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请教个问题, k 库的时候,报了个Error :Constraint search for arc SEV_CKGTPLS_V3L50 , CK , r, SE , r, hold_rising rise_constraint !EN, RxRx failed , This
cell is now marked as failed ans should not be used .
No vaild vectors were found for the user provided define _arc for arc of cell : SEV_CKGTPLS_V3L50 , r_pin: CK , r_pin dir: r , pin : 'SE' , pin :r .type : hold_rising rise_constraint when : !EN ,vector: RxRx , GKUTCG_PORBE XXX
k的是一个ICG, liberate将SE 认成RESET 了,我重新修改了下,但是没有改对。