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IC验证资料 今日: 0|主题: 3523|排名: 9 

[资料] PCIE 体系结构 经典资料 attachment  ...23456..15 sunxkechd 2018-4-29 14025598 Electron_tube 6 天前
[原创] 《Introduction to VCS 2019.06》PPT attachment  ...23 pwang7 2022-1-15 243873 潛龍勿用 6 天前
[资料] 《Practical-UVM-Step-By-Step》代码 attachment 齐天大胜 7 天前 4194 lhyi 7 天前
[原创] vcs使用手册 attachment  ...23 wx3539nice 2017-3-16 299617 wolver 7 天前
[资料] vim实用技巧第二版 attachment  ...234 3almap 2023-4-24 323588 wolver 7 天前
[资料] 《Practical UVM step by step with IEEE》 attachment  ...23456..14 聂默 2022-5-10 13714706 zixin1hao 7 天前
[资料] SystemVerilog Assertions 应用指南【中文版】 attachment  ...23456..11 litterstrong 2014-1-8 10028331 齐天大胜 7 天前
[资料] writting testbench 第二版 attachment  ...2345 rootxie 2012-9-27 419443 jwfan 2024-6-1 07:20
[原创] 稍作整理后的多年工作笔记 attach_img digest  ...23456..65 janlesion 2020-2-2 64580579 jwfan 2024-6-1 07:03
[资料] sy nopsys uvm work shop全套资料 attachment  ...23456..7 叉烧要配米线 2021-6-16 6811420 jwfan 2024-6-1 06:45
[资料] 如何做FPGA验证 attachment digest  ...23456..22 guolehaohao 2015-3-18 21041491 lianghh 2024-5-31 17:26
[资料] SV绿皮书和UVM实战,欢迎自取 新人帖 attachment  ...23456..21 852146993 2019-11-5 20140220 yqnie 2024-5-31 15:23
[求助] 求s家的I2C VIP 新人帖 attachment  ...2 xiaozhang要努力 2023-2-22 162129 yqnie 2024-5-31 15:17
[资料] APB总线文档和synopsys VIP的安装和使用 attach_img  ...2 后时代明明 2022-7-29 113780 yqnie 2024-5-31 15:14
[资料] 验证顶级会议含DVCon 2022 US attachment  ...2 walker 2022-9-2 132874 Vincent_Chen 2024-5-30 15:22
[资料] Verilog HDL程序设计实例详解(PDF+源码) 7z格式极限压缩吧 attachment agree  ...23456..14 megaic 2016-4-22 13926558 xxx715 2024-5-30 13:50
[资料] 5ystemVeril0g Advanced Register Verification Using UVM v2103 Lec/Lab Manual attach_img  ...23456..37 2046 2022-12-10 36913091 gobar25 2024-5-28 12:11
[资料] SVA: The Power of Assertions in SystemVerilog attach_img  ...23 rainingud 2022-3-2 213471 cw12138 2024-5-28 10:53
悬赏 [求助] VCS-MX 2020 or later in Linux 64 along with docs and working crack for it in RAR FORMAT - [已解决]  ...234 gobar25 2021-9-14 397695 clslhy 2024-5-28 10:31
[资料] System Verilog Assertions应用指南 attachment  ...23 suwon 2017-8-9 289822 dreamfly123123 2024-5-28 09:05
[资料] Vim实用技巧 attachment 2767335283 2024-4-28 8327 skydreamer 2024-5-27 16:11
[原创] Verilog/SystemVerilog代码风格指南 新人帖 attach_img  ...234 吴彦祖 2020-10-21 368030 lousgi 2024-5-27 13:54
[原创] UVM+VCS+Verdi基本平台搭建: attach_img digest  ...23456..60 9065574912 2015-4-1 598119917 伪界 2024-5-27 09:52
[资料] LPDDR5/4/4x PHY 完整指南 attachment  ...2345 axhanker 2022-7-3 494999 clslhy 2024-5-27 09:19
[资料] siemens eda uvm cookbook 2022.1 attach_img  ...23456..16 navie 2022-3-17 15313100 stevenGodJJ 2024-5-26 08:37
[原创] gvim 自用配置。 attachment 3almap 2024-5-21 1235 mrpp 2024-5-25 22:22
[资料] UVM 用户手册 新人帖 attachment stone6666 2024-4-21 7326 炒鸡屈服者 2024-5-25 20:58
[原创] System C 入门(第2版) 附属光盘 attachment williamseu1984 2019-5-27 41305 jdk 2024-5-25 09:07
[资料] mentor的uart uvm example attachment  ...23456..40 空白MAX 2020-9-8 39035188 l1223 2024-5-24 15:07
[资料] Linux那些事儿之我是USB/PCI/HUB/SCSI/ECHI attachment  ...234 dfb211 2012-1-29 3211019 Xunuoo 2024-5-24 14:01
[原创] 形式验证大全 新人帖 attachment  ...2 suimingyan 2022-1-26 124089 kl_upc 2024-5-24 11:44
[资料] LPDDR5 JESD209-5B attachment 2767335283 2024-3-28 5456 clslhy 2024-5-24 11:38
[资料] DFI 5.0 spec attachment  ...23456..7 tobaby 2021-7-20 6918011 clslhy 2024-5-24 11:36
[原创] 数字IC逻辑综合实践-DC总结 attachment digest  ...23456..10 dreamer180 2020-2-18 9529296 kl_upc 2024-5-24 11:33
[原创] 很不错的amba ahb vip(已试用)免费 attachment 夜风恋明月 2023-9-7 81303 kl_upc 2024-5-24 11:31
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