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人工智能AI/深度学习 今日: 1 |主题: 571|排名: 56 

版主: spwedasd
公告 公告: 大附件建议上传在云盘,然后分享链接(可以自行设定下载积分) jackzhang 2024-2-27    
[资料] 机器学习实战 中文版+英文版+代码 attachment  ...23456..27 血溶伊剑 2017-7-10 26676699 飞龙啸天1 2024-4-28 12:32
[资料] 深度学习 语音识别 fpga 实现 attachment  ...23456..25 stockfool 2017-6-2 24994804 jw216 2023-11-24 20:43
[转贴] Deep Learning中文版 attachment  ...23456..24 quisheng 2017-10-25 23961390 xbboy 2022-4-22 09:55
[资料] 不是经典不推荐--《Deep Learning》(深度学习)中文版 attachment  ...23456..23 angle963 2018-2-2 22982006 飞龙啸天1 2024-4-28 12:36
[资料] 2018预售新书python 深度学习 Deep learning with python,中文原版PDF attachment  ...23456..23 coxswain 2018-8-21 22167297 飞龙啸天1 2024-4-28 12:31
[资料] Understanding Machine Learning: From Theory to Algorithms attach_img  ...23456..22 asd223100 2017-5-7 21291466 kuan 2024-2-12 08:15
[资料] Deep Learning with TensorFlow attachment  ...23456..22 asd223100 2017-5-10 21261201 straw 2022-4-23 23:09
[资料] 神经网络与深度学习讲义 attachment agree  ...23456..19 lipinshengxp 2017-12-10 18978459 sulilittle 2022-12-14 17:29
[资料] MIT hardware for DNN 目前最好的深度神经网络硬件教程 attachment  ...23456..19 mydmdm 2017-7-28 18444813 huatiantian 2023-2-8 15:38
[资料] 通信汪们转行深度学习-入门宝典---Neural Network and Deep Learning attachment  ...23456..19 angle963 2018-1-25 18270859 lutherliu 2023-11-13 14:00
[资料] python基础教程(第三版),分享这本新书 attachment  ...23456..19 deng1205 2018-4-11 18177456 飞龙啸天1 2024-4-28 12:38
[资料] 人工智能:一种现代的方法(第3版) HD attach_img  ...23456..17 asd223100 2017-6-19 16867240 cctv100 2022-8-22 10:16
[资料] MIT大学Python教材 attachment  ...23456..17 robberxiong 2018-7-10 16166238 wangchenglong 2023-12-14 08:50
[资料] Python编程 从入门到实践 ,埃里克·马瑟斯,分享给大家 attachment  ...23456..16 逐末 2018-4-28 15739786 Ralphjh 2023-12-19 16:56
[资料] Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach (3rd Edition) attach_img  ...23456..15 asd223100 2017-5-7 14634356 straw 2022-7-24 07:32
[资料] [MIT]Tutorial on Hardware Architectures for Deep Neural Networks attachment  ...23456..14 Hughhhhhh 2017-7-29 13744709 digicomm 2024-3-20 09:12
[资料] 不是经典不推荐-《Python+Cookbook》第三版中文v3.0.0 attachment  ...23456..14 angle963 2018-4-15 13075826 飞龙啸天1 2024-4-28 12:39
[资料] 算法图解---基于python attachment  ...23456..13 血溶伊剑 2018-8-2 12966933 zhsh94 2022-1-5 07:52
[原创] Deep Learning (Adaptive Computation and Machine Learning series) (800 pages) attach_img digest agree  ...23456..13 magmaqk 2017-6-25 12137392 semileon 2024-2-26 18:43
[资料] 不是经典不推荐--PYTHON自然语言处理中文版 attachment  ...23456..12 angle963 2018-1-25 11842987 edison0217 2023-4-26 11:37
[资料] Machine Learning: An Algorithmic Perspective, Second Edition attachment  ...23456..12 spwedasd 2017-4-18 11729068 fubufu555 2021-2-5 10:31
[资料] 卷积神经网络CNN经典资料推荐-Guide to Convolutional Neural Networks attachment  ...23456..12 xqn11 2018-4-24 11763850 tianfei23 2023-11-10 17:32
[资料] Deep Learning for Vision attachment  ...23456..12 magmaqk 2017-5-16 11528247 AlexKe 2021-2-8 20:26
[资料] 人工智能资料汇总及分享——不定时更新 attachment  ...23456..12 391349683 2018-2-1 11127753 caodiren 2023-10-23 14:56
[原创] Machine learning with python attachment  ...23456..11 unlogical 2017-11-18 10832670 tom0626 2024-3-16 10:36
[资料] GPU高性能编程CUDA实战  ...23456..11 unlogical 2017-11-18 10739369 小云云 2023-11-15 17:09
[资料] 分享几篇深度学习硬件加速的论文(抱歉,刚刚发错了,重发) attachment  ...23456..10 gui.yg07 2017-11-15 9848984 keepfaith4ever 2023-1-29 15:42
[原创] 面向机器智能的TensorFlow实践 (智能系统与技术丛书) attach_img  ...23456..10 magmaqk 2017-6-25 9720334 alter_chen 2020-2-9 18:48
[资料] 人工智能硬件学习资料--鲁汶大学 attachment  ...23456..10 zhanghui110 2019-3-27 9350762 yysy 2023-10-16 15:23
[资料] Python相关入门书籍 要的带走 attachment  ...23456..9 royct 2018-7-9 8923541 xlteam2 2023-1-7 20:16
[资料] Introduction to Machjine Learning E. Alpaydin MIT Press attach_img  ...23456..9 spwedasd 2017-4-26 8733120 wendy235711 2023-4-9 12:17
[资料] Springer 2017 英文版--Pro Deep Learning with TensorFlow attachment  ...23456..9 liuyiwen 2018-4-24 8732169 amin2008 2021-2-13 19:17
[资料] Python编程快速上手 attach_img  ...23456..9 血溶伊剑 2018-4-28 8762089 zhsh94 2022-1-5 07:54
[资料] 不是经典不推荐--深度学习与知识图谱 attachment  ...23456..9 angle963 2018-4-6 8528503 xbboy 2022-11-21 09:04
[资料] 李宏毅—1天搞懂深度学习 attachment  ...23456..9 zhouweiscut 2018-11-20 8233934 sutaotao2001 2023-8-6 11:01
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