechanism 256
8.3.3 Measurements of an LVT Benchmark 257
8.4 Crosstalk and Switching Noise 262
8.4.1 Measurements and Simulations of the SQ-Test Board with Three
Coupled Lines and 74AC04 Devices 262
References 266
Contents ix
9 PCB Radiated Emission 269
9.1 Frequency Characterization of a Digital Signal 270
9.1.1 Spectrum of a Trapezoidal Waveform 270
9.1.2 Spectrum of Typical Noises 274
9.2 The Radiated Emission Problem 276
9.2.1 Radiation from a Wire Antenna 278
9.2.2 Common- and Differential-Mode Currents and Radiations 279
9.2.3 Emission Due to Line Asymmetrical Feed 281
9.2.4 Differential-Mode Current and Radiated Emission of a
Transmission Line 282
9.2.5 Common-Mode Current and Radiated Emission of a Transmission Line 284
9.2.6 Image Plane 287
9.3 Emission from Traces 289
9.3.1 Antenna Models for Calculating the Radiation of Microstrip and
Stripline Structures 289
9.4 Emission from ICs 295
9.4.1 Radiated Emission Mechanism from Components in a PCB 296
9.5 Emission from a Real PCB 298
9.6 Emission from a PCB with an Attached Cable 303
9.6.1 Sources of Emission 303
9.6.2 Current- and Voltage-Driven Mechanisms with a Trace in a PCB 303
9.7 Differential Drivers as Sources of Emission 318
9.7.1 Common-Mode Current with Differential Drivers 318
9.7.2 Radiated Field Mechanism of UTP and SFTP Cables 319
9.8 Emission from a Complex System 327
9.8.1 Emission Model of Coaxial Cables 330
9.8.2 Low-Frequency Model of an Aperture 336
9.9 Radiation Diagrams 341
9.10 Points to Remember and Design Rules for Radiated Emission 349
References 352
10 Grounding in PCBs 355
10.1 Common-Mode Coupling 355
10.1.1 What is Ground? 356
10.1.2 Ground Loop Coupling and Transfer Impedance 356
10.1.3 Grounding Strategy 363
10.2 Ground and Power Distribution in a Multilayer PCB 365
10.2.1 Return Path for the Signal 366
10.2.2 Power (PWR) and Ground (GND) Layer Planning and Topology 370
10.2.3 Trace Changing Reference Plane 370
10.2.4 Split Power Plane 372
10.2.5 Moats/Barriers and Bridges 373
10.2.6 Stitches 374
10.3 Grounding at PCB Connectors 375
10.3.1 Ground Noise and Transfer Impedance 375
x Contents
10.3.2 Pin Assignment 381
10.3.3 Grounding a PCB to a Chassis 384
10.3.4 Techniques to Limit Emission from Cables 385
10.4 Partitioning and Modeling 393
10.4.1 Modeling the Power Distribution with a Driver for Simulations 400
10.5 Points to Remember and Design Rules for Grounding in PCBs 402
References 406
11 Measurement and Modeling 409
11.1 Time-Domain Reflectometer (TDR) 410
11.1.1 TDR as a ‘Closed-Loop Radar’ 410
11.1.2 TDR Resolution and Aberrations 412
11.1.3 TDR and Lossy Lines 415
11.1.4 Differential TDR 416
11.2 Vector Network Analyzer (VNA) 417
11.2.1 Scattering Parameter Definition 417
11.2.2 VNA Calibration 420
11.2.3 Extraction of Equivalent Circuits by S-Parameter Simulations 421
11.2.4 Conclusions Concerning VNA Measurements and Simulations 429
11.3 Prediction Model Validation by Radiated Emission Measurements 431
11.3.1 Uncertainty of the EMC Lab for Radiated Field Measurements
and Numerical Simulations 431
11.3.2 Modeling the Radiating Source 436
11.3.3 Conclusion Concerning Validation of the Numerical Prediction
Model for Radiated Emission by Comparison with Measurements 439
References 440
12 Differential Signaling and Discontinuity Modeling in PCBs 441
12.1 Differential Signal Transmission 442
12.1.1 Single-Ended Versus Differential Signal Transmission 442
12.1.2 Differential Interconnect with Traces in PCBs and the ATCA Standard 445
12.1.3 Differential Devices: Signal Level Comparison 447
12.1.4 Differential Signal Distribution and Terminations 447
12.1.5 LVDS Devices 451
12.2 Modeling Packages and Interconnect Discontinuities in PCBs 466
12.2.1 Multilayer Boards 466
12.2.2 Bends 466
12.2.3 Serpentines 468
12.2.4 Ground Slot 468
12.2.5 Vias 471
12.2.6 Connectors 473
12.2.7 IC Package 475
References 477
Appendix A Formulae for Partial Inductance Calculation 481
A.1 Round Wires 481
Contents xi
A.2 Busbars 483
A.3 Examples of Application of the Inductance Formulae 485
References 485
Appendix B Characteristic Impedance, Delay Time, and Attenuation
of Microstrips and Striplines 487
B.1 Microstrip 487
B.2 Stripline 489
B.3 Trace Attenuation and the Proximity-Effect Parameter 490
References 492
Appendix C Computation of Resonances in the Power Distribution Network
of a PCB 493
C.1 Cavity Model 493
C.2 Spice Model 497
C.3 Numerical Model 498
C.4 Results of the Simulations 498
References 500
Appendix D Formulae for Simple Radiating Structures 501
D.1 Wire Structures 501
D.2 Wires and Ground Planes 503
D.3 Emission from Apertures 505
References 505
Appendix E The Nodal Method to Calculate the Partial Inductance of Finite
Ground Planes 507
E.1 Nodal Method Equations 507
E.2 Nodal Method Applied to Compute the Partial Inductance Associated with
a Finite Ground Plane 508
References 511
Appendix F Files on the Web 513
F.1 Program Files of Chapter 1 513
F.2 Program Files of Chapter 2 513
F.3 Program Files of Chapter 5 513
F.4 Program Files of Chapter 6 514
F.5 Program Files of Chapter 7 514
F.6 Program Files of Chapter 8 515
F.7 Program Files of Chapter 9 516
F.8 Program Files of Chapter 10 517
Index 519
 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-3 16:19:39 | 显示全部楼层

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Thank you very much!!
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Good book, Thanks
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