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后端资料区 今日: 0|主题: 5804|排名: 6 

[资料] 数字后端必读书籍 attachment  ...23456..9 鸿奕 2016-1-11 8428532 赢闪闪 2023-10-25 17:34
[资料] 资料大放送 绝对超值 DC DFT PT SV attachment  ...2 王阳明 2013-12-23 194057 cmmjava 2023-10-25 13:25
SRAM leakage reduction IEEE attachment  ...23 arrow4arrow 2009-8-11 297472 tellingstory 2023-10-25 12:19
[资料] single cycle MIPS CPU with Verilog attachment  ...2 eagleice 2011-4-27 1210233 tellingstory 2023-10-25 10:55
Astro step-by-step guide attachment  ...23456..24 smartrf168 2008-1-10 23239579 tellingstory 2023-10-25 10:17
soc encounter 4.1 workshop student guide attachment  ...23456..9 hithust 2008-9-17 8117577 tellingstory 2023-10-23 21:38
[资料] Static-Timing-Analysis-for-Nanometer-Designs attachment issvlsipd 2011-9-30 92783 tellingstory 2023-10-23 21:10
[资料] STATIC TIMING ANALYSIS attachment  ...234 Alicezw 2012-11-14 357373 tellingstory 2023-10-23 21:08
ic compiler DFM and DFY training attachment  ...23456..11 maxsnail 2008-8-15 10319956 tellingstory 2023-10-23 20:54
[资料] ICC_training attachment  ...2345 yudizuanshi 2014-6-10 4312167 tellingstory 2023-10-23 20:53
[资料] 分享关于PMK library 与 UPF 兼容问题 attachment  ...2 xjnguiji 2016-4-14 148264 dong5103 2023-10-23 14:22
[求助] Silicon Smart Error attachment smc1017 2023-10-22 1861 eda2019 2023-10-23 09:20
[资料] ICC做ECO,超级好的文档,看了绝对有用 attachment  ...23456..8 xingyun666666 2016-1-30 7716727 tellingstory 2023-10-21 23:08
PrimeTime Workshop 教程 attachment  ...23456..29 matrixwayne 2009-7-3 28743106 tellingstory 2023-10-21 23:06
CMOS_Transistor_Layout_KungFu 版图的基础讲解 attachment  ...234 damonzhao 2009-12-1 3510690 mengmeng.xie 2023-10-20 10:00
Synopsys牛人写的:Working with DDRs in PrimeTime attachment  ...23456..36 yshgcs 2007-12-18 35458000 tellingstory 2023-10-19 17:09
[资料] ICC workshop student guide(带书签版) attachment  ...23456..20 潇洒的蛋壳Chris 2012-10-16 19147230 lb75195328 2023-10-19 15:14
后端设计知识大全 attachment  ...23456..55 liuhongyu0414 2009-3-13 54363924 bin_bingo 2023-10-19 11:19
[资料] Logical Effort Designing Fast CMOS Circuits attachment  ...23 永吉 2013-4-3 297827 hanggq 2023-10-19 11:00
[资料] primetime workshop 分享 attachment  ...2345 sanluht 2010-10-31 4813058 hanggq 2023-10-19 10:59
[原创] dw_iip_axi_2014.10a attachment  ...23456..7 ra3d 2015-3-6 6927751 yl5495 2023-10-18 17:28
[资料] fix hold scripts attachment  ...234 lightcloud 2010-1-28 308147 Lavender888 2023-10-18 11:32
[资料] fix hold scripts2 attachment  ...23 lightcloud 2010-1-28 267711 Lavender888 2023-10-18 11:31
[求助] 哪位朋友有mipi dphy-v3.5与dsi v1.3规范文档? feitengyu 2023-10-18 0832 feitengyu 2023-10-18 10:54
[资料] Coding Guidelines for Datapath Synthesis by synopsys attachment ngovanphuc 2013-1-25 83782 tellingstory 2023-10-17 21:32
[资料] library compiler 资料 attachment  ...2 wendylele 2012-4-17 145361 tellingstory 2023-10-17 21:31
On Chip Variation (OCV) Introduction attachment  ...23456..31 littlej 2009-1-9 30556765 tellingstory 2023-10-17 21:28
[求助] redhawk跑静态功耗为什么要输入频率呢?静态功耗不是clock不翻转吗? attach_img 雷LING 2021-6-7 94304 核桃树 2023-10-17 15:56
[资料] TSMC5FF 1.5 V LVDS I/O Library attachment  ...2 iamtony 2022-5-8 113789 qx2018 2023-10-17 15:14
[资料] PT Workshop attachment 兔子IC 2023-3-8 92578 c340126c3401261 2023-10-17 10:33
[原创] Extracted Timing Model (ETM) Generation and Validation attachment  ...2 wujie828 2013-11-26 148375 tellingstory 2023-10-17 07:56
hspice经典教程 attachment  ...2 luofeng_201 2007-11-10 114603 tellingstory 2023-10-16 22:11
[资料] Tanner L11S/T10破解版及安装教程  ...2 刘小庸 2013-3-30 179317 云霞儿 2023-10-16 15:32
[资料] 发一个自己ICC学习笔记 attachment  ...23456..22 mikiahmikiah 2012-7-17 21947783 hangqg 2023-10-14 00:49
encounter教程,看过就会用了,有lab attachment  ...23456..41 jawa527 2009-11-16 40561439 hangqg 2023-10-14 00:47
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