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资料共享 今日: 0|主题: 2384|排名: 81 

1553总线ip core 设计探讨 hnchentao 2007-7-7 32973 dreamfly123123 2024-5-21 18:11
GPRS协议规范 attachment  ...23 redwolfxxxx 2008-3-31 296114 dreamfly123123 2024-5-21 17:58
PCI总线接口芯片PCI9054及其应用 attachment  ...2 silvia 2008-12-14 102578 dreamfly123123 2024-5-21 17:56
[资料] 光纤通道相关资料 attachment  ...2 holliwood 2012-12-27 114646 dreamfly123123 2024-5-21 17:55
[资料] USB 2.0 Specification attachment  ...2 pickpunk 2012-8-29 124205 dreamfly123123 2024-5-21 17:23
[资料] modbus protocol attachment flyfisher 2017-10-8 82656 dreamfly123123 2024-5-21 17:08
sata phy interface specification attachment  ...23456..7 fogworld 2009-3-25 6614340 lujunfeng111 2024-5-16 14:21
IO虚拟化规范 attachment  ...2 cj_ict 2007-7-9 175126 ZHOUSHUNMIN 2024-5-16 09:28
[资料] C语言学习笔记,简单明了 新人帖 attachment lfxhjq 2023-8-20 1736 zhangyingui8 2024-5-13 16:07
[资料] HDMI 1.4标准 attachment  ...23456 chocobocn 2010-4-7 5115560 苍穹521earth 2024-5-10 20:43
[资料] I2S标准-英文版 attachment  ...23 Jerry_Wu 2010-11-17 299247 ysp111 2024-5-8 16:51
[资料] 模拟高清AHD/TVI/CVI/CVBS转各种接口输出,模拟高清最高支持8MP youde180 2024-5-7 1271 jiangnaner 2024-5-7 16:01
[资料] 1 2G SDI转HDMI,HDMI转SDI直通方案,用GS12170现实转换 youde180 2024-5-7 0258 youde180 2024-5-7 15:44
Introduction to PCI Express, A Hardware and Software Developer's Guide attachment  ...23456..8 common_www 2009-3-11 7317027 bufans 2024-5-6 16:40
[资料] ELECTRONIC DEVICESAND CIRCUIT THEORY (7th edtion) attachment  ...234 nerohark 2009-12-12 368195 Andy126 2024-4-29 20:35
[资料] IEEE802.3bs standard for 200G/400G Ethernet attachment  ...23456 powerlab 2018-11-19 5514369 Andy126 2024-4-29 20:27
[资料] PCI Express Base Specification Revision 3.1 attach_img  ...2345 胜利象征 2016-7-30 4011459 Andy126 2024-4-29 20:08
PCI9054RDK官方原理图 attachment  ...23456..14 pc505asds 2007-5-24 13938070 kttle 2024-4-26 22:19
PCI9052和PCI9054的中文资料!绝对完整。绝对中文。 attachment  ...23456..50 kiyeer 2006-9-19 49876320 kttle 2024-4-26 22:15
[资料] SCSI-3 Multimedia Commands--(For USB mass storage) attachment skyfighter 2011-10-25 92932 zhangfm 2024-4-25 11:44
SPI总线规范 attachment  ...23456..44 below273 2007-4-15 43758875 john_123 2024-4-20 13:03
Altera SPI4.2规范 attachment  ...2 zte_chenmeme 2009-3-23 174665 江俊杰 2024-4-19 09:48
SMbus资料 attachment  ...2345 benbenbear 2008-1-29 438366 江俊杰 2024-4-19 09:45
[资料] LIN Specification Package Revision 2.1 attachment davenxiao 2022-8-12 81731 江俊杰 2024-4-19 09:43
[资料] DP CTS 测试协议 attachment 杨_帆 2020-5-29 93054 江俊杰 2024-4-19 09:34
USB2.0控制器的IP核设计 attachment  ...23456..9 s_warmwind 2009-2-22 8716794 汉水之子 2024-4-9 11:40
CAN总线源码 attachment  ...23456 ctn736 2008-12-24 5912918 汉水之子 2024-4-9 11:37
PCI Express PHY PCB Layout Guideline (PCIe协议标准规范 attachment  ...23456..11 w_alex 2009-7-16 10425093 wangchenglong 2024-4-7 11:06
[资料] LIN总线协议2.0中文翻译版 attachment  ...234 cmgit 2011-11-5 3111023 chinaqu 2024-4-3 10:20
[资料] PCI Express Technology 3.0 attachment  ...23 漏网之鱼Y 2013-12-7 248368 lykang 2024-4-2 18:00
spi4.2协议 attachment  ...23456..11 zj377 2009-3-20 10320364 xiaohuawei 2024-4-1 10:45
[资料] can_fd_spec BOSCH CAN with Flexible Data-Rate attachment  ...234 songzijian87 2021-3-10 315381 skahill 2024-4-1 10:23
[资料] usb协议与OTG attachment  ...234 ceowchmiao 2014-8-8 3810619 lyd964201 2024-3-30 10:48
USB_OTG_1.3协议 attachment  ...23 flylocust 2009-8-22 218465 lyd964201 2024-3-30 10:31
USB OTG Specification attachment  ...23 puffen 2004-9-18 287051 lyd964201 2024-3-30 10:29
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