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[资料] 几款不错的通信系统书籍2 attachment mrhe1982 2013-10-25 73180 Donald_Gao 2015-7-16 11:51
radio Propagation for Modern Wireless Systems attachment li-fuyao 2009-12-11 72386 Donald_Gao 2015-7-16 09:54
射频通信电路分析 attachment  ...23456 Stephen_yu 2006-11-29 5810015 Donald_Gao 2015-7-16 09:36
通讯好书下载2 attachment  ...2 jasonyschen 2007-1-9 194288 Donald_Gao 2015-7-16 09:33
OFDM for data communication over mobile radio FM channels attachment ntynty 2007-1-8 92581 Donald_Gao 2015-7-16 09:31
[ebook]OFDM.and.CDMA.Wideband.Wireless attachment  ...23456..7 xfwang 2007-1-16 639777 Donald_Gao 2015-7-16 09:30
Understanding Digital Terrestrial attachment cbc007 2007-1-15 52037 Donald_Gao 2015-7-16 09:30
[资料] OFDM_Final_Report---Design and Simulation of OFDM(有源代码) attachment kanrobert 2011-2-9 92507 Donald_Gao 2015-7-16 09:24
无线通讯大全( 英文版),供下载 attachment  ...2345 峡云无迹 2007-9-15 478011 Donald_Gao 2015-7-16 09:18
Designing digital communication systems. attachment chenpeng3361 2007-12-27 31912 Donald_Gao 2015-7-16 09:15
无线通信终的随机矩阵理论 attachment liuwei_0613 2008-1-11 64400 Donald_Gao 2015-7-16 09:09
Channel Coding in Communication Networks attachment  ...23 bebest 2008-9-6 264060 Donald_Gao 2015-7-16 08:55
[2008年新书]Signals and Systems with MATLAB Computing and Simulink Modeling attachment  ...23456..21 luoyih 2008-9-10 20022975 Donald_Gao 2015-7-16 08:50
【Morgan Kaufmann 2008 最新书】Wireless Networking attachment  ...2345 benemale 2008-10-3 436314 Donald_Gao 2015-7-16 08:19
Image And Video Encryption attachment dy_chen 2009-11-27 61869 Donald_Gao 2015-7-16 08:18
3G 移动通信的信号处理专著 attachment  ...2 mihayilov 2008-12-31 1629065 Donald_Gao 2015-7-16 08:00
Signals And Systems attachment  ...2 spiderzhuzhi 2009-3-10 154328 Donald_Gao 2015-7-16 07:36
从算法设计到硬线逻辑的实现.rar attachment  ...2 dxk331huda 2009-6-11 133276 Donald_Gao 2015-7-16 07:13
[资料] Understanding Information Transmission attachment  ...2 dreamath 2010-1-21 122640 Donald_Gao 2015-7-16 06:57
[资料] [IP网络的时钟和同步 ITU-T最新标准]G.8261-Timing and synchronization in IP attachment  ...2 free2bird 2010-8-15 124269 Donald_Gao 2015-7-15 22:11
[资料] 七号信令原理 attachment dingyy123456 2010-8-27 31499 Donald_Gao 2015-7-15 22:10
[资料] [Springer 2009] Theoretical.Foundations.Of.Information....And.Communication - [阅读权限 5]attachment  ...2 raowy2009 2011-4-6 15154 Donald_Gao 2015-7-15 22:04
[资料] Wiley Communication Systems for the Mobile Information Society attachment zhou_li 2011-4-30 72150 Donald_Gao 2015-7-15 22:03
[资料] 【书】无线通信技术的未来方向 attachment  ...2 feixuemeng 2011-5-6 153711 Donald_Gao 2015-7-15 22:02
LDPC译码器设计与实现 attachment  ...23 无相无住 2009-7-31 254902 Donald_Gao 2015-7-15 10:25
哈工程大学—阳昌汉 高频课件 attachment hityht 2009-12-9 53206 cici520 2015-7-14 16:56
Nokia Distinguished Lecture on Wireless Communication attachment  ...23456 xwb6 2007-8-17 567990 leoaww 2015-7-12 15:00
CDMA2000 数字中频的设计 attachment  ...2 daisy1314 2009-4-28 142625 ttliu 2015-7-9 19:25
Telecommunications Cost Management attachment zweishi 2009-1-17 21291 jack_20150410 2015-7-6 14:51
[求助] IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagations attachment  ...2 arkramesh6 2014-3-4 104011 yaoguaiws 2015-7-5 14:11
T D - S C D M A 系统基带处理的D S P + F P G A 实现方案 attachment  ...2 daisy1314 2009-4-28 173846 muxl 2015-7-5 11:44
[原创] 移动通信原理与设备-清晰大图pdf-中文书籍 attachment  ...2345 A1985 2010-6-5 497830 thaiqi 2015-7-5 00:24
[原创] 移动通信中的关键技术-清晰大图pdf-中文书籍 attachment  ...2 A1985 2010-6-4 123196 thaiqi 2015-7-4 23:58
[资料] 不错的几款通信系统书籍1 attachment  ...2 mrhe1982 2013-10-25 1110334 thaiqi 2015-7-4 20:49
[资料] 华为EM770W M2M无线模块资料 attachment fengyun01 2012-10-24 62229 thaiqi 2015-7-4 18:59
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