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射频微波资料 今日: 0|主题: 8763|排名: 12 

版主: jinlilijin
[资料] Fundamentals of Electromagnetics with MATLAB 2nd attachment  ...234 voild 2021-8-28 323763 abc_def_ghi 2024-5-30 15:14
MMIC Design 完整教學 attachment  ...23456..9 djo6j86j86 2009-11-21 8814527 abc_def_ghi 2024-5-30 15:13
[资料] 简明天线理论与设计应用 新人帖 attachment  ...2 wanch3307 2019-12-23 185649 abc_def_ghi 2024-5-30 15:11
国庆送书系列:RF 书籍专辑 attachment  ...23456..8 luoyih 2008-9-23 7313877 abc_def_ghi 2024-5-30 15:09
[资料] ADS设计教程(八大经典实验)和ADS主要仿真器介绍 attachment  ...23456..9 sleepylily 2011-3-16 8119763 chillys 2024-5-29 15:05
[资料] _电源端传导骚扰问题分析与定位 attachment Billmtk 2024-3-25 2532 chillys 2024-5-29 15:03
8~12GHz VCO设计 attachment  ...2345 自由乞丐 2009-3-2 447070 chillys 2024-5-29 15:02
[资料] 关于电源芯片的PSRR测量 attachment Billmtk 2024-4-26 4608 manjusaka 2024-5-29 10:41
[资料] 非常棒的HFSS学习教程推荐 attachment  ...23456..33 ignosi 2013-9-13 32761478 chillys 2024-5-29 10:36
[原创] Layout Concern about Trace, Ground and Via attachment  ...234 criterion 2012-2-8 318137 zzabc 2024-5-29 09:20
[资料] 秒懂5G(84页PPT) attachment Billmtk 2023-8-25 4918 zzabc 2024-5-29 09:19
[资料] 辐射杂散解决之道 attachment Billmtk 2023-3-5 61295 yxy7968 2024-5-29 01:41
[资料] 5G NR 简介 attachment Billmtk 2024-2-17 2526 yihongq 2024-5-28 21:30
[资料] RSRP、RSSI、RSRQ、SINR概念 attachment Billmtk 2024-3-24 3602 yihongq 2024-5-28 21:20
[原创] Ultra-wideband RF System Engineering attach_img  ...2 Abdo-Dz 2017-12-27 165049 yihongq 2024-5-28 21:18
Wiley.IEEE.Press. TESTING FOR EMC COMPLIANCE Approaches and Techniques attachment  ...23456..7 tshi12 2008-9-15 6820861 yihongq 2024-5-28 21:14
[资料] ADS的SI和CILD的资料 attach_img  ...23 rocksyh 2015-10-10 235824 yihongq 2024-5-28 21:03
[资料] 使用ADS设计LNA attachment  ...23456..10 gushenzwt 2012-11-20 9622883 _ccac 2024-5-28 16:27
[资料] 聊聊手机卫星通信 attachment Billmtk 2024-1-2 2738 lutherliu 2024-5-27 16:13
[资料] 手机天线都去哪里了? attachment Billmtk 2024-5-26 0322 Billmtk 2024-5-27 13:21
[资料] 为什么模拟地和数字地不建议用磁珠?找到答案了 attachment Billmtk 2024-5-26 0304 Billmtk 2024-5-27 13:20
[资料] Microwave Circuit Design Using Linear and Nonlinear Techniques attach_img  ...23456 tgvcat 2016-2-1 5312274 hou891029 2024-5-25 16:05
[资料] 多图详解RF射频基础知识 attachment  ...2 Billmtk 2024-5-6 141057 wc_buaa 2024-5-25 09:51
[资料] IEEE上的LNA全套论文 attachment  ...23456..8 yxxjtu 2010-11-28 7126248 zzabc 2024-5-24 09:47
[资料] 艾瑞咨询:2023年中国6G产业研究报告 attachment Billmtk 2023-8-23 2668 ccachi 2024-5-19 22:33
[求助] 求一本书Scattering Parameters in RF and Microwave Circuit Analysis and Design attachment  ...23 dannymu 2021-3-1 215467 dannymu 2024-5-19 20:08
[资料] HFSS 視頻教學 -- Bondwire 建模與仿真 attachment  ...23456..16 honejing 2011-4-3 15942024 sorrythanx 2024-5-19 16:42
[原创] Tunable RF Components and Circuits, Jeffrey L. Hilbert  ...2 Abdo-Dz 2016-7-19 186000 yanbiao805 2024-5-17 20:45
[资料] 车联网连接及通信原理 attachment Billmtk 2024-5-9 2476 amigo.change 2024-5-17 19:11
ibis模型标准5.0 attachment  ...2 qidegui 2009-9-29 193894 everny 2024-5-17 14:36
[资料] 射频设计,dB 为什么如此重要? attachment Billmtk 2023-2-5 21618 dihoo123 2024-5-17 10:55
[资料] Fundamentals of Applied Electromagnetics 7th Edition (Solution Manual) attachment hi_china59 2023-3-30 91784 lonehorse 2024-5-16 22:53
[资料] 云计算中的云网络技术 attachment Billmtk 2023-9-5 1737 ZHOUSHUNMIN 2024-5-16 09:24
射频与微波功率放大器设计.pdf attachment  ...23456..31 lyong0704 2008-10-27 30050003 dihoo123 2024-5-15 15:56
[资料] 2013 Handbook of Terahertz Technology for Imaging, Sensing and Communications attachment  ...234 xinlianxin 2016-9-9 349310 jimcmwang 2024-5-15 10:47
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