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Digital Design: An Embedded Systems Approach Using Verilog provides afoundation in digital design for students in computer engineering,electrical engineering and computer science courses. It takes anup-to-date and modern approach of presenting digital logic design as anactivity in a larger systems design context.
Rather than focuson aspects of digital design that have little relevance in a realisticdesign context, this book concentrates on modern and evolving knowledgeand design skills. Hardware description language (HDL)-based design andverification is emphasized--Verilog examples are used extensivelythroughout. By treating digital logic as part of embedded systemsdesign, this book provides an understanding of the hardware needed inthe analysis and design of systems comprising both hardware andsoftware components.
Includes a Web site with links to vendor tools, labs and tutorials.
Presents digital logic design as an activity in a larger systems design context.
Featuresextensive use of Verilog examples to demonstrate HDL usage at theabstract behavioural level and register transfer level, as well as forlow-level verification and verification environments.
Includes worked examples throughout to enhance the reader's understanding and retention of the material.
CompanionWeb site includes links to CAD tools for FPGA design from Synplicity,Mentor Graphics, and Xilinx, Verilog source code for all the examplesin the book, lecture slides, laboratory projects, and solutions toexercises. |