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资料共享 今日: 2 |主题: 2388|排名: 35 

[资料] ISO+7816标准中文版 attachment  ...2 fly_haopp 2010-11-16 126076 马奎高 2017-1-3 16:55
CAN总线入门 attachment sangsang512 2008-3-7 81995 elliotivy 2016-12-24 11:23
PCI_DESIGN_HANDBOOK_5th Ed_precast & prestressed concrete. attachment  ...23 xhjin 2008-11-18 217374 Ryggeor 2016-12-15 17:16 hujiaomianhao 2009-7-12 82788 steven_wgq 2016-12-12 21:58
给大家提供一些1553B的美军标 attachment  ...2 gestybear 2009-5-5 113640 sunraining85 2016-12-12 10:39
PROTEL99SE转GERBER步骤 attachment neoguo 2007-4-26 92521 jeffej 2016-12-8 14:59
[资料] Allegro转Gerber注意事项 attachment chuniuwork 2011-4-19 52247 jeffej 2016-12-6 13:08
[资料] allegro_SI_信号完整性仿真 attachment lightdeng666 2013-5-29 52496 ralphtwtw 2016-12-6 11:39
Power Integrity Analysis of DDR2 memory system attachment  ...23456 ggyy1216 2007-10-16 579962 demetrio 2016-12-5 16:52
Lattice 33MHz, 32-Bit PCI Target的代码 attachment  ...234 cdhqh 2004-4-15 319155 Ryggeor 2016-11-29 17:00
[原创] PCI开发,全套自有IP z1222499 2016-11-20 01704 z1222499 2016-11-20 20:11
USB in a Nutshell attachment zhongtao2000 2008-6-1 42507 iaminbj 2016-11-10 09:05
pci express桥接芯片8111官方提供的硬件设计资料(附电路图哦) attachment  ...23456..8 yaner1830 2007-3-22 7012715 iaminbj 2016-11-9 17:46
[原创]X86架构和PCI体系 attachment  ...23456..62 superljc 2004-9-25 61692343 iaminbj 2016-11-9 17:41
[资料] 93C66,到官网都很难找的芯片资料 attachment wyw0903 2013-11-21 31666 iaminbj 2016-11-9 17:31
SerialATA_Revision_2_5_Gold attachment  ...23456..17 jiyesky 2006-8-30 16028079 chinest2010 2016-11-2 19:21
1553B、429航空总线资料(打包提供!) attachment  ...23456..7 hanxiao110 2007-6-1 6514428 独孤一叶 2016-11-2 19:17
[资料] 8通道波束成形系统 attachment betaone 2010-4-16 22832 独孤一叶 2016-11-2 19:15
[原创] TI DSP 32位处理器原理图及封装库 attachment  ...2 yongqin2005 2010-11-27 109587 独孤一叶 2016-11-2 18:22
Introduction to PCI Express attachment  ...2345 harold 2008-3-22 498403 jimcmwang 2016-10-25 12:02
[转]LIN总线技术及其应用研究 attachment  ...2 dsj11521 2008-3-15 103553 bjtuguo 2016-10-11 18:59
ISA System Architecture attachment  ...23456..10 smartsam 2007-9-6 9214341 secant0711 2016-10-6 06:11
PCI局部总线 开发者指南 attachment  ...23456..71 dejun 2004-6-4 703104425 随风伤逝 2016-9-30 14:44
谁有GJB289A-97的相关资料 zhytutu 2009-2-18 89490 sensorsky 2016-9-25 15:17
[资料] 1394 标准 attachment guanzhiyong1976 2011-7-23 83584 zzchina 2016-9-25 07:38
ATA line termination issues on systems with high speed interface attachment xuezhi 2009-9-15 92537 fwutsairlin 2016-9-11 15:25
经典CANopen 协议介绍(中文转载一) attachment  ...2345 f-fly7 2008-8-27 4010903 suk_jin 2016-9-8 15:09
[资料] PMC规范 xdxzwxq 2013-1-12 13335 chinest2010 2016-8-31 11:40
值得推荐的IIC资料和程序Verilog attachment  ...23456..7 rexsongran 2007-11-2 6412167 擦我 2016-8-30 10:11
[资料] rapio io 2.0协议 attachment  ...2 xlong 2015-5-27 104166 ayamitek 2016-8-28 07:45
[资料] Introduction to InfiniBand attachment cwy691024 2016-4-8 11563 sayangcinta 2016-8-28 07:32
经典CANopen_组网与测控(中文转载三) attachment f-fly7 2008-8-27 72556 heningbo 2016-8-27 13:45
PCIE 2.0 SPEC attachment  ...23456..9 tmxk_01 2009-3-22 8214637 lvzhuo 2016-8-25 15:42
[求助] Request: MIPI M-PHY specification wanghua131 2012-4-15 13020 stevelu1966 2016-8-17 09:56
[求助] 求标准IEC62439和61850 vdakulav 2016-8-15 12035 vdakulav 2016-8-17 09:28
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