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[求助] rogue frame yuanwolf2008 2011-3-22 0999 yuanwolf2008 2011-3-22 14:14
图文并茂VLAN全接触 attachment  ...2 youngnight 2008-11-7 142860 ideal716 2011-3-22 12:03
上网多年,见到的最好的网站! zhangmike 2005-6-9 11978 li78455399 2011-3-22 10:20
低密度奇偶校验码的编码研究 attachment leadwellfine 2008-4-13 71655 IP99 2011-3-22 10:10
[资料] 特种光纤 attachment  ...2 嵌入式系统 2010-7-19 102458 boer654321 2011-3-22 06:35
ZTE--WiMAX System and Technologies attachment saileryt 2007-1-4 92133 evistera 2011-3-20 18:58
中兴TD-SCDMA培训资料 attachment  ...234 wangguangjia85 2009-9-5 313908 chenjun0789 2011-3-20 09:01
RF ESD(Razavi 2004) attachment  ...234 semico_ljj 2006-11-23 325306 aomsh 2011-3-19 21:44
RF CMOS Transceivers for Cellular Telephony 2003 Razavi attachment semico_ljj 2006-11-23 42818 aomsh 2011-3-19 21:41
Performance Analysis of Linear Codes under ML Decoding. A Tutorial attachment raowy2009 2009-4-1 62049 risinglee 2011-3-19 18:34
[资料] 华为:通信技术概论 attachment zaercxlop 2011-3-14 31492 rass 2011-3-19 18:30
Turbo Coding, Turbo Equalisation and Space-Time Coding attachment  ...2 laglbg 2008-10-21 142458 fpga_sh 2011-3-19 17:08
[基础知识]E1知识点总结 一声叹息 2004-9-11 72648 wanjuxiong 2011-3-19 09:47
高性能交换机及路由 attachment 孙大伟思 2008-8-27 41506 wqj_john 2011-3-17 21:52
[求助] 连续的0或者1打散算法 mhfweng 2011-3-1 21836 copstar 2011-3-17 19:46
Security of L2 Switch.rar attachment rudy_sun1 2007-6-15 21355 vicent2000 2011-3-17 17:59
802.11 Security attachment l123 2006-10-13 61879 vicent2000 2011-3-17 17:51
近代天线设计 attachment jrtp 2006-7-26 72188 NKuc 2011-3-16 23:00
在16位DSP上实现MPEG1音频编码 attachment Jedi2000 2009-9-30 41218 adc9a6 2011-3-16 13:46
Zigbee规范 attachment  ...23 seion 2008-1-11 224087 ai619 2011-3-16 12:12
[下载]应用于高速通信的64/256 QAM接受器  ...234 liuiang 2003-11-18 306169 victor2011 2011-3-16 09:11
有做嵌入式TCP/IP的吗?上传一个lwip attachment xyq2001 2007-5-3 32189 victor2011 2011-3-16 09:01
Turbo码原理与应用技术 wukog 2009-1-15 31796 victor2011 2011-3-15 09:14
[原创] qpsk attachment zhuzhuliuyu 2011-3-6 11460 yl301 2011-3-14 23:20
基于GPS和GPRS车载导航定位系统的实现 attachment  ...2 CSHYH 2007-12-12 143667 wzd517 2011-3-14 22:46
[求助] 关于模拟的简单问题 梧桐 2011-3-13 42343 hezudao 2011-3-14 15:37
[讨论] Network information theory joe1969 2011-2-20 21801 susan1968 2011-3-13 23:48
Artech.House.2004.Space-Time Codes and MIMO Systems attachment  ...234 lulinjun_001 2008-3-6 304818 dudusex 2011-3-13 15:10
trellis and turbo coding -- one book in the IEEE Press Series attachment  ...2 lyb_bnu 2009-4-11 112945 e00n00 2011-3-12 15:33
以太网MAC的问题,请帮忙 attachment ineedpower 2009-5-25 31833 wanghengben 2011-3-12 12:00
[求助] cdma双工器哪家驻波好 liuqk2000 2011-3-11 01738 liuqk2000 2011-3-11 16:16
[其它] [EI/ISTP] [截稿2011-3-15][西安] 第三届国际信息工程会议征文(ICIE2011) icie2011_cn 2010-11-12 52054 icie2011_cn 2011-3-11 12:31
光纤通信技术讲座-全集 attachment  ...2 fbhcn 2008-6-13 188381 孙成朴 2011-3-10 19:11
[资料] 详细介绍OFDM得MATLAB源代码,可实现 attachment  ...2 深蓝的 2010-11-21 133092 g277538818 2011-3-10 14:18
A statistical model of mobile-to-mobile land communication channel.pdf attachment chenpeng3361 2007-10-27 32198 dragonkiss 2011-3-10 09:56
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