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人工智能AI/深度学习 今日: 0|主题: 573|排名: 203 

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[资料] 卷积神经网络 CNNs attachment  ...23 spark.zhao 2019-9-29 2918144 leoxlshf 2023-6-21 15:54
[原创] 友谊帖-Python数据挖掘入门与实践-请随意 attachment  ...2 royct 2019-4-22 1317860 zz_3070 2021-8-10 14:42
[原创] MIT DNN教程网盘下载 attachment  ...23456..7 小丁 2017-7-28 6417642 zyffpga 2022-4-15 17:54
[原创] The Elements of Statistical Learning, 统计学习基础(第2版)(英文) attachment  ...23456 castlerock 2017-11-27 5017687 wangchenglong 2024-2-22 14:36
[求助] [求助] 【求Springer书籍:Application Analysis Tools for ASIP Design,Application Profiling and Instruction-set Cu... attachment  ...23 free2bird 2021-3-9 2517377 abc_def_ghi 2024-5-12 21:19
[资料] Deep Learning Frameworks attachment  ...23456 cwy691024 2017-7-8 5717322 fkdmj2016 2022-7-29 22:32
[原创] 发一本略相关的书《OpenCV 3计算机视觉 Python语言实现(第二版)》 attach_img  ...23456 williamseu1984 2018-3-12 5917224 liancy007 2021-1-29 22:24
[转贴] 【干货】腾讯云FPGA的深度学习算法  ...23456 jackzhang 2017-4-17 5416868 Andy126 2018-12-17 09:07
[原创] Recent Trends in Image and Signal Processing in Computer Vision.Springer.2020 attachment  ...23 wuende 2020-5-10 2416702 semileon 2024-4-28 09:55
[求助] 寻寒武纪陈天石教授的4篇论文 attachment  ...23456 yangyuf1 2018-4-18 5516509 godslight 2020-11-13 15:26
[原创] Tensorflow 实战Google深度学习框架 attachment  ...23456..7 magmaqk 2017-6-25 6415963 straw 2022-4-24 07:28
[资料] In-Memory Computing: Synthesis and Optimization attachment  ...23 hadd 2020-10-13 2415904 wangchenglong 2024-1-29 15:55
[资料] Mathematics for mathine learning 机器学习中的数学 attach_img  ...2345 darrenxu 2020-3-16 4015728 sutaotao2001 2023-8-6 22:32
[求助] 【求Morgan & Claypool书籍:Deep Learning Systems-Algorithms,Compilers and Processors for Large-Scale Production】 attachment  ...2 free2bird 2021-2-26 1915771 jw216 2022-7-21 22:00
[资料] Learning OpenCV 3: Computer Vision in C++ with the OpenCV Library attach_img  ...23456 asd223100 2017-5-10 5515459 shinyen0622 2020-10-22 14:34
[求助] 【求Springer书籍:Scheduling Parallel Applications on Heterogeneous Distributed Systems】 attachment  ...23 free2bird 2021-4-20 2015156 abc_def_ghi 2024-5-12 21:33
[资料] Computer Vision Algorithms and Applications attachment  ...23456 jrzhang 2017-10-27 5915028 zlhrsy 2023-9-10 11:44
[求助] 【求Morgan & Claypool书籍:Data Orchestration in Deep Learning Accelerators】 attachment  ...23 free2bird 2021-2-26 2214693 semileon 2024-2-26 17:33
[原创] 嘉立创PCB生产教材免费赠送 attachment  ...23 luoxiao1116 2018-3-29 2214552 lans0625 2021-10-4 22:33
[资料] NB_IoT解决方案 attachment  ...2345 547925053 2018-5-10 4214541 soldierwuhan 2022-10-13 23:14
[资料] Book:LiDAR technologies and systems attach_img  ...23 kkchao 2021-4-27 2014331 hclin 2024-2-20 01:48
[资料] 《Physics-based Deep Learning》pdf attachment  ...23 lans0625 2021-9-18 2413994 AlexKe 2023-2-23 16:18
[资料] Hardware Accelerators for Machine Learning (CS217) ppt attachment  ...2 totuwei 2019-11-4 1813846 digicomm 2024-3-20 08:53
[资料] Python 入门资料,覆盖eb开发、数据分析、机器学习、深度学习、金融量化 attachment  ...23 spark.zhao 2019-11-28 2112860 omnik 2021-10-17 09:58
[求助] 【求Springer书籍:Multiprocessor Scheduling for Real-Time Systems】 attachment  ...2 free2bird 2021-4-20 1512687 abc_def_ghi 2024-5-12 21:25
[资料] 憶阻器計算 新人帖 attachment rainman19288 2020-2-7 912614 lutherliu 2023-11-13 14:35
[资料] 人工智能芯片技术白皮书2018 attachment  ...234 jl1374141105 2018-12-12 3712366 Miya.huang 2021-1-13 09:55
[资料] 《深度学习 卷积神经网络从入门到精通》 attach_img  ...234 lans0625 2021-10-2 3311949 Ralphjh 2023-3-30 14:48
[资料] 寒武纪相关论文分享 attachment  ...2345 hahahuhu666 2018-7-15 4411762 smh 2020-2-26 15:10
[求助] 【求Springer书籍:Introduction to Parallel Computing】 attachment  ...2 free2bird 2021-4-20 1611790 im.leo 2024-1-8 12:51
[求助] 【求Springer书籍:Task Scheduling for Multi-core and Parallel Architectures】 attachment  ...2 free2bird 2021-4-20 1911576 abc_def_ghi 2024-5-12 21:16
[原创] Python为什么这么火?聆听Python之父诠释Python的精神和文化 attach_img jackzhang 2017-12-29 911475 edison0217 2019-5-21 11:13
[求助] 【求Springer书籍:Embedded Software Timing-Methodology,Analysis and Practical Tips with a Focus on Automotive】 attachment  ...23 free2bird 2021-3-31 2511340 im.leo 2024-1-8 12:46
[原创] 《Python Cookbook》第三版 attachment  ...234 gaoxianwei 2018-3-28 3111064 tom0626 2020-12-17 21:05
[求助] 【求Springer书籍:Radar Signal Processing for Autonomous Driving】 attachment  ...23 free2bird 2021-4-20 2111065 kuan 2023-7-15 13:00
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