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fpga经验谈(西安大唐电信)free attachment jydyd2007 2007-5-29 92839 ALLFIRST111222 2009-12-11 12:43
fpga设计全流程 attachment qsfy 2009-12-2 31421 songdj 2009-12-11 11:59
FPGA27例 attachment qsfy 2009-12-2 31558 songdj 2009-12-11 11:56
DSP课件 attachment 09211956 2009-11-25 21579 ALLFIRST111222 2009-12-11 11:47
FPGA设计思想和技巧 attachment  ...2 oopbbs 2009-11-24 172664 ALLFIRST111222 2009-12-11 11:30
Quartus2的使用说明 attachment chenyan0806 2009-12-10 12661 ALLFIRST111222 2009-12-11 10:34
俊龙altera81(全套)(quartus,modelsim,nios,dsp)  ...2 坐对群山青 2008-12-3 114294 djx04 2009-12-11 07:50
【分享】:数字逻辑与微处理器设计[VHDL] attachment qingyuxuan 2009-3-22 71749 wzhangh04 2009-12-11 01:46
51单片机学习PPT attachment dlliulu 2009-4-28 11606 kkzm 2009-12-11 00:52
Dracula这个东西 attachment 21master 2008-10-31 11945 cgxcgx2009 2009-12-10 23:53
收集的vhdl_PPT值得一看 attachment  ...2 liurong82 2005-12-11 134165 kkzm 2009-12-10 23:25
元件模特秀 attachment awenchaoju 2009-12-2 61752 kkzm 2009-12-10 21:52
用ModelSimSE进行功能仿真和时序仿真的方法(ALTERA篇) attachment ghf0213 2009-8-23 81744 saysea 2009-12-10 21:26
vhdl数据类型转换 attachment qsfy 2009-12-2 21786 chenyan0806 2009-12-10 19:33
Newnes.Linear.Circuit.Design.Handbook.Feb.2008 attachment freelion 2008-9-7 31870 jake10000 2009-12-10 11:53
很好的教材:遗传算法图像处理 attachment  ...23 zqs0394 2009-4-15 213449 yuyibintony 2009-12-9 23:13
问大家一个关于滤波器的弱智问题 yangjing113 2009-12-9 02512 yangjing113 2009-12-9 20:15
卡内基梅陇大学verilog课程讲义 attachment uestcnn 2009-1-21 61794 hooray 2009-12-9 17:02
关于GGNMOS资料 attachment ffqq 2007-4-11 31609 ALLFIRST111222 2009-12-9 15:12
Verilog超详细教程 attachment kunzhou883 2008-12-9 71729 ALLFIRST111222 2009-12-9 15:03
verilog 简介 attachment lygg093 2009-12-7 21431 tsee 2009-12-8 11:46
Synthesizable Factorial VHDL-->N ! = N x (N-1) x (N-2) …. x 2 x 1 attachment kevinwjs 2009-12-7 21455 jcchan 2009-12-8 11:40
xilinx ISE 中文教程 attachment  ...23 genghis 2007-12-26 223715 caqli10 2009-12-8 09:41
Verilog超详细教程 grfly 2009-8-8 31742 FinalFantasy11 2009-12-7 23:38
基于DSP和CPLD技术的多路ADC系统的设计(free) attachment caoshangfei 2008-3-8 81658 liuhero_008 2009-12-7 21:36
[IC经典]Advanced.ASIC.Chip.Synthesis.2nd.Edition attachment  ...2 yingxionga 2007-4-1 152582 eexuzhong 2009-12-7 20:57
Modelsim for altera 有没有 free license attachment vhdlcode 2004-5-14 96173 夜之泉 2009-12-7 20:22
xilinx 开发套件,下载工具 attachment gemini820620 2009-4-27 21548 zhoukkkkbin 2009-12-7 18:25
Verilog HDL 基础知识 即入门指南 下载 attachment  ...234 kingtao 2006-4-24 336734 FinalFantasy11 2009-12-7 10:58
状态机经典论文 attachment  ...2 dianzigg 2006-11-8 193796 jdtang_sz 2009-12-7 09:06
FPGA培训教程 attachment sd7306310 2009-6-20 31452 beckham07360736 2009-12-7 01:54
ASIC原理及应用 attachment  ...2 kevintxz 2007-12-31 154161 juibia 2009-12-6 21:29
Digital Signal Processing with FPGA 3e ch3 attachment  ...2 xiexie57 2007-11-30 115903 zhucy07 2009-12-6 11:44
Digital Signal Processing with FPGA 3e ch1 attachment  ...2 xiexie57 2007-11-30 162441 zhucy07 2009-12-6 11:41
Digital Signal Processing with FPGA 3e ch7 attachment  ...2 xiexie57 2007-11-30 133008 zhucy07 2009-12-6 11:40
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