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CPU设计杂谈 今日: 0|主题: 3404|排名: 211 

cache结构 attachment  ...23456..10 xdoom 2012-3-12 9117412 tom0626 2022-9-19 23:17
清华李亚民 CPU Logic Design attachment  ...23456..13 liusong106 2007-1-16 12217367 josemari66 2015-2-9 19:01
【网络处理器设计-最新 MK】Network Processors: Architecture, Programming, and ... attachment  ...23456..10 darylz 2009-3-4 9517283 im.leo 2024-1-13 13:22
一起来做开源GPU RTL实现!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  ...23456 OpenGPU 2009-10-18 5817313 PIG_zhu 2020-9-18 00:26
AXI exclusive access的疑问 xydsj 2009-3-24 817187 wangxiangru 2020-11-25 16:19
读懂DW8051必看文档 attachment  ...23456..9 ic_lab 2006-11-2 8817151 alleylu 2020-7-28 11:42
Computer Architecture, Fifth Edition: A Quantitative Approach attachment  ...23456..8 processor 2012-7-19 7817159 skahill 2024-3-19 14:37
一个spi 接口电路源代码 attachment  ...23456..9 superlifei 2006-8-29 8817102 tanner123 2017-11-7 08:37
AMD - GPU Architectures A CPU Perspective (2013) attachment  ...23456..10 dmtv2010 2015-4-22 9816990 Ryggeor 2023-12-26 23:53
计算机系统结构:量化研究方法 第四版中文版,白跃彬译 attachment  ...23456..7 justdoit 2011-4-7 6616646 dannymu 2023-8-26 17:05
数字信号处理的FPGA实现光盘---Verilog attachment  ...23456..11 yangfunc 2007-3-25 10716595 zz_3070 2014-4-17 14:23
CPU芯片逻辑设计技术 attachment  ...23456..10 forest103459 2008-7-21 9116539 im.leo 2024-1-12 10:00
Verdi 使用教程 attachment  ...23456..7 wyfsr 2015-8-29 6516517 leolew 2022-2-28 15:53
大话处理器 attachment  ...23456..9 jm2000 2011-10-8 8316500 person51 2020-4-3 09:25
黄铠经典<计算机算术运算 原理、结构与设计> attachment  ...23456..8 snoopyty 2007-10-29 7316488 im.leo 2024-1-13 13:41
经典PLL设计及富士通经典PLL应用资料 attachment  ...23456..12 ttmentt 2008-11-18 11016464 vivgao 2018-8-7 10:32
胡伟武对龙芯2设计的经验教训总结(中文版) attachment  ...23456..13 bcusi 2009-9-7 12216390 kingwu1234 2015-10-2 15:19
JuHoSohn_PhD_GPU.pdf attachment  ...23456..8 qazwsxedc_1 2010-8-28 7916350 skahill 2024-3-14 17:03
状态机设计的经典资料byClifford E. Cummings attachment  ...23456..12 wice3 2007-1-12 11716349 1050098162 2014-8-8 10:38
<CPU Design: Answers to Frequently Asked Questions> attachment  ...234 blue1025 2009-9-9 3916265 prasanna01 2019-2-24 15:24
[分享]几种经典加法器 源代码 生成器 attachment  ...23456..8 hpsun 2004-4-14 7716218 cqxifeng 2013-12-19 15:43
Layout Training (傻瓜手册 ^_^).pdf attachment  ...23456..11 zbhyn 2007-9-13 10716253 milan04 2017-11-1 00:14
国内有真正的微处理器设计吗  ...23456..8 wellti 2008-10-7 7416235 787782240 2011-5-3 19:22
8小时开发SOC,Tensilica可重构处理器技术的专利报告 attachment  ...23456..8 lingcore 2005-9-10 7216160 haoxchao828 2017-4-18 22:26
实战CPU设计 attachment  ...23456..11 fireangel 2007-12-30 10116235 gouyaer123 2019-5-9 09:13
压缩版《arm7源代码及设计说明文档》,就一个文件 attachment  ...23456..15 shetianlang 2009-7-15 14416199 besarkecil 2017-10-28 09:24
经典SOC教材_low power NOC for Hign performance SOC design attachment  ...23456..9 zhenleo 2010-1-23 8816133 pradeepmadhava1 2024-1-26 19:55
ARM cortex a9 trm,全面详细设计文档(共包含5个),明细见图片! attach_img  ...23456..8 wangpaiking 2012-9-1 7316116 ldd-1987 2024-3-9 06:01
mcu的行为级模型(有附件,verilog 代码的) attachment  ...23456..7 wice3 2007-1-12 6816062 durbin 2021-8-10 22:40
发个or1200软核开发步骤,我的最简单的C程序实现了 attachment  ...23456..7 larrylxl 2010-8-17 6516110 火凤凰 2018-8-13 16:02
嵌入式处理器(MCU_DSP_Sensor)设计应用 attachment  ...23456..8 stonenut 2005-4-3 7215949 mely 2016-9-14 15:42
计算机组成与体系结构性能设计(原书第8版)+计算机体系结构(第二版)张晨曦 attachment  ...23456..8 腹化风雪 2015-12-8 7215974 im.leo 2024-1-12 11:42
求 大话处理器 完整版  ...2 sssdddong 2012-3-2 1115964 张学胜 2018-10-8 14:47
booth算法介绍 attachment  ...23456..9 jamselee7395 2009-3-27 8415853 qudi 2017-11-3 16:27
arm9_fpga2_verilog attachment  ...23456..9 changroc 2011-6-6 8615811 huangjianlong 2021-12-29 17:12
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