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资料共享 今日: 0|主题: 2384|排名: 32 

PCI_Express_CEM_R2.0(PCIE电气规范2.0版) attachment  ...23456..12 ktulu 2009-11-15 11725998 fushibo50 2023-12-5 19:57
PCI Express™Card Electromechanical Specification Revision 1.0a attachment  ...234 apex_ch 2008-12-1 309060 fushibo50 2023-12-5 19:56
总线标准共享PCIE DVI LPC LVDS I2C....... attachment  ...23456..11 lhc3630 2008-3-27 10729343 aaano 2023-11-30 15:15
xilinx中文版pcie core用户指南ug341 attachment  ...23456..12 tangaoray 2009-8-24 11827470 ldd-1987 2023-11-26 16:37
[资料] DDR 内存详细介绍 attachment  ...23456..11 wang20080808 2010-2-22 10221993 ldd-1987 2023-11-26 16:33
[资料] SMBus 3.1,3.0,2.0 spec attachment lanzhang 2022-1-24 62206 ldd-1987 2023-11-26 16:32
USB Complete The Developer's Guide 4th Edition.pdf attachment  ...23456..10 hyl175 2009-10-4 9120185 sutaotao2001 2023-11-26 03:15
[求助] 求 标准 PCI Express M.2 Specification Revision 1.0 kandowl 2014-9-26 53500 艾伦耶 2023-11-23 10:42
SmartMediaCard资料 (无内容) attachment  ...2 neowang 2005-8-29 103065 lsh361 2023-11-21 10:22
[资料] USB3.0 PHY Interface attachment  ...23456..10 smlben 2011-4-10 9425449 lvnanll 2023-11-18 09:59
[资料] USB3.0静电保护方案 attachment zhupinchao 2023-11-11 0446 zhupinchao 2023-11-11 18:38
SDIO 协议大全 详细版和简化版本都有 attachment  ...23456..21 leadwellfine 2009-10-3 20241072 lubing521 2023-11-10 22:36
[原创] DDR3 V.S. DDR4 V.S. DDR5 agree  ...2 固执的寻觅 2020-3-11 186352 cmmjava 2023-11-9 22:33
[资料] DDR3走线规则 attachment  ...2 徐志成 2016-11-21 195105 yuanziying 2023-11-8 17:44
[资料] PCI总线规范中文版 attachment  ...23456..9 songyi040515 2010-5-27 8324067 lxjucdos124 2023-11-8 13:51
[资料] USBSystemArchitecture(USB2-0) jayne 2009-12-18 72667 ziger0915 2023-11-8 01:39
[资料] 【TypeC】【DP_ALT_MODE】 attachment  ...2 杨_帆 2020-4-28 145317 yw8381 2023-11-1 14:53
CANopen 通信行规特性 attachment stamzhang 2008-10-27 41934 jw216 2023-10-26 20:54
CANopen协议分析指南 attachment  ...2 raywcx 2009-10-14 143329 jw216 2023-10-26 20:53
CANopen 协议介绍.pdf attachment vxworksbj 2009-2-16 22448 jw216 2023-10-26 20:52
[资料] PCI Express体系结构导读 attachment  ...23 liangzi2000 2011-5-30 2711400 Emmet_73 2023-10-24 10:02
[资料] 高速互联对比:Ethernet、PCIe、RapidIO attachment  ...23456..9 vdakulav 2015-2-4 8218725 E0097 2023-10-23 15:12
SMBUS SPEC 2.0 attachment  ...23456..8 jiyesky 2006-8-30 7018305 bt_zhao 2023-10-23 09:38
请问SMBUS2.0和I2C 2.0总线的主要区别在什么地方? 谢谢 bijienanjing 2007-7-19 24813 bt_zhao 2023-10-23 09:37
[资料] mipi csi协议 attachment  ...2345 rainbowczj 2012-6-10 4915388 Xiongjin_DD 2023-10-11 16:44
[资料] [PCIE] PIPE8协议分享 attachment  ...23 elevenblog 2012-1-17 278726 calmqing 2023-10-4 15:38
[资料] ATA协议及SATA协议 attachment  ...23 goaway 2020-1-22 286601 jack_20150410 2023-9-22 10:35
[资料] rapidio嵌入式系统互连 attachment  ...23 dfsmile 2015-8-29 267283 jack_20150410 2023-9-22 10:17
[资料] PCI Express® Timing Margins attachment silenx 2013-9-27 32454 jack_20150410 2023-9-22 10:07
[资料] PCI Express External Cabling Specification 1.0(PCIE外置线缆规范) attachment  ...234 pmdddd 2012-5-28 3411693 jack_20150410 2023-9-22 10:03
[资料] pci express external cables attachment chyl 2010-9-17 62374 jack_20150410 2023-9-22 09:20
[资料] 最新的SGMII的Spec-Specification attachment  ...2345 lu_regal 2010-7-1 4714929 Protogenoi 2023-9-21 14:12
SD_MMC卡协议规范 attachment  ...23456 liusong106 2007-9-21 5412705 dreamfly123123 2023-9-21 11:25
sgmii spec attachment  ...2 tmdted 2009-6-11 195759 dreamfly123123 2023-9-21 10:49
System PCI to PCI Bridge architecture specification attachment  ...2 solenovex 2007-12-1 174753 lilyrose_lr 2023-9-20 15:59
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