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Sub version: sub-version 4.1_USR5 (64-bit addresses)
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'ignorePointsGravityForSmallTargets',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'manualModePinSize',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envCyclicStringToIndex: could not find variable 'mergeScope'
in tool[.partition] 'layout'
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'mergeScope',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'viaEnableValidPurposes',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'snapPatternFastSnapping',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'weChangeWireDirectionAfterVia',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'makeCellUseOriginForOffgridInst',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'localSnappingIgnoreGlobalGrids',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envCyclicStringToIndex: could not find variable 'manualPinRectJustify'
in tool[.partition] 'layout'
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'manualPinRectJustify',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'copyNumber',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envCyclicStringToIndex: could not find variable 'netState'
in tool[.partition] 'layout'
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'netState',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envCyclicStringToIndex: could not find variable 'viaCutSpacingMethod'
in tool[.partition] 'layout'
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'viaCutSpacingMethod',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envCyclicStringToIndex: could not find variable 'viaCutClassOrientation'
in tool[.partition] 'layout'
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'viaCutClassOrientation',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envCyclicStringToIndex: could not find variable 'pinLabelPlacementMode'
in tool[.partition] 'layout'
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'pinLabelPlacementMode',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'photonicPinWidth',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envCyclicStringToIndex: could not find variable 'alignToolBarReferenceObject'
in tool[.partition] 'layout'
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'alignToolBarReferenceObject',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'propEditViaCompuEnclosures',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'weUseMTFlightLines',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'autoZoomScale',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'viaMaximizeCuts',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'viaUseEntireOverlap',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'drdPegasusIntFunctionalPresets',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'weEnableDanglingTargetsFL',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'autoModePinSizeFromPath',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'preserveTermName',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'viaPrintStatisticsReport',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'viaReplaceExistingVias',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: cyclic value for variable 'pasteRef'
is out of the choice range 0..9.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'pinTextPurposeNames',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'pinStep',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'weEnableXLCheckoutInL',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'autoCopyTemplateCellViewList',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envCyclicStringToIndex: could not find variable 'drdEditDensityTypeCheck'
in tool[.partition] 'layout'
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'drdEditDensityTypeCheck',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'weInteractiveShielding',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'viaCheckBlockageTypes',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envCyclicStringToIndex: could not find variable 'pinLPP'
in tool[.partition] 'layout'
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'pinLPP',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'weFlightLinesHierLevel',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'QAMaxPixelsPerMilliSec',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'enablePinEnhancements',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envCyclicStringToIndex: could not find variable 'descendEIPPopupSelectionWindow'
in tool[.partition] 'layout'
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'descendEIPPopupSelectionWindow',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'slotEnable',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'chopSpecifySpacing',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'autoPinLayerFunctionsList',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'trimEnable',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'searchDepthForAutoPin',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envCyclicStringToIndex: could not find variable 'manualPinCircleJustify'
in tool[.partition] 'layout'
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'manualPinCircleJustify',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envCyclicStringToIndex: could not find variable 'chopCircleJustify'
in tool[.partition] 'layout'
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'chopCircleJustify',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'drdEditSlidingWindowSize',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envCyclicStringToIndex: could not find variable 'snapPatternSnappingDepthMethod'
in tool[.partition] 'layout'
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'snapPatternSnappingDepthMethod',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'drdEditMaxHaloLimit',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'snapPatternFastDetailModeSnapping',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envCyclicStringToIndex: could not find variable 'pinStepOption'
in tool[.partition] 'layout'
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'pinStepOption',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'enableAlignToolBarReferenceObject',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envCyclicStringToIndex: could not find variable 'viaAutoViaEnclosureDirection'
in tool[.partition] 'layout'
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'viaAutoViaEnclosureDirection',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'probeInstDisplayRadio',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'rotateInstParam',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'createInstResetCDF',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'enableCopyAndPaste',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'chopLineUserWidth',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'chopSpecifySize',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'drdEditEnableBatchCheckOnReadOnlyDesign',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envCyclicStringToIndex: could not find variable 'chopLineJustify'
in tool[.partition] 'layout'
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'chopLineJustify',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envCyclicStringToIndex: could not find variable 'removeTerminals'
in tool[.partition] 'layout'
