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[原创] 可重构计算在微波领域的应用 gmtang97129 2010-1-17 92484 usergb315 2010-1-24 17:44
[资料] FPGA/CPLD相关资料 attachment alllo 2010-1-19 11586 tian_tqz 2010-1-24 01:26
PCB的EMC设计指南 attachment cheng520so 2009-3-1 41456 eboycc 2010-1-23 23:03
Verilog_HDL练习题 attachment najierida 2009-10-18 41673 haipsunj 2010-1-23 22:53
Verilog-HDL实践与应用系统设计 attachment lixiuyan_1211 2009-10-10 71589 haipsunj 2010-1-23 22:51
[资料] 卡耐基梅龙的Verilog课件 attachment  ...2 raojianing 2009-12-26 113752 haipsunj 2010-1-23 21:38
Quartus 9 - 限制级 attachment  ...234 chenycs 2009-5-14 336115 harryyuan 2010-1-23 17:17
飞思卡尔s12中文资料 dali50606 2009-4-19 11793 kangde1619 2010-1-23 14:22
Verilog HDL Coding Style attachment  ...2 srouyang 2009-8-14 112757 jackal0716 2010-1-23 07:15
Quartus II中文培训教材 attachment  ...2 provictor 2007-11-8 169445 yyneuq2008 2010-1-22 20:17
chipscope 说明书 attachment  ...2 gentlepig 2007-12-11 112961 jqxhit 2010-1-22 19:45
xilinx官方V5原理图 attachment 252148951 2009-1-4 644140 danakin 2010-1-22 15:35
synthesis and optimization of digital circuits attachment  ...23456..18 chipmaster 2006-9-1 17631247 dongjing011 2010-1-22 14:44
最好的电子学词典! attachment  ...2 ahii 2008-6-23 193562 dongjing011 2010-1-22 14:42
[资料] 可编程ASIC设计及应用 [李广军] attachment alllo 2010-1-19 22184 haveok77 2010-1-22 14:11
[资料] Verilog_golde attachment hxyufei 2010-1-22 01181 hxyufei 2010-1-22 13:09
FSM设计指导 attachment rayer 2009-4-22 82249 jqxhit 2010-1-22 13:07
超大规模集成电路电子学 attachment shawn_yangjx 2006-7-26 63059 yyneuq2008 2010-1-22 11:54
[资料] vhdl设计 attachment shigang_fly 2010-1-22 01486 shigang_fly 2010-1-22 11:43
Introduction to ASIC Design Methodology attachment huybforever 2009-8-14 72457 pupukid 2010-1-22 11:18
MachXO_DataSheet attachment Betray003 2007-6-17 21977 chenqiang_1999 2010-1-22 10:18
Verilog期刊2 attachment fangqiang73 2009-8-25 52156 yyneuq2008 2010-1-22 08:58
Synthesis and Simulation Design Guide (FPGA) attachment hardstone_china 2008-11-7 81936 wangxwei2004 2010-1-22 07:06
[资料] QuartusII6.0简体中文教程 可可宁波 2010-1-20 11178 hunter_jyl 2010-1-21 22:45
[资料] Digital Design (Verilog): An Embedded Systems Approach Using Verilog  ...2 godsnake 2010-1-20 102754 apteye 2010-1-21 22:36
陈火旺:程序设计语言编译原理.陈火旺:程序设计语言编译原理. attachment testaq 2006-12-21 41916 yyneuq2008 2010-1-21 22:05
深入了解内存 attachment splendid_life 2008-12-18 41747 yyneuq2008 2010-1-21 19:51
pli如何解决fatal error C1021: invalid preprocessor command 'include_next' attachment aboy85 2009-9-25 16970 nwumengfei 2010-1-21 19:20
Verilog期刊3 attachment fangqiang73 2009-8-25 21882 crazyraul008 2010-1-21 17:09
Verilog期刊1 attachment fangqiang73 2009-8-25 42234 crazyraul008 2010-1-21 16:50
<FPGA Express VHDL Referance Manual> attachment whxd121 2008-2-21 41919 wllazy 2010-1-21 16:32
[转贴] electronics books complete collection godsnake 2010-1-20 11913 lixqing 2010-1-21 08:42
华为_大规模逻辑设计指导书 attachment  ...2 wonzonjon 2008-11-25 142817 dolphinfly6 2010-1-21 06:57
[招聘] simple design compiler tutorial (excellent) godsnake 2010-1-21 02099 godsnake 2010-1-21 05:24
Design Compiler Technology Backgrounder attachment icwu 2007-10-19 33765 godsnake 2010-1-21 02:17
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