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[求助] ic610安装问题

发表于 2013-4-8 15:37:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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[root@localhost ~]# cd /home/jiang/ic610
[root@localhost ic610]# ls
IC610_lnx86.Base  MMSIM61_lnx86.Base
[root@localhost ic610]# cd IC610_lnx86.Base/
[root@localhost IC610_lnx86.Base]# ls
[root@localhost IC610_lnx86.Base]# cd CDROM1
[root@localhost CDROM1]# ls
Base_IC610_lnx86.sdx  IMAGES.DIR    MEDIA1.TXT  READMES
ic_index.sdx          INSTALL.HTML  README      SETUP.SH
[root@localhost CDROM1]# ./SETUP.SH

Copyright 1985-2006 by Cadence Design Systems Inc.
REVERSE ENGINEERING PROHIBITED. The information contained in
this package is the proprietary property of Cadence Design Systems,
Inc., or its licensors, and may only be used in accordance with
the Cadence Design Systems license agreement under which this
package is provided.
Restricted Rights Notice to Government Users
Use duplication or disclosure by the Government is subject to
the restrictions as set forth in subparagraphs (c)(1)(ii) of the
Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at
DFARS 252.227-7013. Unpublished - all rights reserved under the
copyright laws of the United States.
Cadence Design Systems, Inc.
555 River Oaks Parkway
San Jose, California 95134 USA

Located CDROM at /home/jiang/ic610/IC610_lnx86.Base/CDROM1
Specify path of install directory [OR type [RETURN] to exit]: /home/eda/ic610
Detecting  InstallScape for lnx86...
Checking InstallScape on media...
./SETUP.SH: line 579: uncompress: command not found
/bin/tar: ./iscape/VERSION.lnx86:归档中找不到
/bin/tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors
/bin/cat: /tmp/is30306/iscape/VERSION.lnx86: 没有那个文件或目录
Could not detect an InstallScape for lnx86 platform using the  PATH environment variable

It is a good idea to have only one Installation of InstallScape
for lnx86 platform. If an InstallScape installation exists
please help us find it.
Do you have InstallScape for lnx86 platform installed somewhere [y/n]?n
You are on  lnx86 platform
InstallScape version
for platform lnx86
is available on this CD.
Do you want to install InstallScape for lnx86[y/n]:y
It is recommended that you install InstallScape
outside the Cadence installation hierarchy
and include the ~iscape/bin in your PATH environment variable.

Type the path to InstallScape installation directory [ (q to quit)]: /home/eda/i nstallscape
InstallScape installation directory: /home/eda/installscape
Extracting InstallScape version
for platform lnx86 in /home/eda/installscape
./SETUP.SH: line 814: uncompress: command not found

Starting up InstallScape in GUI mode
DISPLAY environment variable is set to :0.0
If you do not see the InstallScape console
window or the it seems to be hanging then kill this
Set your DISPLAY environment variable to a proper
value and manually start InstallScape by typing:
/home/eda/installscape/iscape/bin/ /home/jiang/ic610/IC610_lnx86.Base/C DROM1:::/home/eda/ic610

/bin/sh: /home/eda/installscape/iscape/bin/ 没有那个文件或目录
 楼主| 发表于 2013-4-8 16:46:43 | 显示全部楼层
我已经解决的了,主要问题是在安装时完全按照教程造成的命令错误./SETUP.SH: line 579: uncompress: command not found
/bin/tar: ./iscape/VERSION.lnx86:归档中找不到
/bin/tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors
/bin/cat: /tmp/is30306/iscape/VERSION.lnx86: 没有那个文件或目录
Could not detect an InstallScape for lnx86 platform using the  PATH environment variable
这一块显示uncompresse命令不对;你只要去bin/下找到uncompressed然后删去他,再重新找到gunzip   在命令中建立ln -s /bin/gunzip /bin/uncompress就好了
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GMT+8, 2025-1-16 11:15 , Processed in 0.015022 second(s), 7 queries , Gzip On, Redis On.

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