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GPS 设计全攻略 attachment  ...234 yxy7968 2007-6-21 307786 xlteam2 2014-3-4 06:28
求书Signal Processing Techniques for Software Radios(pdf book and source code) fangguihai 2009-1-7 74615 jlqsczw_2007 2014-3-2 21:39
[资料] 无线通信的FPGA设计 attachment  ...2 笑泪 2011-3-13 182952 cqbao 2014-2-26 13:57
[资料] 通信工程专业计算机网络课件 attachment tq2011 2011-5-6 42251 sunjianhui 2014-2-24 21:11
Proakis Communication Systems Engineering.2nd. attachment  ...23456..8 koala5520 2009-6-22 7311281 alia9992002 2014-2-24 16:53
GPS RF 设计的好书 attachment  ...23 kanrobert 2009-5-20 206112 zzq81 2014-2-17 22:07
发几篇GPS的论文IEEE的 attachment aokliu 2009-2-14 51808 fwbnick 2014-2-16 19:26
大家一起来找个好东西(gps signal simulation) attachment wltriest 2009-5-13 52013 huatiantian 2014-2-16 18:28
GPS通信标准IS-GPS-200D attachment creese 2008-7-15 75014 huatiantian 2014-2-16 18:18
GPS好文 attachment fenzhao 2008-9-18 53114 huatiantian 2014-2-15 22:04
[求助] 关于GPS模块推荐! tntdog 2010-8-9 52085 huatiantian 2014-2-15 21:46
gps好书-introduction to gps attachment  ...2 fenzhao 2008-6-26 163892 huatiantian 2014-2-15 19:16
需要GPS TOOLBOX的请进 attachment  ...234 wjh0369 2009-5-4 305875 huatiantian 2014-2-15 19:12
GPS系列之GPS------Theory, Algorithms and Applications attachment  ...23456 blgtyb 2009-7-15 5610103 huatiantian 2014-2-15 18:54
在整几篇GPS源码eetop attachment  ...2345 aokliu 2009-2-14 456444 huatiantian 2014-2-15 18:24
国外经典教材Telecommunication System Engineering(Wiley - 2004 - 3rd Ed) attachment  ...234 lyfe 2007-8-22 356293 lgg603 2014-2-9 00:41
[原创] 433M无线通讯 attachment wuchaoxiang 2014-1-22 12054 wang088088 2014-2-7 23:39
[求助] 求书-Signal Processing in Radar Systems jlqsczw_2007 2014-1-22 71707 jlqsczw_2007 2014-2-7 18:40
[求助] 求书!Practical Guide to MIMO Radio Channel: with MATLAB Examples attach_img  ...2 fwbnick 2012-9-5 174933 cbc007 2014-2-7 16:08
[资料] NFC手机与无线充电器专用铁氧体片 dcp304 2012-5-5 12304 moshengren05 2014-2-3 18:59
[EBOOK]TCP-IP详解卷三:TCP事务协议,HTTP,NNTP和UNIX域协议 attachment  ...2 一声叹息 2004-4-9 146436 jackhsiao 2014-2-2 01:23
[求助] 求书:Contemporary Communication Systems Using MATLAB 3rd Edition flymenss 2012-4-11 14531 jlqsczw_2007 2014-1-23 21:57
[2008.11第二版] Multi-Carrier and Spread Spectrum Systems attachment  ...23456..8 smaa 2008-12-11 7213349 yxy7968 2014-1-23 18:08
[资料] 资料分享-LDPC码研究进展 attachment zxc2005 2011-5-12 62533 hnwulei 2014-1-23 15:46
[讨论] 有没有做CPM的啊,大家来讨论下 yulewalker 2010-12-14 42711 FRANKCHS 2014-1-22 10:23
OFDM中经常用到的FFT的实现方法(终结) attachment  ...2345 lhpred 2008-7-28 436384 yangqinbiao 2014-1-21 17:25
三星单片机一级代理-AMS科技顺德办 microhorse 2006-2-27 12301 liaowen 2014-1-14 16:40
回拨卡|预约卡|代理介绍 qliangzi 2006-11-9 12340 liaowen 2014-1-14 16:39
听说ZILOG推出一款扩频芯片,谁有ZILOG深圳代理联系方法? (无内容) doublemz 2004-12-23 32970 liaowen 2014-1-14 16:26
RS码及其应用(ieee press 1994 ),djvu格式 attachment  ...2 coordinate 2009-7-15 153521 小焊盘 2014-1-11 11:48
[资料] 都市条件下GPS信号源发射机及多径信道仿真 attachment  ...2 budebushuai 2010-4-6 124054 joseph906906 2014-1-9 17:46
[求助] 求书-software defined radios:from smart(er) to congnitive jlqsczw_2007 2013-12-18 31713 jlqsczw_2007 2014-1-9 06:55
GSM数字移动通信系统培训教材(绝密).pdf attachment  ...23456..11 lianlianmao 2008-12-19 10514055 EIEfans 2014-1-7 22:17
Synchronization OF OFDM attachment ggyy1216 2008-4-18 41777 cao_top 2014-1-7 15:25
[资料] [ITU-T最新OTN培训资料]Optical Transport Network (OTN) Tutorial attachment  ...2 free2bird 2010-8-15 163629 liyingliang 2014-1-5 13:06
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