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电路设计资料 今日: 0|主题: 14732|排名: 10 

IC数字前端设计经典书 attachment  ...23456..59 fancyher 2006-8-7 58478676 xuleiwx1 2022-9-3 12:48
[原创] 首发【Wiley 09 SI 新书】Advanced Signal Integrity for High-Speed Digital Designs attachment agree  ...23456..58 LasVegas 2009-3-26 57966404 hclin 2024-4-9 01:30
分析ESD原因以及防护和改善对策(汇集多年的ESD整改经验)免费万岁 attachment  ...23456..58 qf2006 2006-9-16 57863299 Faithless 2023-7-28 13:44
[原创] 电路设计漫谈1-17 (原创,电路瞎侃) attachment digest  ...23456..58 sun_ic 2011-5-21 57682234 cyzz7212 2021-2-23 16:16
[资料] Cadence官方全套培训资料保持更新(部分有中文手册)(2011-12-20更新)(申请精华) attachment  ...23456..58 chresty 2010-5-9 572102371 nicolast86 2024-4-26 14:09
发本好书:信号完整性分析中文版(Signal Integrity:Simplified) attachment  ...23456..57 99668 2009-7-8 56871193 mimiww 2022-9-29 09:20
【圣诞献礼】经典国外EMC教材之《电磁兼容的印制电路板设计(第二版)》高清晰版 attachment agree  ...23456..56 luntan12 2008-12-24 55752830 李天空 2021-10-16 10:26
Cadence版图设计教程(免费) attachment  ...23456..55 茶堂小厮 2008-6-29 54084233 Json 2023-8-8 16:51
Allegro 15.2内部培训教材(绝对经典!!) attachment  ...23456..54 shuangzi 2008-9-7 53455232 xyzabc123333 2019-1-28 15:27
pcb设计的必备!!!国外超级流行的好书 attachment  ...23456..54 lyfe 2007-9-5 53246173 xyzabc123333 2019-1-28 15:32
Intel 牛人写的书: Designing High-Speed Interconnect Circuits attachment agree  ...23456..54 benemale 2008-8-27 53066732 cnanren 2022-10-2 20:50
【电磁兼容技术系列】EMC 电磁兼容设计与测试案例分析 attachment agree  ...23456..53 luntan12 2008-12-5 52753932 dj412731181 2021-12-15 00:13
Jitter, Noise, and Signal Integrity at High-Speed attachment  ...23456..52 drjiachen 2008-4-22 51955636 a056433j 2022-11-12 16:25
AnsoftLinks 4.1(含crack) attachment  ...23456..52 dcjiang 2008-11-13 51656952 beichenliuzhu 2021-11-10 15:17
振荡电路的设计与应用【稻叶 保】pdf attachment  ...23456..52 sun792113 2008-4-23 51541303 FZUYJY 2016-6-30 12:02
DC-DC原理的培训讲义 attachment  ...23456..52 tfliu 2007-12-26 51455437 王鑫神 2021-11-20 11:38
高速电路信号完整性分析与设计——好书 attachment agree  ...23456..51 angelicml 2009-3-3 50649798 haifa618 2018-12-29 14:24
国内模拟电路最经典的教材 模拟电子线路 童诗白 attachment  ...23456..51 我是戈多 2007-12-24 50553553 wgm107 2021-12-23 11:05
[资料] laker 32v4下载 此license已过期,请大家自己寻找新的 attachment  ...23456..51 he3024 2009-12-30 50038521 stara 2014-7-18 12:20
DDR SDRAM技术总结-中文 attachment  ...23456..50 stonehillzou 2008-1-9 49554298 weiquji 2019-4-7 18:18
深入了解示波器——包括探头、各种信号测量、捕捉等等[吐血推荐]要求加精啦!!! attachment  ...23456..49 huai_shu 2008-11-24 48643709 amplifier_bias 2019-9-27 20:24
(经典教材) McGraw Hill - Digital Communications By John Proakis 4th Edition attachment  ...23456..47 madhero 2007-1-17 46445614 jihuang0212 2016-2-2 18:40
全美经典学习指导系列丛书===陆续上传 attachment  ...23456..46 teradyne 2006-7-9 45339373 坏猫阿汤哥 2017-10-31 11:16
台湾ESD协会推荐文章——ESD/Latchup测试方法 attachment  ...23456..45 ygnhn 2006-9-18 44771110 rainlym09 2022-6-14 10:04
[S R.Al-ArajiI]Digital Phase Lock Loops:一本关于PLL设计的好书 attachment agree  ...23456..45 harveyaccton 2009-7-8 44448366 张尹呈 2021-10-13 23:23
强烈推荐---电子工程师必看之电容篇 attachment  ...23456..45 keenboyee 2005-10-29 44346039 hyde1004 2015-11-6 21:10
自举电路(很全面的原理及应用) attachment  ...23456..45 584243817 2008-12-30 44246638 Rainrun 2016-11-2 21:40
电子学基础:电路和元器件(第4版) attachment  ...23456..44 nihenhao 2008-12-14 43951291 soldierwuhan 2023-4-11 13:45
Digital Fundamentals (9th Edition)-Thomas L. Floyd英文PD,不是dvju版,高清HD attachment  ...23456..44 nihenhao 2008-12-13 43769338 postme 2023-6-28 13:01
模拟CMOS集成电路设计(中文,拉扎维) attachment  ...23456..44 heshunlg 2007-8-22 43346581 zouct 2021-6-30 16:19
《电磁兼容的印制电路板设计(第二版)》pdf版 attachment  ...23456..43 meidinlei 2008-12-31 42942577 chenxz_123456 2017-12-18 16:45
ebook: EMC and The Printed Circuit Board: Design, Theory, and Layout Made Simple attachment  ...23456..43 megafit 2006-11-2 42453189 bingshuihuo 2022-6-2 08:33
LC滤波器设计与制作 attachment  ...23456..43 free123dd 2008-11-17 42245037 落雪听禅 2020-10-11 22:18
信号完整性和印制电路版_电子书下载 attachment  ...23456..42 wanghanq 2007-8-16 41949220 sdc 2017-11-4 15:15
华为_高速数字电路设计教材_压缩过 attachment  ...23456..42 shawkle 2007-12-7 41944594 495277071 2014-3-3 22:02
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