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'removeTerminals',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'displayFigGroupName',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'snapPatternSnapToXYGridFirst',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envCyclicStringToIndex: variable 'autoZoomMode' in tool[.partition] 'layout'
must be of type cyclic
*WARNING* envSetVal: type mismatch for variable 'autoZoomMode'
in tool[.partition] 'layout'.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'chopRectHeight',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'enablePinStepOption',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'snapResizeWireObjects',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'weCoverPin',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'enableCutColorSupport',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'mergeEnable',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'chopRectWidth',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'viaAlignCuts',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envCyclicStringToIndex: could not find variable 'chopLineType'
in tool[.partition] 'layout'
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'chopLineType',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'boundarySnapXGrids',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'realignLabelToPinCenter',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'weViaCutColorPatterns',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envCyclicStringToIndex: could not find variable 'copySpacingMode'
in tool[.partition] 'layout'
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'copySpacingMode',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'updateLabelLPPWithPin',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'viaPreventDRCOnOverlap',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'boundarySnapYGrids',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'photonicPinAngle',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envCyclicStringToIndex: could not find variable 'chopRectJustify'
in tool[.partition] 'layout'
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'chopRectJustify',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'viaValidPurposes',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envCyclicStringToIndex: could not find variable 'copyOrder'
in tool[.partition] 'layout'
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'copyOrder',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'manualPinRectWidth',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'QAHoldTimeMilliSec',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'snapPatternSnappingDepth',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'weCustomLayerPattern',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'dynamicMeasurementTextColor',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'photonicPinRadius',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envCyclicStringToIndex: could not find variable 'updatePinIODirection'
in tool[.partition] 'layout'
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'updatePinIODirection',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'manualPinCircleRadius',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'viaBlockageTypes',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'chopCircleRadius',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'manualPinRectHeight',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'viaPreventDRCWithNeighbors',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envCyclicStringToIndex: could not find variable 'makeCellOriginSnappingGrid'
in tool[.partition] 'layout'
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'makeCellOriginSnappingGrid',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'ignoreParallelMinWidthForSquarePinResize',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'pinTextLayerNames',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'ignorePointsGravityForSmallTargets',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'manualModePinSize',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envCyclicStringToIndex: could not find variable 'mergeScope'
in tool[.partition] 'layout'
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'mergeScope',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'viaEnableValidPurposes',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'snapPatternFastSnapping',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'weChangeWireDirectionAfterVia',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'makeCellUseOriginForOffgridInst',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'localSnappingIgnoreGlobalGrids',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envCyclicStringToIndex: could not find variable 'manualPinRectJustify'
in tool[.partition] 'layout'
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'manualPinRectJustify',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'copyNumber',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envCyclicStringToIndex: could not find variable 'netState'
in tool[.partition] 'layout'
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'netState',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envCyclicStringToIndex: could not find variable 'viaCutSpacingMethod'
in tool[.partition] 'layout'
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'viaCutSpacingMethod',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envCyclicStringToIndex: could not find variable 'viaCutClassOrientation'
in tool[.partition] 'layout'
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'viaCutClassOrientation',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envCyclicStringToIndex: could not find variable 'pinLabelPlacementMode'
in tool[.partition] 'layout'
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'pinLabelPlacementMode',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'photonicPinWidth',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envCyclicStringToIndex: could not find variable 'alignToolBarReferenceObject'
in tool[.partition] 'layout'
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'alignToolBarReferenceObject',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'propEditViaCompuEnclosures',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'weUseMTFlightLines',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'autoZoomScale',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'viaMaximizeCuts',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'viaUseEntireOverlap',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'drdPegasusIntFunctionalPresets',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'weEnableDanglingTargetsFL',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'autoModePinSizeFromPath',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'preserveTermName',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'viaPrintStatisticsReport',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'viaReplaceExistingVias',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: cyclic value for variable 'pasteRef'
is out of the choice range 0..9.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'pinTextPurposeNames',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'pinStep',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'weEnableXLCheckoutInL',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'autoCopyTemplateCellViewList',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envCyclicStringToIndex: could not find variable 'drdEditDensityTypeCheck'
in tool[.partition] 'layout'
