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MEMS资料区 今日: 1 |主题: 247|排名: 145 

本版置顶 隐藏置顶帖 [资料] Analysis and Principles of MEMS Devices attachment  ...23456..12 suncold 2012-1-29 11925177 yuanpin318 2024-3-19 08:12
[资料] ADI公司MEMS培训资料 attachment  ...23456..22 ddrr 2012-3-4 21237410 fanyang08 2024-4-29 16:22
[原创] 北京大学-李志宏教授的MEMS原理与器件-加速度计、陀螺仪 attachment  ...23456..19 fey 2014-4-25 18228897 LiuBrian_2024 2024-3-27 10:46
[原创] [2012-8-20][软件][CoventorWare][2012.000][无][原创] attach_img  ...23456..23 netiger74 2012-8-20 22251443 saeed_niknami 2024-5-1 05:41
[资料] 微机电系统(MEMS)导论 英文原版 attachment  ...23456..11 guoxiliang 2012-1-8 10223313 fy789 2022-7-10 06:30
[资料] 加速度计和陀螺仪相关资料 attach_img  ...23456..12 summerwaww 2012-5-20 11724664 SZGang 2023-2-27 10:20
[资料] MEMS技术与IC技术的主要差别 attachment  ...23456..10 jason-yang 2011-12-24 9221292 品博锦取_2021 2024-4-30 11:51
[资料] CMOS-MEMS attachment  ...23456..9 shiguixiong 2011-12-25 8518884 mscircuit 2020-7-19 09:44
[资料] 非常全面的MEMS 资料,不晓得哪位发过没?? attach_img  ...23456..7 abiao654321 2012-3-16 6715317 szdgsz 2022-6-1 09:08
[资料] MEMS加速度计 attachment  ...23456..8 jason-yang 2011-12-24 7515576 cai240 2022-10-20 21:07
[资料] 收集的MEMS领域的一些重要综述 attachment  ...23456..7 summerwaww 2012-1-15 6114251 sunil4u 2024-1-2 11:00
[资料] Foundations of MEMS attachment  ...2345 guoxiliang 2012-1-8 4912796 omega198 2015-10-9 10:30
[资料] E-BOOKS_Image Sensors attachment  ...23456..8 davison7 2014-6-18 7515528 苹果核0lson 2024-3-6 15:21
[资料] 有关mems工程技术资料 attachment  ...23456..8 guoxiliang 2012-1-8 7415093 liu_xuanyuan 2022-2-25 15:38
[资料] 【书】【MEMS封装】分享Advanced.MEMS.Packaging-McGrawHill attachment  ...23456..8 杨晓木 2014-7-2 7615093 xiuqi180 2024-1-22 15:14
[资料] [2012-12-31][软件]coventor MEMS+ 2.1 for Win[原创] attachment  ...23456..7 netiger74 2012-12-31 6922017 NOVO_MEMS 2024-1-3 19:37
[原创] 清华大学微电子研究所-王谦-MEMS封装 attachment  ...23456..9 fey 2014-4-25 8816083 yesmyboy1 2023-12-11 18:25
[资料] [PDF book]Analysis and Design Principles of MEMS Devices attach_img  ...2345 zeroy12 2012-7-16 4913684 sunil4u 2024-1-2 12:26
[资料] RF MEMS and Their Applications attachment  ...2345 shiguixiong 2011-12-25 4711871 cdting 2018-12-19 01:56
[资料] 经典教材Fabrication Engineering at the Microand Nanoscale attachment  ...23456..7 lastjourney 2015-9-29 6714056 xdrxdr 2023-12-22 02:28
[原创] 北京大学张海霞《微纳器件及其应用》 attachment  ...23456 mouseliu 2012-7-24 5213228 品博锦取_2021 2024-1-16 11:20
[资料] MEMS Materials and Processes Handbook attachment  ...23456 guanyanwei 2015-1-11 5211038 kerry550 2020-7-21 20:54
[资料] 几本关于传感器和物联网的书 attachment  ...23456..7 maplestory 2014-4-23 6512466 sunil4u 2024-1-2 11:01
[资料] [ebook 2014] MEMS Cost Analysis From Laboratory to Industry attachment  ...23456 龚_利90 2014-9-1 5210231 im.leo 2024-2-4 13:46
[资料] MEMS_Vibratory_Gyroscopes attachment  ...23456 staric 2012-1-30 5211321 gujiexing 2022-11-14 20:17
[资料] MEMS Reliability_Allyson L. H_MEMS Reference Shelf attach_img  ...2345 zeroy12 2012-5-23 408182 cloudfd 2019-9-7 19:08
[原创] 工艺——硅微加工技术 attachment  ...2345 xiaoniuren 2012-4-15 4710483 szdgsz 2021-6-21 12:43
[资料] CMOS MEMS Inertial Sensors and Their Application-入门性介绍PPT attachment  ...23456 wjqskym 2015-1-7 529248 newrfdesign 2023-3-4 19:49
[资料] MEMS总结 attachment  ...23456 switchliu 2013-7-6 5212265 sunil4u 2024-1-2 16:52
[资料] Foundations of MEMS (Prentice Hall, 2012,2nd Edition) attachment  ...23456 roseiyou 2017-3-26 5510369 binnq 2024-1-31 18:30
[资料] An Introduction to MEMS Engineering-(ebook) Artech House-2nd Edition 2004 attachment  ...234 guoxiliang 2012-1-8 388465 sydy110 2020-11-20 07:22
[原创] Intellisuite 8.5 3D Builder解压可用。 attach_img  ...2345 raychore 2013-5-27 4216168 peterweixp 2020-9-23 11:50
[资料] Foundation of MEMS (2nd Edition) attachment  ...234 x81717 2014-7-1 3710451 zhongcan 2021-9-17 14:11
[资料] Inertial MEMS Principles and Practice.pdf attachment  ...2345 shiguixiong 2013-8-11 4812957 ni2121 2022-11-11 23:03
[资料] Nanotechnological Basis for Advanced Sensors attachment  ...234 shiguixiong 2012-2-15 368874 soldierwuhan 2021-12-29 21:19
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