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IC验证资料 今日: 3 |主题: 3576|排名: 20 

[资料] IC验证 入门必学 attach_img wang19871001 2021-11-24 52182 ichsim 2022-1-12 09:10
[资料] 分享一份makefile的资料 attachment 荆雪伊人 2020-5-8 92547 clslhy 2022-1-7 00:11
[资料] OVM VMM模版生成工具(SVF TG) attachment  ...234 superpig2b 2011-5-16 3610506 KSCNN 2022-1-5 16:14
[资料] UPF attachment  ...23456 wwjsongjie 2012-11-28 5614750 AdamMou 2022-1-5 15:39
[资料] UVM高级使用方法 新人帖 attachment  ...23 mbmlccking168 2019-3-28 245368 clslhy 2022-1-5 10:02
[资料] AXI 官方标准协议 attachment zhuym0824 2021-11-30 51915 clslhy 2022-1-5 09:53
[资料] UVM-1.1d UVM_PHSAE源代码分析 attachment  ...234 yangdeyong1980 2013-10-4 3213229 clslhy 2022-1-5 09:50
[资料] 覆盖率模型PPT,很有针对性 attachment  ...23456 jumphigh1987 2012-12-6 5414216 clslhy 2022-1-5 09:48
[求助] 钟文枫的SystemVerilog与功能验证有没有那个例程啊 a1872040489 2022-1-2 01333 a1872040489 2022-1-2 15:37
[资料] 瑞萨公司可靠性文件 attachment  ...2345 gbsid 2010-7-11 4011113 haizaolan 2021-12-29 15:34
[资料] Tina PCB Designer 7 full attachment gaconht 2010-11-27 72713 liyaqat1220 2021-12-26 14:26
[资料] OLED技术及其国内外发展状况 attachment  ...234 leigzh 2009-12-29 388363 lyfztz 2021-12-25 14:29
[求助] 各位大佬求一个关于uvm验证的小项目 新人帖  ...2 yan007 2020-8-1 105443 rimuzhnegfan 2021-12-23 18:02
[资料] NCSU库文件 attachment  ...23 jll_leide 2012-10-31 226326 kinbo_z 2021-12-23 09:34
[资料] LinkCAD for ANSYS 破解版  ...2 leichen51 2014-4-20 148154 且化清影伴卿行 2021-12-21 00:47
[原创] HT1621B裸片替代PC1621K attachment pc1621 2021-12-20 01382 pc1621 2021-12-20 10:39
简单MC8051核验证仿真实例下载 attachment  ...2345 rong1980 2008-12-27 499990 zte123456 2021-12-19 19:16
[求助] VCS使用教程 774930344 2017-8-17 42960 用户年轻化 2021-12-17 09:38
[资料] Verdi 培训资料 attachment  ...23456..12 Jayshi 2011-3-9 11122828 liumo163 2021-12-16 17:26
[求助] 求systemverilog的SPI验证实例 tt6680 2012-10-17 43008 liumo163 2021-12-16 17:21
氮化硅刻蚀工艺的研究.doc attachment leigzh 2009-11-9 93106 Darren.Zhang 2021-12-14 14:16
[资料] vmm很好的例子,有详细的文档以及源代码 attachment  ...23456..17 dolphintear 2009-12-21 16830442 clslhy 2021-12-13 23:24
[资料] Using VMM ral attachment  ...2 pfw3001 2012-6-29 137506 clslhy 2021-12-13 23:17
[资料] UVM presentations from Cadence, mentor, and Synopsys attachment  ...234 onabc 2013-7-15 3910862 clslhy 2021-12-13 22:03
[原创] cadence gate sim attachment  ...23 Cpual333 2020-2-23 205542 clslhy 2021-12-13 21:21
[资料] The UVM PRIMER 和 源代码 attachment  ...2345 xcan2012 2017-11-9 4210767 clslhy 2021-12-13 17:46
[资料] ahb 协议 英文 attachment jinmingchen 2021-10-22 21677 wuxin_ 2021-12-13 15:24
[资料] 相关资料 attachment wang19871001 2021-11-26 31861 wuxin_ 2021-12-13 15:17
SystemVerilogwith MATLAB and the DPI.pdf attachment  ...23456..9 kevin8228 2007-11-20 8718733 清影无奈 2021-12-13 10:16
[资料] STARC设计规则说明 attachment  ...2 wuzhenzhi 2010-6-27 126564 liyan98 2021-12-10 17:23
[资料] AEC-Q100 汽车电子测试标准(英文版) attachment  ...2 dlj_hard2011 2011-8-24 114862 Andy126 2021-12-9 11:10
[资料] Writing testbenches using SystemVerilog 高清完整书签版 attachment  ...2 土豆烧牛肉WOW 2020-7-10 134000 straw 2021-12-7 09:21
悬赏 [求助] 《Practical UVM step by step examples》 - [已解决]  ...2 jinjiahao 2021-8-5 124639 jinjiahao 2021-12-6 10:49
[资料] Pipeline设计资料大全 attachment  ...23456..7 oxplorer 2010-1-5 6120389 panfusheng007 2021-12-1 19:42
[资料] 初步学会VCS和DVE的资料,本人用了两天的时间自学,把我的资料给大家分享一下。 attachment  ...23456..23 曦玄 2014-5-12 22840130 lzdestiny 2021-12-1 17:26
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