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Analog/RF IC 资料共享 今日: 188 |主题: 41113|排名: 1 

Optimizing Wireless RF Circuits attachment onthefly 2009-8-5 21853 ached 2023-7-10 09:19
Uni of Reading ADC and DAC course notes attachment  ...234 shothand 2007-1-3 318585 cdting 2023-7-9 09:52
[资料] 小清新 2013 SRAM Design for Wireless Sensor Networks attachment  ...23456 phdseeker 2012-11-13 5715533 yuyuray 2023-7-9 09:39
High-Speed Memory Systems Course by Bruce L. Jacob attachment  ...23 Capricorn0115 2009-6-27 296363 kuan 2023-7-9 08:20
[求助] 求IEEE文章A Single Smart Cut POI Substrate Design for UHF, L and S Band Filters nuoan 2023-7-8 01026 nuoan 2023-7-8 17:50
[资料] Integrated LC oscillators-Pietro Andreani 2011 tutorial attachment  ...2 siyuan1204 2022-8-24 113059 igolaps 2023-7-8 16:31
A systematic Methodology for the Generation of Spice Models for EMC Analysis attachment  ...2 sunward 2008-10-26 114560 dldlxkq 2023-7-8 12:48
[求助] 论文求助 john_123 2023-7-8 0668 john_123 2023-7-8 11:47
[原创] 模拟IC芯片设计如何入手  ...2 yh_j 2023-7-6 122147 jsncepu 2023-7-8 11:14
[求助] 关于emx的.proc文件编写问题 新人帖 attach_img Linzk 2022-3-24 52881 王20 2023-7-8 10:14
悬赏 [求助] 求tsmc18 BCD G2orG3 tsmc18rfv15g PDK 新人帖 - [悬赏 500 信元资产] Wayne12 2023-7-8 01174 Wayne12 2023-7-8 01:21
[资料] 2015 Overview of Analog IC design Tutorial Videos 视频教程 by Phillip E. Allen attachment hi_china59 2020-11-1 33074 igolaps 2023-7-8 00:02
[原创] 在艾伦(Phillip Allen)主页上下载的他开办COMS培训短期课程的note共59.8M attachment  ...2 wuzhantuo 2010-12-16 185952 igolaps 2023-7-7 23:11
[资料] Cable Shielding for Electromagnetic Compatibility屏蔽线缆设计方面书籍 attachment  ...23 a422877308 2018-10-2 236470 dldlxkq 2023-7-7 22:03
Magnetic Design for SMPS -by Lloyd H. Dixon attachment  ...2 metotj 2007-3-6 1911224 dldlxkq 2023-7-7 21:55
[资料] Electromagnetics for high-speed analog circuits attachment  ...234 A_serendipity 2014-11-17 328047 dldlxkq 2023-7-7 21:52
UC Berkely-Short Course_ Issues in RF IC design attachment  ...23 xyj107 2008-10-15 256945 igolaps 2023-7-7 20:49
[资料] A Fully Integrated On-Chip DC-DC Conversion and Power Management System attachment  ...23 luckyjohn1688 2016-4-8 287360 szdgsz 2023-7-7 20:38
[资料] 几篇新的High PSR (Power supply rejection) LDO (Low drop out regulator)论文 attachment  ...2345 arbil 2011-12-11 4111322 john_123 2023-7-7 18:22
[资料] 哈佛大牛的博士论文ADC-based receiver attachment  ...234 A_serendipity 2014-11-11 3511059 SeanLin 2023-7-7 17:35
关于优化设计OPA的文章 attachment  ...2 wjx197733 2007-5-22 176436 auch0311 2023-7-7 17:09
[资料] SpectreRF user guide attachment  ...23 spadeace678 2013-10-22 219599 zhj429 2023-7-7 17:08
A CMOS wideband amplifier with 800 MHz gain-bandwidth attachment  ...234 yangqi 2006-10-9 318078 auch0311 2023-7-7 17:06
[原创] 2011年TCASII low-power cap-free的LDOs design attachment  ...23 Jason_ke 2011-7-14 246563 madequn 2023-7-7 16:33
ADS 使用 超级详细!!!! attachment  ...23456..10 zhangfuquan 2009-5-6 9322516 yihongqiquan 2023-7-7 13:10
[原创] J.H. Huijsing: Systematic Design of Sigma-Delta Analog-to-Digital Converters attachment  ...2345 LasVegas 2009-5-23 4215872 i0977454522 2023-7-7 12:04
[求助] 求助-VLSI High-Speed I/O Circuits 書籍 kldeng1344 2021-9-22 32135 franklu1227 2023-7-7 10:02
[资料] Silicon Optoelectronic Integrated Circuits attachment  ...2 RSTZYP 2022-11-22 122386 qwqwasas1234 2023-7-7 09:58
[资料] 【Springer.2013】CMOS Integrated Capacitive DC-DC Converters attachment  ...23456..13 Chinix 2013-1-30 12031921 qwqwasas1234 2023-7-7 09:49
[资料] Logarithmic Voltage-to-Time Converter for Analog-to-Digital Signal Conversion attachment  ...2 hadd 2020-10-13 144506 qwqwasas1234 2023-7-7 09:45
[资料] [ebook 2018] Fundamentals of Electromigration-Aware Integrated Circuit Design attachment  ...23 龚_利90 2019-7-1 204844 qwqwasas1234 2023-7-7 09:41
精辟模拟设计心得!The Art and Science of Analog Circuit Design. attachment  ...23456..14 jjw 2009-5-24 13226404 wanlight 2023-7-7 09:32
[求助] 2x over sampling CDR Frequency detection love1226 2023-7-6 11174 deepcore 2023-7-7 08:39
[资料] the handout of the ADC course attachment  ...2 hungda00 2012-5-26 135558 igolaps 2023-7-7 05:21
悬赏 [资料] 悬赏ISSCC2010 SC4 Transistor-Level Design of Critical PLL Circuits - [已解决] attachment  ...234 jamesccp 2016-8-31 3614580 igolaps 2023-7-7 05:11
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