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Analog/RF IC 资料共享 今日: 16 |主题: 39763|排名: 1 

[其它] 申请删帖 新人帖 EE_Tiantian 2022-4-15 21497 chen5154 2022-4-17 15:40
[其它] Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI)Systems, IEEE Transactions 2006 attachment  ...2 mabas.masood 2012-12-2 112879 cdting 2022-3-18 02:21
[其它] Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI)Systems, IEEE Transactions 2013 attachment  ...2 mabas.masood 2013-2-10 152925 cdting 2022-3-17 12:20
[其它] Agilent GoldenGate RFIC Simulation Software 2013.10 - 4.8.3 + FIX attach_img  ...23456 mabas.masood 2014-4-27 5021167 ronnie3560 2022-3-10 14:01
[其它] sonnet 15.52 windows with keygen attach_img  ...23456..38 mabas.masood 2014-12-3 37255340 chunyi.cm96g.1 2022-1-6 17:02
[其它] RSOFT_COMPONENT_2018_12-64 新人帖 attach_img hanshoubao 2021-3-18 21683 ronehwa 2021-10-15 14:22
[其它] 求cadence IC6 IBM 130nm CMRF8SF PDK  ...23 miliohm 2013-6-16 239132 netmosquito 2021-9-26 17:57
悬赏 [其它] 求Tanner Tools 2016 x64电路仿真软件 - [已解决] Evil_CK 2018-9-11 72908 狱火虫 2021-4-16 11:50
[其它] IC-Layout-basics-a-Practical-Guide-Christopher-and-Judy-Saint402303- attachment  ...2 studentclass78 2014-12-6 165234 ni2121 2021-3-28 21:16
[其它] 用於sensor sigma delta AD研究 who can upload full paper attachment peterlin2010 2021-3-17 61672 amigo.change 2021-3-21 17:11
[其它] Agilent GoldenGate RFIC Simulation Software 2013.10 - 4.8.3 + FIX attachment  ...23456..10 mabas.masood 2014-4-23 9224534 trad03r2 2021-2-4 10:47
[其它] RF Power Amplifiers wiley 2014 attachment  ...23456..7 mabas.masood 2014-10-24 6212885 AlexKe 2020-12-16 09:53
[其它] IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers tcas1 2011 attachment  ...2 mabas.masood 2012-11-15 144337 newrfdesign 2020-12-2 08:49
[其它] IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers tcas1 2010 attachment  ...2 mabas.masood 2012-11-15 114360 newrfdesign 2020-12-2 08:24
[其它] IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers tcas1 2008 attachment  ...2 mabas.masood 2012-11-14 174427 newrfdesign 2020-12-2 06:58
[其它] IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers tcas1 2007 attachment  ...2 mabas.masood 2012-11-13 173728 newrfdesign 2020-12-2 02:39
[其它] US Radio spectrum attachment @@@ 2013-6-29 41754 xubne 2020-10-14 16:47
[其它] IEEE Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits(RFIC)Symposium attachment  ...2 mabas.masood 2013-1-24 123440 newrfdesign 2020-9-30 12:29
[其它] Fundamentals of Modern VLSI Devices (2ed, CUP, 2009, Y. Taur)  ...23 q_t_y 2011-2-11 297554 cdting 2020-9-15 21:13
[其它] ISSPICE软件,已破解,15M上传 attachment  ...23456..10 askermm 2011-4-16 9740903 lqdhq414 2020-7-25 06:49
[其它] HFSS练习1:UHF Probe HFSS仿真Step-By-Step attachment corball 2018-6-12 62377 cdting 2020-7-8 09:41
[其它] 一本模拟电路的书 attachment  ...2345 359705716 2013-1-3 429896 Andy126 2020-5-1 13:20
[其它] IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers tcas1 2009 attachment  ...23 mabas.masood 2012-11-14 245671 yifug12 2020-3-11 21:31
[其它] IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers tcas1 2006 attachment mabas.masood 2012-11-12 92514 yifug12 2020-3-11 21:13
[其它] IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 2013(1-4) attachment  ...2 mabas.masood 2013-5-1 193600 ranqi 2020-2-23 10:55
[其它] High-Speed A-D Converters, Automotive Electronics and Ultra-Low Power Wireless attachment  ...23 studentclass78 2014-12-18 204680 auch0311 2020-1-20 08:44
悬赏 [其它] 求书 Design of CMOS Analog Integrated Fractional-Order Circuits - [已解决] Evil_CK 2018-9-11 48666 newrfdesign 2019-8-5 14:51
[其它] BACKDRIVER DAMAGE MECHANISMS IN MODERN ic attachment peterlin2010 2019-4-20 4937 simufox 2019-5-3 16:10
[其它] JSSC全本整理上传  ...2345 ppcicy 2010-6-10 4110901 zhangjun5106 2019-3-15 13:25
[其它] 开关电源 scc881228 2019-1-9 01060 scc881228 2019-1-9 11:41
[其它] Qualcomm - Failure Analysis attachment  ...23 truviet911 2011-2-12 2012103 pedro888 2019-1-1 15:11
悬赏 [其它] RAZAVI 器件模型 - [已解决] attachment Evil_CK 2018-9-11 41603 amigo.change 2018-9-17 15:53
[其它] Broadcom Bonding Diagram + Data Netlists attach_img  ...234 truviet911 2011-2-13 339462 dsj83117 2018-9-17 09:22
[其它] 传送用图 attachment  ...23 meixinxf 2016-1-19 274946 meixinxf 2018-7-11 17:22
[其它] Conical Horn仿真跑通,灌水一篇 attach_img corball 2018-6-10 01688 corball 2018-6-10 22:24
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