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DSP资料区 今日: 0|主题: 4687|排名: 45 

版主: cjsb37, thyears
[原创] DSP C专家编程 pdf attachment  ...234 tjpu_wenyanbin 2009-12-13 366855 jessiechenjc 2019-7-11 13:47
[转贴] DSP学习资料:基于6U VPX的 XC7VX690T+C6678的双FMC接口雷达通信处理板 orihard1 2019-6-26 01553 orihard1 2019-6-26 15:45
[原创] EMC设计资料 attachment dragonking 2007-5-9 62490 ryanchouee309ee 2019-6-25 21:23
[转贴] 用于DSP学习的基于Kintex Ultrasacle的万兆网络光纤 PCIe加速卡 orihard1 2019-6-19 01397 orihard1 2019-6-19 10:37
[转贴] 用于深度学习的FMC150-两路250Msps AD、两路500Msps DA FMC子卡模块 orihard1 2019-6-13 01345 orihard1 2019-6-13 10:44
[转贴] 用于学习的基于 IMX214+XC7Z035的1080P双目视觉智能平台 orihard1 2019-6-11 01211 orihard1 2019-6-11 11:19
[原创] DSP Realtime Operating Systems for Embedded Systems attachment  ...2 vivi_ran 2008-11-7 153768 fatih_tekinsoy 2019-6-9 19:58
[原创] CCS3.3教程TI官方[英文原版] attachment  ...2 youngshung 2010-6-3 154965 jll_leide 2019-6-7 21:34
[转贴] 用于DSP 学习的基于Xilinx Virtex-6 XC6VLX240T 和TI DSP TMS320C6678的信号处理板204 orihard1 2019-6-6 01292 orihard1 2019-6-6 17:44
[原创] (转贴)用DSP2812开发的无刷直流电机控制程序 attachment  ...23456..10 hong0335 2006-11-3 9123388 hfwxgl 2019-5-31 08:07
[原创] 基于TMS320C6670的软件无线电核心板解决方案 c6670 501 orihard1 2019-5-17 01016 orihard1 2019-5-17 15:48
[原创] 滤波器高级设计手册 attachment  ...23456..12 housan321 2006-12-11 11321342 linzhijie0730 2019-5-14 10:38
[原创] Discrete-Time Signal Processing - 2ed – Oppenheim(Ebook)学习DSP必备, 连题解 attachment  ...23456..25 fluxischarge 2007-2-21 24035504 linzhijie0730 2019-5-14 10:02
[原创] 基于分数阶傅里叶变换的SAR运动目标检测与成像 attachment xiangruli 2008-5-7 31912 hugo_liao 2019-5-13 18:20
[原创] 410-基于XCVU9P+ C6678的40G光纤的加速卡解决方案 orihard1 2019-5-13 01186 orihard1 2019-5-13 17:15
[原创] 381-基于双XCKU060+双C6678 的双FMC接口40G光纤传输加速计算卡学习资料 attach_img orihard1 2019-5-13 0985 orihard1 2019-5-13 16:54
[原创] 无需License轻松打造全功能ADI 的 CrossCore Embedded Studio(CCES) attachment  ...23456..10 tercel8888 2012-12-21 9738113 wuyaowang 2019-5-9 13:39
[原创] C语言嵌入式系统编程修炼之道 attachment  ...234 cho822 2009-4-21 356469 Ralphjh 2019-5-6 11:29
[原创] Fundamentals of Phase-Locked Loop Design attachment yearslater 2010-3-8 82613 贾郑和 2019-5-1 14:40
[原创] 高速实时数字信号处理器sharc的原理及其应用.rar attachment  ...2 okhu 2009-8-20 155449 linzhijie0730 2019-4-28 21:50
[原创] USB DSP仿真器原理图 attachment  ...23456..7 shichenghua 2006-10-24 6015729 gregoryw 2019-4-26 18:33
REAL-TIME IMPLEMENTATION OF SIGNAL RECONSTRUCTION ALGORITHM attachment  ...2 xycfwrj 2008-12-19 144490 gregoryw 2019-4-26 18:19
【CRC IEEE Press】The Handbook of Formulas and Tables for Signal Processing attachment  ...23456 benemale 2007-11-8 5912649 gregoryw 2019-4-26 18:05
[原创] 各种硬件仿真器技术性能比较!(PDF) attachment  ...2 wentao 2006-11-24 104687 gregoryw 2019-4-26 08:13
[原创] TMS320F2407开发板PCB&原理图(PROTEL99) attachment  ...23456..7 102298 2008-1-10 6914293 ather 2019-4-25 19:41
[原创] 220-基于Xilinx Kintex-7 XC7K160T 的CameraLink转四路光纤数据转发卡 orihard1 2019-4-4 01025 orihard1 2019-4-4 17:17
[原创] Digital_Signal_Processing--Filtering_Approach attachment  ...2 chwang010 2009-2-2 173951 haoxchao828 2019-3-26 19:33
[原创] Undersample Technology(Analog Devices) attachment rumi 2009-8-22 94021 haoxchao828 2019-3-26 19:31
[原创] 【新】1.2GPS 32 to 2048 point Floating Point FFT in a single FPGA attachment  ...2345 huhaohoo 2008-11-6 4310103 haoxchao828 2019-3-26 17:57
[原创] Briggs - DFT, An Owners' Manual attachment  ...234 sspa 2009-8-14 336662 haoxchao828 2019-3-26 17:55
[原创] 一天征服傅里叶变换 attachment  ...23456..25 polleny 2008-3-20 24433060 haoxchao828 2019-3-26 17:41
[原创] 中国50行业研究报告 很详细的 对您找工作绝对有用 attachment  ...23456..18 yyphpu 2009-5-2 17621591 hebi_0713 2019-3-22 16:40
嵌入式操作系统的资料 attachment zhenxinggy 2008-6-2 82459 hebi_0713 2019-3-22 16:10
[原创] MATLAB编程(第二版)-菜鸟入门教材 attachment  ...23456..8 sudayan2006 2010-8-13 7414265 hebi_0713 2019-3-22 15:53
[原创] 求助:有人用过MOTO的DSP56300片子么? tezhong 2007-6-22 12344 capron 2019-3-8 21:10
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