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本帖最后由 cjsb37 于 2013-4-29 09:26 编辑
以下是实现 基于vc33的fir滤波器:
;Serial Port 0 registers
.global BEGIN
sport .set 808040h ; Serial Port 0 global control register
xpctrl .set 808042h ; FSX/DX/CLKX port control
rpctrl .set 808043h ; FSR/DR/CLKR port control
rxtctrl .set 808044h ; r/x timer control register
rxtcnt .set 808045h ; r/x timer counter register
rxtprd .set 808046h ; r/x period register
xdata .set 808048h ; Data transmit register
rdata .set 80804Ch ; Data receive register
t0_GO .set 001cfh ; Timer configuration to GO
giebit .set 2000h ; GIE bit in ST register
eint3_cpu .set 08h ; Enable bit for INT3 in IE register
int3_cpu_if .set 08h ; INT3 bit in IF register
s0_rxcntr .int 00000000h ; Serial Clock will be configured
s0_rxprd .int 00020002h ; to run at 3.125 MHz
sp0_cfg .word 0c140044h ; SP0 GCR configuration word
adc_init .word 0000a000h ; ADC initialization word
adc_cfg .word 0000a022h ; repeat mode configuration word
adc_sel_0 .word 00000000h ; to read input channel 0
adc_sel_1 .word 00001000h ; to read input channel 1
fifo_read .word 0000e000h ; FIFO read command
DP_reg .word 00800000h ; DP pointer
startData .word 00809c10h ; start of data in RAM
endData .word 00809d0fh ; end of data in RAM
outnew_addr .word 00800d10h ;
stack_addr .word 00800e0fh ;
xn_addr .word xn
hn_addr .word hn
xnnew_addr .word 00809c14h ;
hn .int 1,2
xn .int 3, 1
N .word 6
* Main Program
begin ldp DP_reg ; Load Data Page pointer
ldi @stack_addr,sp
ldi @N,bk
ldi 4,rc
ldp hn_addr
ldi @hn_addr,ar0
ldi @xn_addr,ar1
ldi @xnnew_addr,ar2
ldi @outnew_addr,ar3
loop ldf *ar2,r6
stf r6,*ar1++(1)%
call fir
stf r0,*AR3
br loop
fir mpyf3 *ar0++(1),*ar1++(1)%,r0 ; 初始化R0?h(N-1)*x(n-(N-1))=R0
ldf 0.0,r2 ; 初始化R2
rpts rc ; 设置重复次数
mpyf3 *ar0++(1),*ar1++(1)%,r0 ; h(N-1-i)*x(n-(N-1-i))=R0
||addf3 r0,r2,r2 ; 乘累加
addf3 r0,r2,r0 ; 加上最后一个乘积
rets ; 返回
* Place assembly initialization routine and interrupt vectors here
.sect "vectors"
b int_isr
.end ; end of repeat_mode