本帖最后由 test_account 于 2020-9-19 13:00 编辑
Looking for the ISSCC 2020 Forum:
F4: Cutting Edge Advances in Electrical and Optical Transceiver Technologies
- Ethernet's Optical Expansion / John D'Ambrosia, Futurewei, Plano, TX
- Future Signaling and Coding: Channel Limitations and Potential Solutions above 112G / Amin Shokrollahi, Kandou Bus and EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerlan
- Advanced Transceiver Design for 112Gb/s and Beyond Electrical Interfaces / Ronan Casey, Xilinx, Cork, Ireland
- 7nm FinFET DSP-Based High-Speed Low-Power Transceiver Design / Matteo Pisati, eSilicon, Pavia, Italy
- Recent Advancement in Silicon Photonics Foundry / Luo XianShu, Advanced Micro Foundry (AMF), Singapore
- Integrated Silicon Photonics Components for High-Speed Transceivers / Yuliya Akulova, Intel, Santa Clara, CA
- Advanced Optical Coherent Transceivers Based on Electronic-Photonic Integration Technology / Takashi Saida, NTT, Kanagawa, Japan
- Monolithic Silicon-Photonic Platforms in CMOS SOI Processes / Vladimir Stojanovic, Ayar Labs, CA