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【全美经典】数字信号处理 attachment  ...2 yaozhongyang 2006-9-1 184043 matianming83 2009-8-27 09:40 attachment sen39 2006-9-2 21980 langzhen 2009-8-27 09:27 attachment sen39 2006-9-2 21453 langzhen 2009-8-27 09:26
Wireless Location attachment spweda 2006-12-4 72460 fpga_sh 2009-8-27 01:20
GSM无线资料 attachment  ...2 younge520 2008-5-5 172493 langzhen 2009-8-26 19:21
GSM通信原 attachment bz-jiangyi 2008-11-21 51421 langzhen 2009-8-26 18:12
【!!】Design.and.Performance.of.3G.Wireless.Networks.and.Wireless.LANs attachment  ...2 wodeccbp 2009-7-9 102541 langzhen 2009-8-26 17:29
[其它] 奥本海姆《信号与系统》习题解答 attachment  ...23 wildy 2007-12-14 284896 zhrul 2009-8-26 13:31
cc1100/RF1100SE、NRF905、NRF903、NRF24L01无线收发模块开发指南简介 flytoo 2009-8-25 21763 airaing 2009-8-25 21:14
推荐:中通快讯 attachment qww01 2009-8-25 11232 scsdyxf 2009-8-25 18:40
TD_SCDMA智能天线系统原理实现及现场测试方案浅析下 attachment  ...2 messianisw 2007-4-23 112358 langzhen 2009-8-25 09:48
TD_SCDMA智能天线系统原理实现及现场测试方案浅析上 attachment  ...2 messianisw 2007-4-23 102462 matianming83 2009-8-25 09:45
<<分布式多天线下行链路的空分复用性能分析>> attachment 家园会员 2009-7-18 41350 matianming83 2009-8-25 09:40
以前下载的一些MEF文档 attachment dreamseekers 2009-8-12 21561 matianming83 2009-8-25 08:19
ISE仿真的数据怎么导出到MATLAB仿真呢 001yuwei 2009-8-21 12126 yin0826 2009-8-24 22:48
多抽样信号处理 attachment wukui1512 2008-12-16 23887 matianming83 2009-8-24 19:56
请问各位,有没有做多项滤波方向的? 丫丫丫的 2009-8-24 11473 丫丫丫的 2009-8-24 19:17
子载波间隔 bill0715 2009-8-23 02001 bill0715 2009-8-23 22:24
一篇关于第三代移动通信系统联合检测的优秀硕士论文 attachment anouymous10 2007-12-13 72326 iseesky 2009-8-23 16:55
Applied Partial Differential Equations - A Visual Approach attachment  ...23 rfjungle 2008-1-9 233611 langzhen 2009-8-23 15:45
给大家推荐一个通信技术网站 wilsky 2009-8-14 21845 zz_3070 2009-8-23 15:41
卫星信道计算讲义 attachment singvale 2008-12-11 82133 matianming83 2009-8-23 11:08
Digital Signal Processing(comp) attachment  ...234 shawn_yangjx 2006-7-26 356551 matianming83 2009-8-23 10:59
Signals And Systems With Matlab Applications - Orchard Publications attachment  ...2 wangxi_2008 2008-10-1 161850 matianming83 2009-8-23 10:22
中科院研究生院培训中心极地星空3G通信学院 zhengliangguo 2009-8-21 01077 zhengliangguo 2009-8-21 16:22
大家的1024点FFT多长时间能出来计算结果 001yuwei 2009-8-21 01460 001yuwei 2009-8-21 09:52
调用ISE 的rom核时出现了以下问题谁能解决下啊 001yuwei 2009-8-21 01310 001yuwei 2009-8-21 09:01
液晶屏幕技术简析 BGDFLY 2009-3-24 21729 yiteng_jiang 2009-8-20 22:04
论费根保姆凹凸性的证明 attachment liukai234 2009-8-20 12073 liukai234 2009-8-20 16:29
无线通信中低复杂度迭代检测算法研究 attachment clooney2007 2009-6-23 73270 ansem 2009-8-20 08:40
这个论坛真的不错 chenrun1 2009-8-16 31531 chenrun1 2009-8-17 23:22
cc1100/RF1100SE、NRF905、NRF903、NRF24L01无线收发模块开发指南简介 flytoo 2009-8-17 02512 flytoo 2009-8-17 19:33
关于RS误差校正码ppt attachment cosmic.sqli 2009-8-17 01598 cosmic.sqli 2009-8-17 10:12
推荐:中通快讯 attachment qww01 2009-8-17 11860 qww01 2009-8-17 08:43
COST 273 MIMO channel model attachment neocent 2009-2-24 33319 heinzmann 2009-8-16 23:51
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