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CPU设计杂谈 今日: 5 |主题: 3410|排名: 61 

[原创] 3GPP 协议大全 attachment MEMS_dream 2010-1-11 32217 xxl04120184 2011-8-29 15:22
RSIC48设计 attachment xiaojun19763 2008-9-6 32319 yang6695 2011-8-28 09:41
推荐一个网站  ...23 rogan 2007-2-2 226980 yang6695 2011-8-28 09:30
ahb总线引出片外 gerry1812 2011-7-14 411458 sunnyshs 2011-8-24 16:54
接着发CPU Logic Design attachment  ...2 liusong106 2007-1-17 143296 yang6695 2011-8-24 09:28
为什么ahb里有active byte lane? lx1019 2011-8-20 04521 lx1019 2011-8-20 00:00
登巅高薪招聘兼职 kongkong123 2011-8-19 01798 kongkong123 2011-8-19 21:51
可综合的MC8051IP核中文详解电子版  ...234 蔡一小碟 2006-11-23 388946 zhgjia318423 2011-8-19 16:12
FREE : ieee verilog standard attachment xudeqiang 2008-3-13 11664 superlazer 2011-8-18 12:28
嵌入式CPU 软核综述.  ...23 shuting 2010-3-24 244194 zhangjunxf 2011-8-18 11:01
51 单片机Keil C语言入门教程.pdf attachment  ...23 dyyzsu 2008-11-29 294791 yeongleh 2011-8-17 16:48
【求助】ARM11架构里面,TCRAM是用来干什么的啊? dfzhch 2011-8-8 14186 mrvldbg 2011-8-17 11:09
dummy master 什么情况下是必须的。 naclkcl 2008-1-11 12317 shikaicool 2011-8-16 15:15
如何设计MAC,我不知道如何下手 jearome 2008-3-29 23150 disiwe 2011-8-14 19:07
Guide to RISC Processors - For Programmers and Engineers attachment  ...2 tuatu 2007-11-12 173784 yang6695 2011-8-14 13:07
RSIC技术介绍 attachment  ...2 剑指眉梢 2006-12-7 174127 yang6695 2011-8-14 13:03
[原创] T40-I I电路及元器件故障检测分析仪 attach_img zyc704013809 2011-8-10 01934 zyc704013809 2011-8-10 09:26
FREE:JBhakser_VerilogSynthesisPrimer.pdf attachment xudeqiang 2008-3-15 72018 lqpcwl1986 2011-8-8 22:51
基于FPGA的误码内核设计 attachment moonlight721 2008-10-26 44029 sxmman 2011-8-8 16:55
Tanner pro L-EDIT使用说明 attachment  ...2 qkang 2010-2-24 146614 viczhang 2011-8-4 13:02
The arm arch cedric761193 2011-3-27 21273 scottlinux 2011-8-4 00:18
ARMv7指令读取的问题 endyson 2011-8-3 01792 endyson 2011-8-3 15:12
弱问: 用latch array架构实现CPU cache的常见吗? chris_li 2011-7-11 12850 zhaoxin621 2011-8-1 21:30
ic设计 attachment iczero 2011-3-28 21381 leserlee 2011-8-1 18:17
[求助] Keygens of LABVIEW 2009 and 20 toolkits godsnake 2010-1-9 12075 z383775409 2011-7-28 10:02
vcs仿真求助 gerry1812 2011-7-26 01461 gerry1812 2011-7-26 10:33
[原创] 资料区总结 pinpinse 2010-8-12 42229 fengbo_ily 2011-7-26 07:53
深入理解计算机系统(中文版)下载 链接 attachment  ...23 szp9912 2007-3-26 236113 痴木子 2011-7-25 21:44
DSP builder part11 attachment yaobin 2004-12-30 52636 strgsn 2011-7-25 00:15
SPARC V7 Instruction Set.pdf attachment microbear 2006-5-2 64331 edsionwym 2011-7-24 14:30
ixp1200 使用手册 attachment jackcathy123 2011-3-19 51953 edsionwym 2011-7-24 11:30
有谁了解过synopsys的VMC没呢 welliu 2011-7-18 02312 welliu 2011-7-18 15:42
DDR I II 总线的失效分析方法探索 attachment teshubah 2009-8-31 92241 edsionwym 2011-7-17 11:05
Introduction to CPLD and FPGA Design.PDF attachment  ...2 microbear 2006-5-2 143876 追魂小星 2011-7-10 15:33
fpga测内核请教 gerry1812 2011-6-12 11582 arthur8598 2011-7-9 00:41
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