发表于 2012-3-30 12:39:41
回复 1739# fhchen2002
在目录里有我们比较感兴趣的是 Electrical Engineering,398本书
选择目录、书本,进入相应的页面,比如书:Sensors: Advancements in Modeling, Design Issues, Fabrication and Practical Applications,网页是http://www.freebookspot.com/Comments.aspx?Element_ID=5199,这里可以看到书的基本介绍,
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7727 Book http://rapidshare.com/files/132524038/Ad... no 27,40 249 converter X
点link“http://rapidshare.com/files/132524038/Ad...”,进入新的网页,点FREE USER,过40秒会出现下载按纽,点按纽下载前可以点“ADVANCED DOWNLOAD SETTING”左边的加号选择不同速度的服务器下载。
zzz July 28, 2008
Detail instruction for novice:
1. Browse around the categories and select the book you want by clicking on its title or cover image.
2. That takes you to a page with details of the book. On the bottom in a box that says "Links" is a hyperlink to the rapidshare web site.
Click the link.
3. That takes you to the rapidshare web site where you have the option of selecting "Premium" or "Free".
Click the "Free" button.
4. You are then asked to enter a verification code which is displayed as jumbled letters and numbers.
Enter that and click where it says "download from Cogent network" (or something like that).
5. Save the file to your hard disk.
6. It is a .rar file which is an archived file. To open it you need a de-archiving program such as http://www.7-zip.org/
7. When you try to open the archive file you will be asked for a password (in fact when I used 7Zip I was asked twice).
The password is books_for_all (as usual but not always - just see Password field in description area).
Have fun! |