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[原创] 华为内部资料-数字移动通信原理 attachment  ...23456..11 sunshine823 2011-1-15 10120972 人心是个洞 2021-5-25 15:24
[原创] 3GPP长期演进(LTE)技术原理与系统设计-中文书(好) attachment  ...23456..18 A1985 2010-6-3 17130535 qchmkykl 2020-9-9 10:27
[原创] TD-SCDMA射频电路设计-中文书籍 attachment  ...23456..13 A1985 2010-6-3 12220448 莫言醉 2023-2-17 14:41
[原创] Mobile Terminal Receiver Design: LTE and LTE-Advanced attach_img  ...23456..8 Jason.tschen 2016-11-16 7718854 fengyun01 2024-2-4 10:13
[原创] LTE and the Evolution to 4G Wireless - Design and Measurement Challenges attachment  ...23456..8 zm218wri 2011-4-29 7718370 ufoosu 2018-8-22 22:07
[原创] LTE-B3G/4G移动通信系统无线技术-中文书籍 attachment  ...23456..10 A1985 2010-6-3 9519709 kimluanpklu 2017-9-24 18:11
[原创] 3GPP LTE无线链路关键技术(21世纪通信网络技术丛书) attachment  ...23456..10 A1985 2010-6-3 9316729 szdgsz 2022-6-15 19:33
[原创] 【3GPP LTE无线链路关键技术】 胡宏林 著【中文清晰版】 attachment  ...23456..7 benemale 2010-12-7 6015316 szdgsz 2022-6-15 20:29
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[原创] 论坛首发 WiLEY Wireless.Communications.2nd.Edition 2011 - [阅读权限 10]attachment  ...234 zm218wri 2011-12-15 31354 opqfeixue 2018-2-3 10:10
[原创] Artech.House.WLANs.And.WPANs.Towards.4G.Wireless.eBook-LiB attachment  ...23 cxl666 2010-11-7 276173 caltech_usa 2018-12-28 14:28
[原创] WCDMA for UMTS- HSPA Evolution and LTE 5th edition (0470686464) attachment  ...23 homerican 2012-1-10 2911408 lulu670370 2020-10-16 10:32
[原创] WCDMA Requirements & Practical Design - Tanner & Woodard attachment  ...23 ht1688 2010-11-8 277035 hulang1979 2019-3-6 22:11
[原创] 4G移动通信技术权威指南 attachment  ...234 robieson 2016-5-14 398849 xheng920101 2024-4-27 12:04
[原创] Voice over LTE (VoLTE) 1st Edition attach_img  ...23 Jason.tschen 2015-12-24 264816 huatiantian 2022-5-21 21:42
[原创] [新书]Single Carrier FDMA: A New Air Interface for Long Term Evolution attachment  ...234 chocobocn 2010-2-1 3810545 curtisy 2016-4-15 10:22
[原创] 分布式天线系统(Distributed Antenna System) attach_img  ...23 chenjun0789 2012-3-19 2512917 microcat 2020-10-7 21:48
[原创] GPS动态滤波的理论、方法及其应用 attachment  ...234 A1985 2010-5-16 378211 amigo.change 2021-12-13 14:48
[原创] 【LTE-B3G/4G移动通信系统无线技术】张克平 著【中文清晰版】带书签目录 attachment  ...2345 benemale 2010-12-14 4310704 2004111 2023-4-29 16:50
[原创] LTE基础知识资料 attachment  ...2 vikingg 2011-6-30 146122 tony02778 2013-9-27 16:55
[原创] 【新书】High-Speed Wireless Communications attachment  ...234 chocobocn 2010-2-1 338264 szdgsz 2021-9-8 17:15
[原创] LTE: The UMTS Long Term Evolution: From Theory to Practice attach_img  ...23 Jason.tschen 2015-12-24 204496 huatiantian 2022-1-14 18:26
[原创] 高速光纤通信ITU-T规范与系统设计-清晰大图pdf-中文书籍 attachment  ...2345 A1985 2010-6-5 479187 flyoung_lee 2016-10-4 08:15
[原创] 【book】Essentials of Modern Optical Fiber Communication attachment  ...23 A1985 2010-6-18 276265 lyd964201 2013-3-7 12:18
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[原创] Fourth-Generation(4G) Wireless Networks Applications and Innovations attachment  ...2 lijiangpeng 2011-8-28 134955 efong 2017-2-13 18:40
[原创] Evolved packet system (EPS) - the LTE and SAE evolution of 3G UMTS attachment  ...2 qhl0222_cn 2011-2-22 123858 paradise1912 2012-7-8 14:58
[原创] Optical Access Networks and Advanced Photonics attachment qhl0222_cn 2010-8-27 89560 fkdmj2016 2018-2-7 16:46
[原创] 光同步传送网和波分复用系统-清晰大图pdf-中文书籍 attachment  ...23 A1985 2010-6-7 249180 Andy126 2018-12-18 10:38
[原创] McGraw.Hill.CDMA.Capacity.And.Quality.Optimization.eBook-LiB attachment cxl666 2010-11-7 82241 hugodarwin 2011-9-15 16:43
[原创] 微波固态电路设计 attachment kalwinlue000 2014-8-1 62271 huatiantian 2015-10-4 13:56
[原创] MATLAB Simulink通信系统建模与仿真实例精讲(邵佳).pdf attachment  ...234 zywttt 2021-4-18 304857 jyhking 2022-11-30 17:25
[原创] 差分GPS定位技术与应用 attachment  ...2 A1985 2010-5-16 123642 huatiantian 2014-2-15 18:30
[原创] 智能光交换网络-清晰大图pdf-中文书籍 attachment  ...2 A1985 2010-6-5 144019 hraul 2012-3-13 09:14
[原创] documents for coware signal processing designer attachment  ...2 xin_ming_wang 2010-7-31 144598 mixlan 2018-9-13 09:53
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