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The Impact of Gate-Oxide Breakdown on
Common-Source Amplifiers With Diode-Connected
Active Load in Low-Voltage CMOS Processes
Jung-Sheng Chen, Student Member, IEEE, and Ming-Dou Ker, Senior Member, 4 IEEE
The influence of gate-oxide reliability on common–
source amplifiers with diode-connected active load is investigated
with the nonstacked and stacked structures under analog appli
cation in a 130-nm low-voltage CMOS process. The test condi
tions of this work include the dc stress, ac stress with dc offset,
and large-signal transition stress under different frequencies and
signals. After overstresses, the small-signal parameters, such as
small-signal gain, unity-gain frequency, phase margin, and output
dc voltage levels, are measured to verify the impact of gate-oxide
reliability on circuit performances of the common-source am
plifiers with diode-connected active load. The small-signal pa
rameters of the common-source amplifier with the nonstacked
diode-connected active-load structure are strongly degraded than
that with the stacked diode-connected active-load structure due
to a gate-oxide breakdown under analog and digital applications.
The common-source amplifiers with diode-connected active load
are not functionally operational under digital application due to
the gate-oxide breakdown. The impact of soft and hard gate-oxide
breakdowns on the common-source amplifiers with nonstacked
and stacked diode-connected active-load structures has been an
alyzed and discussed. The hard breakdown has more serious
impact on the common-source amplifiers with diode-connected
active load.
Index Terms—
Analog integrated circuit, common-source ampli
fier, dielectric breakdown, gate-oxide reliability, hard breakdown,
soft breakdown. |