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求助 w_alex 2009-7-17 01899 w_alex 2009-7-17 11:37
求助 w_alex 2009-7-17 11699 helloguren 2009-7-17 11:35
FPAG设计高级技术Xilinx篇!要用 attachment vincentwu 2009-5-9 62125 bzl2008 2009-7-17 11:10
华为FPGA规范 attachment songke1981 2008-7-31 72803 lvjunzhe 2009-7-17 09:41
精通VerilogHDL:IC__核心技術__例_解 attachment donminwu 2009-6-18 31401 demonyh 2009-7-17 07:31
IEEE标准 - SystemC Language Reference Manual attachment icnova 2007-3-4 41992 demonyh 2009-7-16 20:30
美国加州大学Embedded Systems Design 全部课程讲义 attachment  ...2 gourdcn 2009-3-27 183409 zhwdq 2009-7-16 15:09
[下载]verilog-hdl circuit design attachment  ...2345 icwang 2004-2-1 4910494 haveok77 2009-7-16 14:14
Low-Complexity Policies for Energy-Performance Tradeoff attachment onthefly 2009-7-14 11436 risccpu 2009-7-16 07:19
sysgen学习实例5 attachment wangr0913 2009-7-2 11799 CIAO 2009-7-16 01:43
计算电阻软件 attachment manan8609 2008-3-12 52370 kuangzhi 2009-7-15 21:15
Lattice下载线 attachment provictor 2007-11-8 31580 xibuol 2009-7-15 17:55
北大verilog课件 attachment chaoyueziji 2009-7-15 03282 chaoyueziji 2009-7-15 17:04
如何用FPGA对双微处理器的地址线、数据线、控制线进行比较 bjvictor 2009-7-15 01382 bjvictor 2009-7-15 15:16
数字电路设计与verilog HDL attachment wycawyc 2008-11-20 11805 wonee 2009-7-15 13:20
基于Verilog的IEEE标准硬件描述语言(申请精华帖) attachment luoxianliang 2008-11-26 41700 ydlm42sj 2009-7-15 13:13
ADVANCED ASIC CHIP SYNTHESIS attachment 小朱仔 2009-7-15 01395 小朱仔 2009-7-15 10:56
Recent Advancements and Future Challenges of Storage System attachment onthefly 2009-7-14 01261 onthefly 2009-7-14 20:44
Static Minimization of Total Energy Consumption attachment onthefly 2009-7-14 01535 onthefly 2009-7-14 20:42
Wire Topology Optimization for Low Power CMOS attachment onthefly 2009-7-14 01221 onthefly 2009-7-14 20:40
版主,请问怎样获取信元? zxw3246 2009-7-14 11621 jackzhang 2009-7-14 16:05
关于使用FPGA设计滤波器的一些论文 attachment  ...2 david0915 2007-8-13 148148 profjzxs 2009-7-14 11:35
《The Asic Handbook(asic 完备手册)》 lanyiel 2008-1-29 13414 prasanna01 2009-7-13 22:55
FPGA分频 设计技巧 attachment 小朱仔 2009-7-13 11388 magicmaths3 2009-7-13 22:52
北大软微学院嵌入式方向很好的FPGA课件 attachment  ...2345 wachaong 2008-11-15 406784 haveok77 2009-7-13 16:38
基于EDA技术的教学型CPU的设计与实现 attachment 桂海田 2007-10-23 91921 zqzxlrq 2009-7-13 15:21
基于FPGA的模糊CMAC网络的硬件实现 attachment csu208 2007-4-14 13074 brandtop 2009-7-12 20:17
NIOS II网络驱动程序分析 attachment caoshangfei 2008-3-8 11681 brandtop 2009-7-12 20:13
Hopfield神经网络模型 attachment ponykuizai 2007-5-10 42495 brandtop 2009-7-12 20:05
测试系统设计-国家晶片系统设计中心 attachment IC1234 2009-7-12 02268 IC1234 2009-7-12 16:41
主状态机和子状态机的设计 nick8484 2009-7-12 03028 nick8484 2009-7-12 16:11
quartus 视频教 attachment maggieanxin 2009-1-16 82576 joeyliang 2009-7-12 14:15
wishbone总线标准 attachment ustkang 2008-4-23 31498 twenqing 2009-7-12 11:12
Kluwer Academic Systemc From The Ground Up attachment oinnate 2007-4-2 12245 sy0317218_bh 2009-7-11 22:14
压缩包有问题 xxeveryone 2009-7-11 01609 xxeveryone 2009-7-11 10:57
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