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WLAN 技术 今日: 0|主题: 767|排名: 65 

版主: freedragon
1588协议 zz_3070 2009-9-6 94527 huanguestc 2011-3-31 10:15
[求助] 求软件telelogic tau cxhappy 2011-3-29 12712 cxhappy 2011-3-31 09:46
[求助] 哪位大侠帮忙下几篇论文啊,多谢! attachment kook309 2010-11-11 42796 liyuanliu 2011-3-29 17:57
Bluetooth 蓝牙 规范 10.1版 attachment  ...23 dalaixiong 2007-5-7 267497 lisheng509 2011-3-28 21:04
[转贴] 藍芽設計的測試與品質認證 jeter1973 2010-12-16 33194 lisheng509 2011-3-28 20:59
IEEE 802.11-00/128 attachment pon1213a 2009-1-19 32345 lisheng509 2011-3-28 20:54
P802.11n(草案) attachment  ...2 qin9921 2008-6-21 124719 lisheng509 2011-3-28 20:49
关于802.11b nav设置的疑惑 AIIC 2009-3-8 23694 lisheng509 2011-3-28 20:47
有谁研究过802。11N标准么? redderapple51 2007-4-20 63305 lisheng509 2011-3-28 20:42
WiMax attachment  ...23456 evergirl 2007-5-18 509594 lisheng509 2011-3-28 20:34
那位有AP的解决方案呢? attachment  ...2 wj5023 2007-1-14 1814166 lisheng509 2011-3-28 20:29
藍牙東東 david-wu 2006-7-3 64153 lisheng509 2011-3-28 20:21
The future and the Wireless Personal attachment wychina_2007 2009-12-4 32489 lisheng509 2011-3-28 20:15
80215.4标准 caodiren 2008-3-10 72942 lisheng509 2011-3-28 20:13
請問大家都用什麼Tool做WLAN的simulation? wang_chin 2009-6-25 72831 lisheng509 2011-3-28 20:08
Ultra-Wideband attachment wychina_2007 2009-12-4 52068 lisheng509 2011-3-28 20:06
这本书好  ...2 liukai478 2009-10-7 104016 lisheng509 2011-3-28 20:03
R&S WIMAX presentation attachment  ...2 kevinwjs 2008-3-5 123639 lisheng509 2011-3-28 19:38
wireless+communications attachment  ...2 willord 2009-10-23 175136 lisheng509 2011-3-28 18:50
求书:Sigle and multi-carrier quadrature amplitude modulation mryu 2006-7-11 43777 aomsh 2011-3-12 19:47
MIMO OFDM Physical Layer Real-Time Prototyping attachment iclab13 2009-8-5 83056 ggouhwpb 2011-3-9 11:00
Fundamentals_of_WiMAX attachment  ...234 wind73 2008-2-4 357409 drlo1 2011-3-7 03:26
无线通讯模块 feituo 2009-8-4 32905 madwangba 2011-3-1 14:53
小区切换与功率控制讲义[中兴] attachment xyj107 2008-9-4 42885 tgthtq 2011-2-28 14:07
IEEE 802.11 A standard attachment  ...2 ybdcn 2007-11-19 124628 uqmeuqmeuqme 2011-2-28 10:28
the technical tutorial on the IEEE 802.11 protocol attachment sancan 2008-12-29 93852 uqmeuqmeuqme 2011-2-28 10:01
[资料] The Impact of RTS Threshold on IEEE 802.11 MAC Protocol attachment chyfung 2010-1-13 33178 uqmeuqmeuqme 2011-2-28 09:57
[资料] 高頻量測 attachment 痞子英雄 2011-1-14 43354 uqmeuqmeuqme 2011-2-27 17:52
[资料] 浅谈行为识别技术 attachment morexin 2010-10-8 42469 sdmovie 2011-2-27 00:03
我是做电视的,有没有支持802.11N的方案?我们想做。 gonglianfa2 2008-3-4 27699 maomaoone 2011-2-25 20:16
软件无线电 krisger 2007-4-2 43025 chenyoyo 2011-2-22 11:37
[资料] 无线网络设备攻击技术白皮书 attachment  ...2 fly123456 2010-12-9 124065 mcchan 2011-1-31 17:06
求购QUALNET仿真软件! zhtao73 2006-8-15 210663 arthur8598 2011-1-20 12:03
[资料] 如何解决WLAN与蓝牙设备共存时覆盖范围的挑战 feixuemeng 2010-12-31 32705 sleep90119 2011-1-12 00:36
一个可以按参数查询的网站 zhcheng85 2008-8-27 42967 yyh136 2010-12-29 13:13
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