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Analog/RF IC 资料共享 今日: 16 |主题: 40328|排名: 1 

[求助] 如何在后仿真中使用stb仿真? attach_img  ...23 cadenceic616 2021-1-5 226225 binnq 2024-8-5 16:48
[资料] EE214B reader 2018 attachment  ...23 wtyytw 2021-12-9 295903 binnq 2024-8-5 16:36
boost DCDC 技术资料大奉送 attachment  ...23456..22 kakool 2008-12-12 21941205 dolphinwang 2024-8-5 16:28
东南大学射光所_一个短小精悍的版图报告 attachment  ...23456..15 taotaohai 2009-1-10 14723430 binnq 2024-8-5 16:24
VLSI Digital Signal Processing Systems  ...234 frank12345 2008-11-2 3810195 EE0926 2024-8-5 16:09
[转贴] ISSCC2023 全套资料pater,short course tutorials visuals attachment  ...2 fengxinzi2714 2023-2-27 112701 binnq 2024-8-5 15:59
[资料] [Cambridge 2011 ebook]Digital Front-End in Wireless Communications attach_img  ...23456..21 pipiw 2011-12-6 20339110 binnq 2024-8-5 15:48
[资料] 模拟CMOS XJTU_张鸿教授ppt  ...23 carloszo 2021-12-10 244999 binnq 2024-8-5 15:37
悬赏 [求助] NS-SAR ADC的相关信息 - [悬赏 100 信元资产] attachment  ...2 new_bird 2022-8-30 132513 binnq 2024-8-5 15:24
[资料] CMOS data converters for communications attachment  ...23 peifei 2017-9-10 225569 051021031 2024-8-5 15:04
[资料] SerDes专题六:近年(2006-2013)JSSC全部论文汇总 attachment digest agree  ...23456..25 固执的寻觅 2016-2-21 24082223 派大星 2024-8-5 14:15
[资料] Lecture Notes in Analog Electronics attach_img  ...23 hi_china59 2023-2-9 294602 koala840816 2024-8-5 13:35
闩锁效应 attachment  ...23456..8 gogoll681 2007-1-29 7222250 z1293053926 2024-8-5 11:20
[资料] ISSCC2023 资料 (Papers/Slides/Tutorials/Forum/SC) 新人帖 attachment digest  ...23456..30 chatvlsi 2023-2-23 30051248 GYSWQ 2024-8-5 10:31
[资料] analog circuits design series绝对经典!!! attachment  ...23456..38 wyhgod 2008-7-28 37851679 purpleside 2024-8-5 10:04
[资料] A Practical Guide to Verilog-A @2022 attach_img  ...234 2046 2022-10-24 365527 purpleside 2024-8-5 10:03
[资料] 快递:Linux安装ADS2020update2.0及破解 attach_img  ...23456..8 Nudlex 2020-5-29 7725332 gaoyongyong 2024-8-5 09:43
[资料] 详细的Dynamic compactor noise analysis和kickback reduction attachment  ...23456..18 s2is 2013-10-9 17639427 ??? 2024-8-5 09:19
CMOS射频集成电路设计(第二版)的答案Thomas H.Lee attachment  ...23456..8 305531666 2008-11-12 7018468 陈晖洁 2024-8-5 07:50
基于SOI的RF器件简明教程 attachment  ...2 maomaoqiu 2009-6-30 155976 cdting 2024-8-5 03:51
[资料] JSSCC期刊 24年3月 attachment  ...234 mishimishi 2024-2-27 302166 cdting 2024-8-5 03:41
【McGraw-Hill 原版新书】Switch-Mode Power Supplies(带Front Matter,无版权信息) attachment  ...23456..51 lotusky 2008-11-28 50168712 cdting 2024-8-5 03:36
[原创] 台湾大学 High-Speed IO Design course slides attachment  ...2345 gocoba 2012-3-26 4912333 cdting 2024-8-5 03:33
[资料] Analog IC Design with Low-Dropout Regulators, Second Edition True PDF attachment  ...2345 hi_china59 2022-4-10 427766 cdting 2024-8-5 03:29
[资料] TCAS-I_2021-05 期刊完整版 attachment  ...2 amodaman 2021-5-18 193354 cdting 2024-8-5 03:27
悬赏 [求助] 求个TSMC40 nm RCX的rules文件,提取寄生参数报错,发现里面没有rules文件 - [悬赏 100 信元资产] 江南17 2024-7-30 2325 tapas 2024-8-4 23:09
[资料] Microwave and RF Design资料 attachment  ...23 射频真让人头疼 2023-8-2 292646 greathhy 2024-8-4 21:29
[资料] [论坛首发]CMOS Continuous-Time Adaptive Equalizers for High-Speed Serial Links attachment  ...23456..17 nuoan 2015-1-18 16833988 Andy126 2024-8-4 11:20
悬赏 [求助] Analysis and Design of Analog Integrated Circuits, 6th Edition | Wiley - [悬赏 100 信元资产]  ...2 何必在乎 2024-1-23 112715 qwqwasas1234 2024-8-4 10:50
[资料] 分享本Gabriel Alfonso Rincón-Mora - Analog IC Design An Intuitive Approach attachment  ...234 qluo14 2021-10-11 304871 qwqwasas1234 2024-8-4 10:48
值得收藏的几篇PLL博士论文 attachment  ...23456..17 semileon 2008-8-2 16127024 Andy126 2024-8-4 10:39
[资料] 台湾成功大学 SAR ADC attachment  ...23456..8 bonyou 2018-6-1 7727672 cdting 2024-8-4 09:28
[资料] 英文原版书籍 Operation and Modeling of the MOS Transistor 新人帖 attachment  ...234 cairneb 2021-6-24 334370 cdting 2024-8-4 09:26
[原创] 学习了三个月的SARADC的资料分享(所有) attach_img  ...23456..15 new_bird 2020-12-16 14931169 cdting 2024-8-4 01:03
[资料] serdes_文档共享tsmc28hpcp_16g_x4 attachment  ...23 axhanker 2022-5-19 274594 sijau7 2024-8-4 00:55
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