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版主: fwbnick
[资料] 很全的IrDA的红外协议,感觉不错分享下 attachment  ...2 fanlianglove 2014-12-30 1213324 windl32 2021-11-11 23:00
[资料] 123 asz0927 2019-3-16 512171 lwglwglwg 2021-10-16 19:43
[资料] 量子计算量子光学图书大集合 (专辑一) attach_img  ...2 fwbnick 2014-6-26 1824480 jw216 2021-10-4 22:53
[资料] 【2020 书】Optical Engineering Science attach_img  ...2 hsh22 2021-2-7 1720043 zyfwh 2021-9-12 15:53
[资料] Thin-Film Optical Filters, Fourth Edition attachment cloudfd 2021-8-4 56110 sydy110 2021-8-19 23:08
[资料] 应助 Optiwave/Optisystem 学习材料 attach_img  ...2345 fwbnick 2014-5-8 4469526 ew101 2021-6-25 11:53
[资料] 【2019 新书】Computational Photonic Sensors attach_img  ...2 hsh22 2018-11-3 1518428 benben12345 2021-5-21 19:51
[资料] UCL Photonic Subsystem Lecture Notes (光子系统讲义) attach_img  ...23 fwbnick 2014-5-6 2219854 zhaolun 2021-5-18 13:05
[资料] MIMO相干光通信资料 attachment hwk 2017-6-27 68141 zhaolun 2021-5-18 12:59
[资料] Optics: Learning by Computing attach_img  ...2 fwbnick 2014-5-16 1415787 yyqygdx 2021-4-22 09:58
[资料] Optical Fiber Telecommunications VIB (Sixth Edition) attach_img  ...23456 haiquancheng 2013-10-21 5628562 skyclimber 2021-2-28 17:41
[资料] advanced optical materials science and applications attachment  ...2 haoyinlei 2016-3-29 1110072 skyclimber 2021-2-27 23:29
[资料] Fiber Optic Communications Fundamentals and Applications attach_img  ...2 fwbnick 2014-8-30 1610959 sydy110 2021-2-22 23:07
[资料] 光纤通信新书Optical Fiber Telecommunications_Volume VIB 的epub版本! attachment  ...234 cougarlz 2013-11-27 3017057 AlexKe 2021-2-17 20:44
[资料] Optical Fiber Telecommunications VIA & VIB - [阅读权限 5]attachment  ...23456..7 fwbnick 2013-12-29 69747 AlexKe 2021-2-17 20:41
[资料] 关于信道编码的一些资料 attachment  ...2 xofi 2014-5-16 1712135 AlexKe 2021-1-20 11:51
悬赏 [资料] 求一本光纤通信pdf电子手 - [已解决] attachment  ...2 ym2012 2014-7-17 1811716 karaisan 2020-12-10 20:32
[资料] Photonic Crystal Fibers attachment haoyinlei 2016-3-23 44210 轩辕志瑜 2020-11-28 16:01
[资料] Optical Code Division Multiple Access attach_img  ...2 fwbnick 2014-9-4 177002 AlexKe 2020-11-16 17:17
[资料] [2010 Springer 新书]Coding for Optical Channels attachment  ...23456 free2bird 2010-11-30 5020992 haoxchao828 2020-11-16 10:38
[资料] 可见光通信资料汇总【史上最全】 attachment  ...2 391349683 2016-12-22 118227 轩辕志瑜 2020-11-11 16:36
[资料] LED可见光通信LiFi通信资料 attachment 391349683 2017-9-18 44584 AlexKe 2020-11-11 16:34
悬赏 [资料] 求一本关于光模块以及各个参数标准的书 - [悬赏 20 信元资产] Stevies 2017-3-1 55478 lockheed123 2020-9-23 09:19
[资料] Understanding optical communication attachment haoyinlei 2016-3-23 63388 AlexKe 2020-8-11 16:50
[资料] Photonics; Optical Electronics in Modern Communications attach_img  ...2 pkuxyc 2014-12-6 177062 ycwwzz 2020-6-12 18:57
[资料] origin 学习教程 attachment 叶子110叶 2016-9-17 12676 xiaowenrun 2020-6-9 21:31
[资料] 我也贡献点资料吧 attach_img  ...23 Atpbupt 2014-5-16 247085 tiangongbigao 2020-4-19 21:06
[资料] 求optisystem学习资料 jqyan14 2014-5-8 83866 谢谢dalao 2020-4-9 14:43
[资料] 光纤PMD与各项几何尺寸的相关性分析 attachment 蚂蚁打哈欠 2015-10-22 22057 rfic 2020-3-31 02:40
[资料] 请问有“基于数字信号处理的相干光通信技术”电子版么? risccpu 2020-2-13 11901 huazaifzh 2020-3-22 16:12
[资料] Fiber Gratings and Their Applications for Optical Signal Conditioning attachment haoyinlei 2016-3-29 42311 haoxchao828 2020-3-20 18:43
[资料] 非均匀介质中的场与波W.C.Chew attachment haoyinlei 2016-3-23 32423 469470412 2020-2-28 20:35
[资料] OptiBPM光学仿真软件 attachment  ...2 叶子110叶 2016-9-17 157006 303920957 2020-2-27 22:19
[资料] 求Datacenter Connectivity Technologies: Principles and Practice这本书 Elec123 2019-1-31 23250 依柳YY 2020-2-22 16:57
[资料] 阵列波导光栅(AWG)的工作原理 attach_img hycsystem 2019-12-27 01630 hycsystem 2019-12-27 11:56
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