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通信网络理论基础 attachment liyuanliu 2007-11-14 51639 thaiqi 2015-6-29 22:40
通信词典 attachment  ...2 bai_mao 2007-11-8 133012 thaiqi 2015-6-29 22:32
[经典WDM书籍原版 pdf]:DWDM Network Designs and Engineering Solutions.pdf attachment  ...234 free2bird 2007-6-16 327775 thaiqi 2015-6-29 18:28
提到MIMO,想起了这本书 attachment  ...23456..8 sharlen 2007-6-15 7011215 thaiqi 2015-6-29 18:21
Principle of Communications attachment  ...2 ntthlman 2007-5-24 106297 thaiqi 2015-6-29 17:53
信息论 attachment  ...23 wolfqfy 2007-4-20 214049 thaiqi 2015-6-29 17:34
数据通信基础 attachment  ...2 yingxionga 2007-4-2 113457 thaiqi 2015-6-29 17:27
antenna & propagation attachment trdesigner 2007-1-18 94156 thaiqi 2015-6-29 17:02
understanding microwaves attachment trdesigner 2007-1-18 51814 thaiqi 2015-6-29 16:56
06620@52RD_通信英语手册 attachment dishening 2007-1-17 73446 thaiqi 2015-6-29 12:25
A structured overview of digital communications-A tutorial review 2 attachment ntynty 2007-1-8 72672 thaiqi 2015-6-29 12:17
通讯好书下载 attachment  ...2 jasonyschen 2007-1-9 184223 thaiqi 2015-6-29 12:11
SDH告警,超经典 attachment  ...23 zjhzboy100 2006-12-22 275068 thaiqi 2015-6-29 11:56
通信行业最齐全的英语缩语手册 attachment  ...23 tiger729 2006-11-21 235814 thaiqi 2015-6-28 22:00
The Data Compression Book 2nd edition attachment  ...2 l123 2006-10-13 193783 thaiqi 2015-6-28 21:51
移动通信原理 下载 attachment  ...23456..10 cheersunwei 2006-9-3 9720959 thaiqi 2015-6-28 21:37
3rd Generation Mobile Communications Systems attachment lucatt0415 2006-8-7 73648 thaiqi 2015-6-28 21:25
Electromagnetic Field Theory attachment  ...23 yqingcat 2006-8-2 276403 thaiqi 2015-6-28 21:20
GSM经典教材整理 attachment  ...23456..11 mryu 2006-6-27 10719150 thaiqi 2015-6-28 21:12
(eWiley) Device Modeling for Analog & RF CMOS Circuit Design.pdf attachment andrewhu 2005-9-11 82829 thaiqi 2015-6-28 17:27
[下载]EBOOK:ADSL, VDSL, and Multicarrier Modulation attachment  ...23456..8 serene 2004-6-12 7715626 thaiqi 2015-6-28 16:47
安捷伦HSDPA培训资料 attachment luolan200829 2008-12-21 41816 luren89 2015-6-27 14:04
[资料] 實現快速傅立葉變換(FFT)的FPGA使用Verilog HDL attachment  ...23 z211010 2011-9-1 286173 yfwyfw 2015-6-26 15:28
关于网络编码的很好的书!<Network Coding Theory> attachment leeyoung1987 2008-11-11 73274 ttliu 2015-6-25 20:14
(John Wiley & Sons,2009)Visual Media Coding and Transmission attachment  ...2 caltech_usa 2009-5-4 112529 thaiqi 2015-6-25 16:22
现代通信原理 attachment  ...23 bluepoet 2009-12-8 233709 thaiqi 2015-6-25 12:33
小波分析导论 attachment fjlihh 2008-4-10 61831 thaiqi 2015-6-25 12:26
[资料] 光同步数字传输系统测试 attachment zcs841017 2012-10-28 52851 thaiqi 2015-6-25 11:43
Telecommunication Circuit Design(eWiley)一本好书 attachment lee_iee 2009-4-29 73889 thaiqi 2015-6-25 11:32
★Wiley 2007五星新书—Telecommunications and Data Communications Handbook★ attachment  ...23456..15 lotusky 2007-12-26 14118897 thaiqi 2015-6-24 22:11
[资料] Quadrature Signals Complex But Not Complicated.Rick Lyons.pdf attachment lyrens 2011-5-17 88889 thaiqi 2015-6-24 21:41
[求助] 请各位帮助找一找给分享一下电子书 WXY650713 2015-6-15 41489 goggg 2015-6-24 21:25
Friedberg.S.H.-.Linear.Algebra.(2Ed)(545S).Mal attachment  ...2 hi_china59 2009-12-2 133964 liviah 2015-6-24 19:51
随机信号分析(杨福生) attachment  ...2 cauc_cuc 2008-10-16 165109 thaiqi 2015-6-24 12:02
Qualcomm 介绍LTE 与 HSPA+ R8, R9的比较 attachment  ...2345 kevinwjs 2009-8-25 449467 markhorrow 2015-6-19 23:43
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