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Multi-Carrier Digital Communications Theory and Applications of OFDM attachment wanqt05 2009-5-19 41531 auspiciouschen 2015-1-21 19:13
高等数学公式手册.doc attachment lkk688 2009-4-4 71841 hitprince 2015-1-21 14:12
[求助] 求Introduction to Digital Communications的解答 chunghung0 2010-3-17 42601 jdltimbe 2015-1-20 18:48
找书:practical analog and digital filter design tiger729 2006-11-22 32179 ptlddn 2015-1-20 10:06
MATLAB通信仿真及应用实例详解 attachment  ...234 xiaojj2005 2009-8-9 325068 vento212 2015-1-20 10:00
台湾某大学OFDM讲义 attachment  ...23456 liyuanliu 2007-8-15 506682 huangtorres 2015-1-19 21:46
[求助] 求书 Heterogeneous Cellular Networks – Theory, Simulation, and Deployment lizhongjie 2014-10-16 52065 haochen111 2015-1-18 17:43
simulating wireless communication systems C++代码 attachment tanbo 2007-6-22 75482 haochen111 2015-1-18 17:08
GPS signal simulator development and verification attachment  ...234 wilily8888 2008-2-9 338524 surpass3000 2015-1-18 13:05
simulating wireless communication systems C++代码1 attachment tanbo 2007-6-22 92563 haochen111 2015-1-18 12:53
送 台湾牛人笔记Communication systems: Haykin.笔记 hi_china59 2009-9-3 52173 z9886607 2015-1-17 00:15
[资料] 好书 MATLAB Programming for Engineering attachment  ...2 zhou_li 2011-4-30 123640 hypear 2015-1-16 21:48 attachment sfwang 2009-2-25 91945 qycx 2015-1-15 22:23
Ebook] Coexistence in Wireless Networks attachment zweishi 2009-1-19 42159 haochen111 2015-1-15 21:22
Stochastic Optimization attachment  ...2 sfwang 2009-3-25 142955 haochen111 2015-1-15 21:13
[资料] 中国移动网络优化技术培训班 attachment zenkiCHENG 2010-8-17 72508 haochen111 2015-1-15 21:10
[讨论] 想要阿想要阿 c340126c3401261 2015-1-1 12291 Jason.tschen 2015-1-14 08:31
[资料] frequency estimation for optical coherent mpsk system vikingg 2015-1-9 11409 chujn 2015-1-12 10:22
A Subspace Multiuser Beamforming Algorithm for the Downlink attachment chenpeng3361 2007-10-27 72106 amigo.change 2015-1-9 19:16
[资料] UWB多径信道下RAKE接收和均衡的作用分析 attachment vikingg 2015-1-9 01073 vikingg 2015-1-9 13:48
RF and Microwave Power PA and Transmitter attachment  ...2345 czg2007 2007-1-17 496888 yxy7968 2015-1-8 17:19
请教fll li9311 2005-10-26 32942 墨迹_爷 2015-1-7 17:58
无线通信的新技术——协作通信 attachment  ...23 liuwei_0613 2008-1-11 204817 hchen0730 2015-1-5 07:10
Wiley经典:Single- and Multi-Carrier CDMA .pdf attachment  ...23 ksling 2008-7-10 254728 hchen0730 2015-1-5 06:48
MIMO Basic principles, Algorithms and Networking Applications attachment  ...2 happytudou 2009-4-11 163321 hchen0730 2015-1-5 06:33
[资料] 【第二版】4G Cognitive and CooperativeBroadband Technology Second Edition attachment  ...2 gdlz 2010-4-4 193867 hchen0730 2015-1-5 06:12
无线通信原理通俗解读 attachment  ...23456..7 liyuanliu 2009-10-10 6110931 hchen0730 2015-1-5 05:58
09年MIMO新书:Near-Capacity Multi Functional MIMO Systems完整版 attachment  ...23456..12 yanh_ncl 2009-6-20 11315063 hchen0730 2015-1-5 05:45
[资料] FFT算法 attachment  ...2 lkwslk 2010-11-18 144306 leopard520329 2015-1-4 23:44
计算电感的小工具 attachment  ...2 quyuan26 2006-1-31 124254 tuguoping1989 2015-1-3 19:34
[资料] 新一代移动通信内接收机理论与应用研究 vikingg 2014-11-25 21245 uestczhb 2015-1-2 10:47
[资料] 多进制相移键控信号的谱相关特性分析 attachment vikingg 2014-11-25 31091 chujn 2014-12-31 10:04
[资料] 低轨小卫星移动通信与定位关键技术研究 attachment vikingg 2014-11-25 21094 chujn 2014-12-31 10:02
[资料] 谁有PROAKIS的书FUNDAMENTALS OF COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS 的电子版啊,谢谢 weight 2011-9-4 26100 takaryan 2014-12-31 05:52
[Ebook]Wiley,GSM Switching, Services and Protocols,2nd Edition attachment  ...23 serene 2004-9-23 297230 lihongpengtd 2014-12-31 03:47
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