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'drdEditDensityTypeCheck',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'weInteractiveShielding',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'viaCheckBlockageTypes',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envCyclicStringToIndex: could not find variable 'pinLPP'
in tool[.partition] 'layout'
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'pinLPP',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'weFlightLinesHierLevel',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'QAMaxPixelsPerMilliSec',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'enablePinEnhancements',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envCyclicStringToIndex: could not find variable 'descendEIPPopupSelectionWindow'
in tool[.partition] 'layout'
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'descendEIPPopupSelectionWindow',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'slotEnable',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'chopSpecifySpacing',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'autoPinLayerFunctionsList',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'trimEnable',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'searchDepthForAutoPin',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envCyclicStringToIndex: could not find variable 'manualPinCircleJustify'
in tool[.partition] 'layout'
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'manualPinCircleJustify',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envCyclicStringToIndex: could not find variable 'chopCircleJustify'
in tool[.partition] 'layout'
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'chopCircleJustify',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'drdEditSlidingWindowSize',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envCyclicStringToIndex: could not find variable 'snapPatternSnappingDepthMethod'
in tool[.partition] 'layout'
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'snapPatternSnappingDepthMethod',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'drdEditMaxHaloLimit',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'snapPatternFastDetailModeSnapping',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envCyclicStringToIndex: could not find variable 'pinStepOption'
in tool[.partition] 'layout'
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'pinStepOption',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'enableAlignToolBarReferenceObject',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envCyclicStringToIndex: could not find variable 'viaAutoViaEnclosureDirection'
in tool[.partition] 'layout'
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'viaAutoViaEnclosureDirection',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'probeInstDisplayRadio',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'rotateInstParam',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'createInstResetCDF',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'enableCopyAndPaste',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'chopLineUserWidth',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'chopSpecifySize',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'drdEditEnableBatchCheckOnReadOnlyDesign',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envCyclicStringToIndex: could not find variable 'chopLineJustify'
in tool[.partition] 'layout'
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'chopLineJustify',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envCyclicStringToIndex: could not find variable 'removeTerminals'
in tool[.partition] 'layout'
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'removeTerminals',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'displayFigGroupName',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'snapPatternSnapToXYGridFirst',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envCyclicStringToIndex: variable 'autoZoomMode' in tool[.partition] 'layout'
must be of type cyclic
*WARNING* envSetVal: type mismatch for variable 'autoZoomMode'
in tool[.partition] 'layout'.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'chopRectHeight',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'enablePinStepOption',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'snapResizeWireObjects',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'weCoverPin',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'enableCutColorSupport',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'mergeEnable',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'chopRectWidth',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'viaAlignCuts',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envCyclicStringToIndex: could not find variable 'chopLineType'
in tool[.partition] 'layout'
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'chopLineType',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'boundarySnapXGrids',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'realignLabelToPinCenter',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'weViaCutColorPatterns',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envCyclicStringToIndex: could not find variable 'copySpacingMode'
in tool[.partition] 'layout'
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'copySpacingMode',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'updateLabelLPPWithPin',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'viaPreventDRCOnOverlap',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'boundarySnapYGrids',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'photonicPinAngle',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envCyclicStringToIndex: could not find variable 'chopRectJustify'
in tool[.partition] 'layout'
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'chopRectJustify',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'viaValidPurposes',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envCyclicStringToIndex: could not find variable 'copyOrder'
in tool[.partition] 'layout'
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'copyOrder',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'manualPinRectWidth',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'QAHoldTimeMilliSec',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'snapPatternSnappingDepth',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'weCustomLayerPattern',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'dynamicMeasurementTextColor',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'photonicPinRadius',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envCyclicStringToIndex: could not find variable 'updatePinIODirection'
in tool[.partition] 'layout'
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'updatePinIODirection',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'manualPinCircleRadius',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'viaBlockageTypes',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'chopCircleRadius',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'manualPinRectHeight',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'viaPreventDRCWithNeighbors',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envCyclicStringToIndex: could not find variable 'makeCellOriginSnappingGrid'
in tool[.partition] 'layout'
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'makeCellOriginSnappingGrid',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'ignoreParallelMinWidthForSquarePinResize',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable 'pinTextLayerNames',
in tool[.partition] 'layout' - it has not been registered.
*WARNING* ciwMenuLoadFile: system file "/opt/eda/ASSURA41/tools.lnx86/dfII/etc/tools/menus/avview.menus" not found.