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电路设计资料 今日: 1 |主题: 14826|排名: 22 

ACDC充电器详解 attachment  ...23456..7 neoguo 2007-5-31 6315095 haizaolan 2023-3-18 21:54
medici手册(中文)  ...23456..11 JIFENGQU 2008-5-14 10028221 一个菜鸟 2023-3-18 13:39
[原创] Atmel AVR Microcontroller Primer: Programming and Interfacing-book attachment  ...23 A1985 2010-6-6 277789 xdrxdr 2023-3-18 12:58
[资料] 用UC3842芯片设计开关电源 attachment laoK_jin 2010-9-2 92822 476830347 2023-3-18 08:55
电脑电源电路图 attachment agree zqinzheng 2008-11-13 82828 476830347 2023-3-17 16:11
可综合的Verilog语法 attachment mdy521 2006-11-19 73240 infortrans 2023-3-17 14:05
the art of analog layout(continued7) attachment wangjianping 2007-6-28 12422 infortrans 2023-3-17 14:00
有关运动控制算法的书籍 attachment  ...2 cooking12 2008-3-13 148256 infortrans 2023-3-17 13:57
[下载]sata design attachment  ...23456..11 spring 2005-6-30 10923323 yuanwolf2008 2023-3-17 13:30
[资料] Top 10 EMC Design Considerations attachment larryfarn 2012-10-1 22202 sdustyj 2023-3-16 13:41
[资料] power_sources_and_supplies__world_class_designs attachment  ...234 daynight09 2010-2-7 337970 no814987 2023-3-15 17:22
SKILL Language Reference ( cadence ) attachment  ...2345 pon1213a 2008-8-8 4113234 denghui456 2023-3-15 12:02
高速系统设计--抖动、噪声和信号完整性 attachment agree  ...23456..31 Jason.tschen 2009-10-16 30239666 infortrans 2023-3-15 08:26
电子版Jitter, Noise, and Signal Integrity at High-Speed attachment  ...23456..14 luomsen 2008-7-11 13527413 pkzydl 2023-3-15 00:34
[资料] 实用电池充电器与保护器电路集锦 attach_img notfackerd 2011-1-24 62577 haizaolan 2023-3-14 23:37
好书,大家抓紧下了Delta-Sigma Data Converters theory, design and simulati attachment  ...2345 pekingzhang 2008-12-8 4516411 zhangyingui8 2023-3-14 15:27
SI问题分析:泰克TDR, TDR ,TDT,VNA,PLTS技术详解 attachment  ...2345 myshuixiang 2008-8-25 4813887 bobo0322 2023-3-13 21:12
SOI 工艺流程图 attachment  ...23456..11 Leiva 2008-3-11 10124049 liang_song 2023-3-13 11:56
开关电源测试规范 attachment  ...23 cunjl 2007-12-27 276267 haizaolan 2023-3-12 23:06
全差分运放设计 attachment  ...2 qianxuan 2009-10-13 104360 JingKe 2023-3-12 22:41
CMOS folded-cascode operational amplifier with flicker noise minimisation attachment  ...2345 supergold 2008-4-27 4310883 KongDu 2023-3-12 22:41
[资料] 德国大学测试技术经典教材 电测技术 第8版.pdf attachment  ...23456..7 mknj 2011-10-28 6318611 haizaolan 2023-3-12 18:29
[资料] 大功率高频开关电源磁集成技术的研究 attachment ysyanda 2022-3-29 82072 haizaolan 2023-3-12 18:28
[资料] 高增益CMOS全差分运放的研究和设计 attachment  ...2 denkyvip 2012-10-12 104779 JingKe 2023-3-12 13:03
IC设计流程和设计方法 资料 attachment  ...23456..10 sadlife1000 2009-11-22 9127825 mldxl. 2023-3-11 16:59
[其它] 现代电子电路原理与设计 schzhang 2022-10-28 91911 lans0625 2023-3-10 23:25
[资料] 分享1个电磁兼容设计的好书 attachment kipking 2016-5-18 43215 kobe0203 2023-3-10 22:05
[资料] 523-(ZCU102E的pin兼容替代卡) 基于 XCZU15EG的双 FMC通用信号处理板 attach_img orihard1 2023-3-10 01122 orihard1 2023-3-10 16:36
珍藏的电容资料大全 attachment  ...23456..13 tyh18h 2009-10-9 12320443 haizaolan 2023-3-9 22:35
这几天上传了很多模拟电路软件,模拟电路课件,欢迎大家下载(绝对免费,绝对经典)!  ...2345 liulijun365 2008-3-19 4318219 haizaolan 2023-3-9 21:51
[资料] 【专用集成电路设计】_经典教材! attachment  ...2345 netshell 2011-4-5 4512763 soldierwuhan 2023-3-9 19:24
[资料] 大师的模拟人生 (willy sansen) attachment  ...2345 xiangyangzhaoyi 2011-9-18 4511520 soldierwuhan 2023-3-9 19:15
[资料] Fundamentals of Logic Design 7th attachment  ...2345 sdc 2013-7-11 4411882 no814987 2023-3-9 19:04
[资料] 挺不错!!电池模型(Simulink) Battery_modelling Simulink attachment  ...2345 hikuaidian 2010-8-12 4516805 no814987 2023-3-9 18:55
[资料] 内部资料-开关电源设计要领及设计全过程 attachment agree  ...2345 liaohf521 2010-8-1 469672 no814987 2023-3-9 18:49
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