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ISE7.1i中文教程.pdf attachment lvxingli 2009-6-13 11652 zidanemarks 2009-6-13 16:17
数字信号处理的fpga实现(英文版,第三版)(3-6) attachment  ...23456..9 bellinwater 2007-12-24 8310176 lvxingli 2009-6-13 14:48
Quartus II 簡介(6.0版,第一次修訂).pdf attachment cdfldf1984 2009-6-13 01440 cdfldf1984 2009-6-13 00:28
xilinux ise 6 教程 attachment gentlepig 2007-3-27 32491 bardeen 2009-6-12 18:41
学习PERL的经典教材 attachment xgm2010 2009-4-23 51837 carefree 2009-6-12 11:37
一起学习FPGA zxx359654879 2009-6-10 21747 profjzxs 2009-6-11 14:34
高速数字设计 attachment somelee 2009-6-11 22014 profjzxs 2009-6-11 14:07
论文A New Method for design of Robust Digital Circuits attachment somelee 2009-6-11 04963 somelee 2009-6-11 07:17
Synthesis and Simulation Design Guide attachment clarkkevin 2007-4-27 32079 cjchang1 2009-6-11 02:29
FPGAJ经验谈 attachment ppl3425 2009-6-10 01396 ppl3425 2009-6-10 22:19
ifdef嵌套 linlinlpy 2009-6-10 03627 linlinlpy 2009-6-10 15:18
【招聘】图书作者 xielonghan 2009-6-10 01205 xielonghan 2009-6-10 14:31
十分种学会FPGA attachment yxs1977 2009-6-10 01318 yxs1977 2009-6-10 14:05
ISE7.1中文教程 attachment yxs1977 2009-6-10 01395 yxs1977 2009-6-10 14:01
RFSim99汉化版 做RF的绝对要收藏 attachment icroom 2009-6-8 13888 icroom 2009-6-10 12:11
complete digital design attachment shangang 2007-3-28 32045 semico_ljj 2009-6-10 10:49
EDA试验基础 attachment summerytyj 2009-6-9 01442 summerytyj 2009-6-9 22:32
VerilogHDL.part03 attachment fgfgfgsfg 2009-6-9 01297 fgfgfgsfg 2009-6-9 19:57
VerilogHDL.part03 attachment fgfgfgsfg 2009-6-9 01098 fgfgfgsfg 2009-6-9 19:55
帮忙下个ahb2ahb的桥 iyaowu 2009-6-9 01751 iyaowu 2009-6-9 14:57
Memory System ghost_ic 2009-6-9 02094 ghost_ic 2009-6-9 14:32
招聘模拟电路设计工程师 hwliao66 2009-6-9 02075 hwliao66 2009-6-9 14:12
PLL电路的设计与制作 attachment szkevin 2009-6-1 21817 lixqing 2009-6-9 06:08
[求助]求95144XL的详细资料,万分感激!! attachment 假设胡胡 2005-6-1 33885 dabing717 2009-6-8 16:57
VerilogHDL_数字设计与综合第二版 attachment leilimoon 2008-11-17 52103 iseeyouseewhat 2009-6-8 13:12
求助如何设计高速的FPGA程序 bailan10 2005-4-25 62581 rock319 2009-6-8 10:52
北大Verilog讲义!!! attachment pkuime 2009-3-5 21485 huohuli86 2009-6-7 21:05
不错的synopsys的关于astro的cts的培训资料 attachment icroom 2009-3-14 12531 icroom 2009-6-7 20:08
FPGA管脚分配需要考虑的因素 attachment  ...2 lizhenxing007 2008-11-6 102800 bird155 2009-6-7 14:04
ByteBlasterII参考资料 attachment csxxn 2009-6-7 01531 csxxn 2009-6-7 12:35
IC设计中EDA工具 attachment yelse 2009-6-6 01762 yelse 2009-6-6 20:55
卡内基梅陇大学verilog课程讲义 attachment jindouzhang 2009-5-10 42156 jindouzhang 2009-6-6 14:58
卡内基梅龙大学verilog讲义 attachment heaoo 2006-12-17 53135 lwf198305 2009-6-6 06:06
谁有ASIC库 luyuwang 2009-4-26 11949 luyuwang 2009-6-5 16:34
ModelSim简明操作指南 绝对经典 attachment icroom 2009-6-4 11166 icroom 2009-6-5 12:11
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