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版主: fwbnick
公告 公告: 大附件建议上传在云盘,然后分享链接(可以自行设定下载积分) jackzhang 2024-2-27    
全局置顶 隐藏置顶帖 ISSCC2024 Session Digest PPT Short-Course  ...23456 james2007 2024-2-23 5430755 ronyeh 5 天前
全局置顶 隐藏置顶帖 完成资料下载,奖励300信元 | 忆阻器、存算一体芯片白皮书、解决方案文案、培... attach_img  ...23 论坛管理员-1 4 天前 23602 were 昨天 23:28
全局置顶 隐藏置顶帖 创芯大讲堂新课上线《DFT 设计与实现》限时75折 attach_img 创芯讲堂运营 2023-11-15 814822 hzmscut 2024-5-24 16:35
[资料] 8本光纤通信方面较经典的书,大多是中文版,分享给大家 attachment  ...23456..18 20083032 2013-12-10 176105431 ljhshitc 4 天前
光通信参考设计:GPON(MOGPON)ONT模块(含原理图,PCB,测试数据)很强大 attachment  ...23456..14 zy0317 2008-7-18 13374644 lans0625 2021-10-3 11:10
[资料] Fiber-Optic Communication Systems (4th Edn) 第四版 by G.P.Agrawal attach_img  ...23456..13 fwbnick 2013-10-30 12082801 im.leo 2022-9-17 18:17
[资料] VPI transmissionMaker 光通信仿真软件课程设计 attach_img  ...23456..11 raychore 2014-5-24 10570165 abcabc007 2022-6-3 17:12
[资料] 经典光通信参考书大放送 attach_img  ...23456..11 fwbnick 2014-2-22 10351571 zhangyingui8 2023-3-14 17:36
[资料] 光无线通信好书大放送系列1 (The collection of optical wireless communications) attach_img  ...23456..10 fwbnick 2014-2-15 9858864 gmq19930308 2024-2-17 21:43
光纤通讯系统经典书籍Fiber-Optic Communications Systems attachment  ...23456..10 2008-1-22 9425049 lewispoiuy 2019-4-30 18:08
2008新书:Optical.Fiber.Telecommunications.V.Volume.A&B attachment  ...23456..10 whatif 2008-11-17 9019847 lewispoiuy 2019-4-30 17:50
[资料] 半导体激光器专辑(Semiconductor Lasers) attach_img  ...23456..9 fwbnick 2014-8-12 8673026 ycwwzz 2024-1-2 09:52
光通讯系列书籍 9本书 attachment  ...23456..9 2008-2-12 8119155 xiahuan1129 2020-3-12 12:01
[资料] 光连接器的两本好书 (Optical Interconnects) attach_img  ...23456..8 fwbnick 2014-5-6 7645714 RSTZYP 2024-3-28 15:08
[资料] Silicon Photonics Design: From Devices to Systems attachment  ...23456..8 narashimaraja 2016-7-13 7289640 s98006368 2024-5-25 14:48
[资料] Optical Fiber Telecommunications VIA & VIB - [阅读权限 5]attachment  ...23456..7 fwbnick 2013-12-29 69747 AlexKe 2021-2-17 20:41
Springer 09新书High-Order Modulation for Optical Fiber Transmission attachment  ...23456..7 jacobshen 2009-8-28 6315182 yeshenyue 2019-11-27 13:58
[资料] 《OFDM for Optical Communications》 attachment  ...23456..7 liangxia2001 2010-3-14 6015042 dbdavid 2018-4-26 21:02
[资料] Optical Fiber Telecommunications VIB (Sixth Edition) attach_img  ...23456 haiquancheng 2013-10-21 5628646 skyclimber 2021-2-28 17:41
[资料] 【已经找到】光通信的圣经最新版Optical Fiber Telecommunications VII 2020 attach_img  ...23456 study007 2020-3-7 5546292 semileon 2024-2-27 09:30
[资料] [2010 Springer 新书]Coding for Optical Channels attachment  ...23456 free2bird 2010-11-30 5021033 haoxchao828 2020-11-16 10:38
[资料] 光纤通信(第三版) attach_img  ...2345 luyuan81 2012-5-24 4949379 ice066968 2023-8-21 17:48
[资料] Digital Coherent Receiver in Optical Communications attachment  ...2345 fwbnick 2013-1-31 4918406 hitprince 2023-3-30 14:43
[资料] Digital Processing: Optical Transmission and Coherent Receiving Techniques attach_img  ...2345 fwbnick 2014-4-11 4916436 you6237 2019-11-1 13:58
[资料] Microwave Photonics (微波光子专辑) attach_img  ...2345 fwbnick 2014-5-8 4925385 xiaoyong369 2022-9-29 11:40
[资料] Silicon Photonics Design: From Devices to Systems attachment  ...2345 narashimaraja 2016-7-13 4966790 s98006368 2024-5-25 14:44
[原创] Huawei 50G PAM4 技术白皮书 attachment  ...2345 shsini 2018-9-7 4934995 zlhrsy 2023-8-25 11:56
[资料] 应助 High Speed DAC/ADC and DSP for Optical Coherent Communications attachment  ...2345 fwbnick 2014-5-10 4512308 semileon 2024-2-27 09:32
[原创] 802.3-2018 - IEEE Standard for Ethernet 新人帖 attachment  ...2345 tinkertux 2020-5-27 4556611 dasubuaa 2024-5-13 15:13
[资料] 应助 Optiwave/Optisystem 学习材料 attach_img  ...2345 fwbnick 2014-5-8 4469617 ew101 2021-6-25 11:53
[资料] 再来个400G QSFP-DD的硬件指导,希望有人喜欢 attachment  ...2345 老白 2018-9-10 4342944 denzf 2024-4-10 10:49
光纤通信基本知识.ppt attachment  ...2345 xwl347 2009-9-18 4213379 XYxiemo 2022-7-29 18:06
[资料] 2014 全球光通信大会 (OFC/NFOEC)论文集 attachment  ...2345 fwbnick 2014-6-3 4011856 dbdavid 2018-4-26 20:49
[资料] 光学经典著作 Principles of Optics attach_img  ...2345 fwbnick 2014-9-15 4035587 xiaoyong369 2022-9-29 11:31
[资料] Computational Photonics-An Introduction with MATLAB attachment  ...234 fwbnick 2013-12-29 3930892 HerbertWang 2022-2-27 17:18
[原创] 40G100G关键技术V1.2-赵文玉 attachment  ...234 wocccccc 2015-12-10 3920430 yyqygdx 2022-1-18 08:47
[资料] Noise and Signal Interference in Optical Fiber Transmission Systems - [阅读权限 10]attach_img  ...234 fwbnick 2013-4-17 38939 braverheart 2018-5-14 16:35
[资料] Integrated Silicon Optoelectronics attachment  ...234 optoelectronic 2014-7-2 3816849 xiaodi123456 2024-2-27 13:00
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