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2008 Adaptive Filters (ALI H.SAYED. )勘误表 attachment shuangshuang 2009-7-14 310522 bbyan 2014-1-5 05:34
[求助] 求书WCDMA Design Handbook yeknight 2013-12-29 11862 fwbnick 2013-12-30 15:30
[转贴] WiEX无线中继器:小身量解决大问题--上海皇华信息科技 coco13 2013-12-25 02300 coco13 2013-12-25 14:11
【Springer 2008新书】Advances in Mobile and Wireless Communications attachment  ...23456..12 benemale 2008-6-28 11913522 gsy703 2013-12-20 17:02
[资料] ITU 533-11 attachment txr411 2013-11-24 11606 lyd964201 2013-12-20 08:26
[下载]John Wiley&Sons,Illustrated TCP/IP-A Graphic Guide to the Protocol Suite  ...23 serene 2004-6-17 267070 爱钱的鸽子 2013-12-18 09:21
socket编程好资料 attachment godpray 2006-12-4 83145 slideY 2013-12-16 10:54
[原创] FPGA嵌入式应用系统开发典型实例调制源程序 attachment  ...2 kingrain 2010-10-26 113719 xhy04540451 2013-12-13 15:07
[资料] 一种全数字扩频接收机的设计方案 attachment sdfk13 2011-9-15 31702 xhy04540451 2013-12-13 14:54
abbr_ystems with MATLAB Computing and Simulink Modeling - Steven T. Karris attachment zsy2504 2009-10-1 11790 mangotango 2013-12-12 04:02
[资料] 推荐! 物联网开发平台 nabto attach_img hongke 2013-12-11 01649 hongke 2013-12-11 08:58
A hardware MP3 decoder with low precision floating point intermediate storage attachment  ...2 Jedi2000 2009-9-30 102708 mangotango 2013-12-10 12:16
cooperative communication attachment qzt776055 2008-11-23 72103 dtlcyang 2013-12-9 21:49
求:請問有人是否有Principles of Communications 第六版解答  ...2 devilnabob 2009-11-25 1020198 ycyang0508 2013-12-7 19:36
[资料] 中国北斗2信号被美国斯坦福破解 attachment  ...234 sehb 2010-1-5 347156 songke1981 2013-12-6 22:03
[资料] 《现代通信系统使用MATLAB全》+全部程序 attachment  ...23456..10 duancs 2010-3-26 9113235 zk52099 2013-12-5 16:48
[求助] 系统带宽与射频频率的关系 shiqinqin4 2013-9-11 13988 ldld2076 2013-12-5 13:27
[求助] 关于峰均比的问题 110500623 2011-6-18 23103 ldld2076 2013-12-5 13:24
LTE—B3G/4G移动通信系统无线技术—应求发布 attachment  ...23456..9 kumwa 2009-4-22 8810093 imc_lte 2013-12-3 19:15
[资料] AL_LTE_Mobile_Transport_Evolution_WP_Nov09(1) attachment superhaima 2010-6-5 31552 imc_lte 2013-12-3 19:11
[资料] LTE from A-Z v2.000 attachment jhhzte 2011-4-23 71460 imc_lte 2013-12-3 19:00
[资料] Fundamentals of Communications Systems attachment  ...2 dreamath 2010-1-28 102163 瑜伽 2013-12-3 15:37
[原创] 出让使用权 coware SPD/SPW, processor designer, platform architecture asiper 2010-8-6 74214 mangotango 2013-12-2 01:59
[资料] 通信系统的simulink仿真+源代码 attachment  ...2 libaohsen888 2012-7-28 193297 txr411 2013-11-24 22:15
[资料] R-REC-V.573-5-200709 attachment txr411 2013-11-24 01363 txr411 2013-11-24 21:27
[资料] ITU 533-12 attachment txr411 2013-11-24 01233 txr411 2013-11-24 21:24
[资料] 新手必备Modelsim学习指导 attachment libaoshen888 2013-10-25 21267 combatants 2013-11-24 06:56
[原创] 4代通讯技术 CEASAR 2013-10-24 12792 kara890 2013-11-21 22:02
RS码编译码算法的实现 attachment  ...23456 qqxyt 2008-6-4 549726 wangjunweiair 2013-11-21 10:06
Springer 2007 — Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks attachment  ...234 lotusky 2007-12-27 336163 dtlcyang 2013-11-20 22:04
单片机 C51教程 attachment jiankewuying 2009-2-10 22070 fenghua-999 2013-11-20 15:55
一本关于软件工程的好书 attachment feifei879546213 2008-11-15 33788 fenghua-999 2013-11-20 15:49
通信信号处理(c语言) attachment  ...23456..8 ffggg 2007-4-4 7914152 fenghua-999 2013-11-20 15:43
Channel Estimation for OFDM Systems attachment  ...2 chenpeng3361 2007-12-10 163114 liyingsong 2013-11-17 13:16
Embedded software development introduction attachment  ...23 stevencgl 2008-11-26 254046 zuoyongbo 2013-11-15 04:55
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