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Analog/RF IC 资料共享 今日: 2 |主题: 39736|排名: 1 

[资料] Basso巴索 《Transfer Functions of Switching Converters》 attach_img  ...23456 ponyla 2022-8-4 508960 cdting 2024-4-29 04:03
[资料] springer 2021新书:Practical RF Amplifier Design and Performance Optimization with SPICE and Load- and Source-pull... attachment  ...23 wjx197733 2021-9-24 273389 waveguides 2024-4-29 01:34
[求助] 论文求助 attachment john_123 2024-4-27 2198 john_123 2024-4-28 22:52
[资料] ISSCC2022 Tutorial视频合集 视频链接 attachment  ...23456..84 大学生视野 2022-4-7 83835247 McKonney 2024-4-28 22:51
[Elsevier Ebook]Operational Amplifier Applications Handbook attachment  ...2345 boyangeda 2009-8-19 428191 purpleside 2024-4-28 22:21
2007最新Springer图书, Data Converters (by Franco Maloberti), 非扫描 attachment  ...23456..54 dragonsword 2007-11-21 53269994 模拟IC我的菜 2024-4-28 22:05
21份OP Amp设计报告 attachment  ...23456..40 moisten 2009-6-24 39862645 skipper0504 2024-4-28 21:55
[资料] JSSCC期刊 24年3月 attachment  ...23 mishimishi 2024-2-27 271275 semileon 2024-4-28 20:59
[资料] 运算放大器稳定补偿的资料与各种方法 TI专家写的 模拟IC资料 共12篇 attach_img  ...23 Halsone 2024-4-8 20993 小阳SXY 2024-4-28 18:18
[资料] 版图设计中的寄生参数分析 attachment  ...2345 xawzhg 2010-6-12 4614061 krr 2024-4-28 17:42
[原创] EE130 伯克利半导体物理器件 attachment  ...2 Wanye_guo 2019-7-24 181585 teaandpot 2024-4-28 17:19
[资料] Analog Design Essentials_[Willy M. C. Sansen][Springer][2006]  ...23456..7 luxixi 2024-3-14 691532 luerhao 2024-4-28 17:10
[转贴] Analysis and Design of Analog Integrated Circuits 5th-ed, Paul R. Gray et al. attach_img digest  ...23456..79 osmanali 2012-1-29 785512830 IC设计初学者 2024-4-28 17:04
[原创] [省钱版]Dynamic Comparator Noise and Metastability Simulation Techniques attachment  ...23456..18 rommel_gong 2019-4-8 17339823 IC菜鸟plus 2024-4-28 16:57
[资料] 【精品读物】氮化镓功率晶体管——器件、电路与应用GaN Transistors for Efficient Power Conversion attach_img  ...23 寄情山水忘江湖 2022-10-31 253557 jt51041202021 2024-4-28 16:52
[原创] PCB Design Using AutoCAD attachment  ...234 A1985 2010-5-18 388171 LHXue 2024-4-28 16:50
[资料] 2020 Taylor & Francis Group, CMOS Analog and Mixed-Signal Circuit Design Practices and Innovations Arjuna Marzuki, attach_img  ...23456..16 spwedasd 2020-5-31 15932751 IC设计初学者 2024-4-28 16:34
[资料] spectre reference manual 2020 attachment  ...23456 jswon 2020-11-7 5112023 cheshirecat 2024-4-28 16:09
[资料] 拉扎维模拟CMOS集成电路设计中文第一版 新人帖 attachment 非不可吗 2023-5-23 41764 IC设计初学者 2024-4-28 15:22
[原创] 模拟IC设计领域的经典之作 digest  ...23456..17 刘小庸 2013-1-14 16079440 IC设计初学者 2024-4-28 15:16
[原创] Cadence的配置文件cdsinit和cdsenv的使用-原创 attach_img  ...23 CmosLgh 2021-9-10 295660 Lilian.c 2024-4-28 15:01
[原创] Integrated Circuits for Analog Signal Processing (Springer 2013) attach_img  ...23456..9 davidwx54 2013-3-1 8916874 Ralphjh 2024-4-28 15:00
[重发]Temes - Analog MOS integrated circuits for signal processing 高清晰版 attachment  ...23456..26 witten 2006-8-30 25836350 semileon 2024-4-28 14:34
[资料] Analog Circuit Design: Discrete & Integrate英文清晰书签版,文字可选中 attach_img  ...234 Starspark 2023-7-31 332558 binnq 2024-4-28 14:31
[资料] Cadence公司混合信号新书《Mixed-Signal Methodology Guide》 attachment  ...23456..55 jinyexing 2013-1-29 54983934 semileon 2024-4-28 14:24
[资料] sansen非常经典的Design of analog integrated circuits and systems attachment  ...23 SeaTee 2021-8-17 2212743 xuzaiwang 2024-4-28 14:08
Analog And Mixed Signal Vlsi Circuit Design attachment  ...2 sfchen1969 2009-5-14 132082 semileon 2024-4-28 14:07
[资料] Sigma-delta 清晰版 PDF 新人帖 attachment zz3476 2024-3-31 9586 tmd007 2024-4-28 14:03
[资料] 文字版 An Introduction to Mixed-Signal IC Test and Measurement, 2nd edition attach_img  ...23456..11 hi_china59 2013-8-19 10323694 fanyang08 2024-4-28 13:59
Springer - Electronic Noise and Interfering Signals attachment  ...23 jjw3310 2009-2-21 235371 john_123 2024-4-28 13:54
[资料] 经典的电源ESD保护(clamp)文章 attachment  ...23456..29 podao 2010-1-23 28460526 鹅鹅ee 2024-4-28 13:52
[资料] springer 2021年的书《Analog Circuit Theory and Filter Design in the Digital World》 attachment  ...2345 wjx197733 2022-9-10 476820 semileon 2024-4-28 13:34
[资料] 来几部finfet的好书 attachment  ...23456..7 sinspro 2018-6-2 6212271 semileon 2024-4-28 13:20
[资料] PLL Design with MATLAB and Simulink视频教程 attach_img  ...23 从此以后01 2018-4-3 235258 165487 2024-4-28 13:16
[资料] 发书:DESIGN WITH OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIERS AND ANALOG INTEGRATED CIRCUITS 4th edition attachment  ...2 frj8848 2022-6-8 154796 semileon 2024-4-28 13:08
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