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Texas A&M University 模拟电路课程讲义,主讲做低功耗非常有名的Edgar Sánchez-Sinencio
Lect 1 Introduction and technology size considerations
Lect 2 nest gm-c
Lect 3 Driver (output) Amplifiers
Lect 4 Voltage references and band gaps
Lect 5 Rail to rail Amplifiers
Lect 6Low Voltage Design Techniques
Lect 7 Floating Gate Techniques
Lect 8 Bulk-Driven Techniques
Lect 9 Common-Mode Feedback Concepts and Circuits
Lect 10 Fully Balanced Fully Symmetric Circuits
Lect10 B Negative Impedance Implementation
Lect 11 DC level shifters and applications
Lect 12 LDO Fundamentals
Lect 13 Class-D Amplifiers: Fundamentals and implementations.
Lect 14 Multipliers
Lect 15Low voltage OTAs using different techniques
Lect 16 Switched-Capacitors: Fundamentals I, II
Lect 17 S/H Circuits
[ 本帖最后由 dillion448 于 2008-6-5 20:09 编辑 ] |