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版主: fwbnick
[资料] 应助 High Speed DAC/ADC and DSP for Optical Coherent Communications attachment  ...2345 fwbnick 2014-5-10 4614291 zxdeetop 2024-7-5 02:51
2008新书:Optical.Fiber.Telecommunications.V.Volume.A&B attachment  ...23456..10 whatif 2008-11-17 9121984 semileon 2024-6-16 10:58
Optical Fiber Telecommunications V: vol. B Systems and Networks attachment  ...23 mesmerism 2008-7-25 299786 semileon 2024-6-16 10:46
[原创] Essentials of Modern Optical Fiber Communication, 2nd edition attach_img  ...23 Jason.tschen 2016-7-21 2912946 semileon 2024-6-16 10:30
[资料] Optical Fiber Telecommunications VIA & VIB - [阅读权限 5]attachment  ...23456..8 fwbnick 2013-12-29 70756 semileon 2024-6-16 10:29
[转贴] 转pdf文字版:Optical Fiber Telecommunications VIB (Sixth Edition) attachment  ...2 sydy110 2021-2-17 1410989 semileon 2024-6-16 10:24
[讨论] IEEE802.3 以太网MAC和PHY技术交流 swithun 2023-9-21 71694 my_ver 2024-6-15 22:38
[视频] 一分钟看懂光通信行业产业链 hycsystem 2024-1-10 21315 hqhui 2024-6-8 21:45
[讨论] ADS与VPIphotonics 联合仿真 attach_img wanliweiwlw 2023-2-28 31576 hqhui 2024-6-8 21:42
[资料] Silicon Photonics Design: From Devices to Systems attachment  ...2345 narashimaraja 2016-7-13 4968488 s98006368 2024-5-25 14:44
[资料] ZEMAX2003 EE attachment blueblackrain 2019-8-19 62176 qiuranke 2024-5-21 16:21
[讨论] 无线可见光通信LiFi现在有应用场景吗 hjc19951212 2024-5-9 0641 hjc19951212 2024-5-9 14:57
[资料] 求书Optical Fiber Communication Systems with MATLAB® Simulink® Models 新人帖 attachment  ...2 eastlau 2022-12-28 152759 zhsh94 2024-5-7 07:02
[资料] VCSELs Fundamentals, technology and applications of vertical-cavity surface-e... attachment cloudfd 2021-8-4 98757 alyosha_sun 2024-5-6 17:16
[资料] 高级光学和光子学器件 新人帖 attachment  ...2 cloudfd 2021-8-4 117019 rnysun 2024-4-28 22:37
[资料] 再来个400G QSFP-DD的硬件指导,希望有人喜欢 attachment  ...2345 老白 2018-9-10 4344128 denzf 2024-4-10 10:49
[资料] inphi 2018 data center and long haul metro attachment shsini 2018-9-7 53342 lyx1982 2024-4-2 16:52
[资料] 相干光通信技术的研究 attachment  ...23 totuwei 2018-10-18 2621789 lyx1982 2024-4-2 16:12
[视频] 30秒了解什么是WDM波分复用技术! hycsystem 2023-6-1 11244 lyx1982 2024-4-2 15:34
[资料] 华为-现代光网络技术 attachment  ...234 lijie0305 2016-7-26 3513511 LiuBrian_2024 2024-4-2 09:06
[资料] WDM Technologies Optical Networks by Achyut K. Dutta, Niloy K. Dutta, Masahik... attachment cloudfd 2021-8-4 86942 jiaerse 2024-4-1 10:33
[资料] 光连接器的两本好书 (Optical Interconnects) attach_img  ...23456..8 fwbnick 2014-5-6 7647352 RSTZYP 2024-3-28 15:08
[原创] Principles of Photonics attachment  ...23 Jason.tschen 2016-8-21 247404 RSTZYP 2024-3-24 09:22
[资料] 求OFC 2024论文集 新人帖 Belton1988 2024-3-14 0857 Belton1988 2024-3-14 06:49
[原创] 如何利用WDM波分复用技术来扩展光纤容量? attach_img hycsystem 2023-3-24 11471 xiaodi123456 2024-2-27 13:02
[资料] Integrated Silicon Optoelectronics attachment  ...234 optoelectronic 2014-7-2 3817875 xiaodi123456 2024-2-27 13:00
[资料] 【2018 第二版】Optical Wireless Communications:System and Channel Modelling with MATLAB attach_img  ...2 hsh22 2019-12-16 1217634 semileon 2024-2-27 09:24
[资料] 光无线通信好书大放送系列1 (The collection of optical wireless communications) attach_img  ...23456..10 fwbnick 2014-2-15 9860563 gmq19930308 2024-2-17 21:43
[资料] Fundamentals of Photonics attachment  ...2 fwbnick 2014-5-16 1510825 warewise6836 2024-2-4 15:32
[资料] Optics (4th Edition) 光学第四版 attach_img  ...23 fwbnick 2014-5-16 228640 warewise6836 2024-2-4 15:23
[原创] 10G PON演进到50G PON attach_img hycsystem 2024-2-4 0985 hycsystem 2024-2-4 11:46
[资料] Optical Design Using Excel: Practical Calculations for Laser Optical Systems attachment  ...23 spline 2015-9-10 217742 omnik 2024-1-30 19:01
[资料] 半导体激光器专辑(Semiconductor Lasers) attach_img  ...23456..9 fwbnick 2014-8-12 8674561 ycwwzz 2024-1-2 09:52
[资料] 求Gerd Keiser的光纤通信第5版 林佳辉 2023-12-24 0824 林佳辉 2023-12-24 17:25
[原创] Optical Communication Receiver Design_Stephen B. Alexander attachment  ...2 wuende 2022-6-21 113395 AliciaT 2023-12-18 17:13
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