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802.3 Ethernet protocol -2002 part 1 attachment  ...2 rudy_sun1 2007-6-15 133479 magicmao 2013-11-6 10:29
[资料] 一本书《[Wiley] WCDMA for UMTS HSPA Evolution and LTE(4th)》 attachment  ...23 zhaish 2010-4-21 213611 wadezhu 2013-11-4 22:12
[资料] EOC产品知识(光通讯) attachment 夜未央 2013-8-17 21547 crazyfeng 2013-10-29 21:32
遗传算法与工程优化 attachment  ...23 fjlihh 2007-12-17 203527 lcxxcl 2013-10-29 21:09
[求助] 求教V.35 NX64K(N=1~132)的时钟方案。 cqnorman 2012-3-16 11905 mengnantiger 2013-10-29 13:35
千兆以太网 attachment  ...2 greycat 2003-8-4 153744 Jackabcde 2013-10-26 08:37
[原创] 求书 zlhrsy 2013-8-20 11603 jacobshen 2013-10-24 10:32
[资料] Wilson_research_functional_verification_study_2012 attachment wwwgui 2013-10-20 01294 wwwgui 2013-10-20 23:30
Digital Communications by John G. Proakis attachment  ...23456..23 li.hacker000 2008-1-18 22622054 heizitai 2013-10-20 12:07
【E-Book】Signal Processing for Telecommunications and Multimedia attachment  ...23456..7 benemale 2007-11-15 658805 heizitai 2013-10-20 11:55
Tech Terms: What Every Telecommunications and Digital Media Professional ... attachment astalavista 2009-2-6 52115 topee2012A 2013-10-17 21:21
[原创] Networking and Telecommunications attachment qhl0222_cn 2010-8-29 61784 topee2012A 2013-10-17 21:19
[eBook] Fundamentals of Telecommunications 2nd Edition attachment  ...2 zzone 2009-1-10 143490 topee2012A 2013-10-17 20:32
华为资料大全 attachment  ...23456..10 crazyer2000 2008-11-6 9512548 zhanglinlin0514 2013-10-17 16:33
好书:Telecommunication Circuit Design (Patrick D. van der Puije) attachment  ...23 luoyih 2008-5-27 213647 topee2012A 2013-10-17 09:19
数字通信原理讲义 attachment  ...234 yyneuq2008 2008-3-23 319412 ywt000 2013-10-14 20:58
诺基亚和西门子AT指令集标准 attachment gjesse 2008-3-30 34289 anja8 2013-10-13 01:26
语音识别完整代码 attachment  ...2345 zxm197854 2008-8-30 446792 wolver 2013-10-10 18:24
[资料] 多用户检测新书:ADVANCES IN MULTIUSER DETECTION attachment  ...234 licl 2010-9-4 377375 liujwa 2013-10-10 16:33
[讨论] 无线通信原理好东西 kukuxiahuawei 2011-4-7 32518 无风 2013-10-9 22:47
软件无线电原理与应用-杨小牛 attachment  ...23456..10 ahshima 2008-9-4 9913374 RunningA 2013-10-8 23:23
[资料] 频偏估计文章 attachment  ...2 sailor123 2011-12-21 119703 myskymyfly 2013-10-8 16:21
如何用System View进行QPSK解调器载波恢复锁相环的仿真和设计 andilas 2007-4-4 32533 mm201 2013-10-6 18:34
An overview of MIMO systems in wireless communications.pdf attachment  ...234 ntynty 2007-8-26 336402 mm201 2013-10-6 18:28
单信道相位相关干涉仪的通信测向技术 attachment woshifei 2007-5-26 31955 kimi_xiaoben 2013-10-2 20:39
OFDM的FPGA实现(本科毕业论文) attachment  ...234 pipi2006 2007-4-28 387348 liujwa 2013-9-29 10:15
[讨论] How NIOS II bootloading from PC like any other uC? shubh_ic 2013-9-27 02562 shubh_ic 2013-9-27 00:30
Space-Time Coding for Broadband Wireless Communications attachment  ...23456..10 hongwb 2008-8-28 9811097 hbsjzzxgssb 2013-9-26 16:22
经典语音识别著作《Art and Business of Speech Recognition ...》 attachment  ...2 Jedi2000 2009-9-29 113048 liuxinfei007 2013-9-24 19:07
推荐FDTD算法最精简实用的书! the electromagnetic simulation using the FDTD method attachment  ...2 suiman 2009-2-27 143599 文若轻 2013-9-23 16:11
[转贴] Routing First Step attachment alpha_it 2012-8-12 51885 half_honey 2013-9-23 11:17
关于CDMA仿真的资料合集.rar attachment  ...2 chenpeng3361 2007-11-16 162877 matrix_er 2013-9-22 22:58
FPGA实验 attachment  ...2 hzriting 2007-12-4 102563 ylry00 2013-9-19 11:28
[资料] Bernard C.Levy的信号检测与参数估计 银河水晶 2013-9-15 21893 poppopsun 2013-9-16 08:16
[求助] 請問有沒有principles of communications第六版解答 bn9701 2010-6-1 32407 vvvuuu 2013-9-16 03:14
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