发表于 2007-5-31 00:18:23
1. Create IP core d , in source window display as d(d.xco)
2. Use mouse to select d(d.xco), then use right mouse button, select set as top module (click left mouse button)
3. Now, reopen top schematic, you should see symbol d in Synbols window
4. Put d module to your top schematic,
5. It should works now.
原帖由 Lydia_yy 于 2007-5-29 09:59 发表
生成一个除法器的IP核d后,用 d YourInstanceName() 例化,然后综合,报错如下:ERROR:HDLCompilers:87 - "divider.v" line 30 Could not find module/primitive 'd'
[ 本帖最后由 jitongw 于 2007-5-31 00:20 编辑 ] |